A Gamma's Revenge (Zalia)

A Ga 6

• Deimos

• Moon Stone Pack has made the first day of this meeting enjoyable, it is the first time I enjoyed mingling with the Alphas and Lunas.

Whenever an Alpha or a Luna was to overstep, one of the members of Moon Stone Pack intervened. I especially liked Slater's response to Mavka and Suzanna. Goliath still snickers when we remember his antics.

⚫ I hate that dinner is about to get served and I link the Queen to tell her that I still don't have an answer from Zalia.

• "Alpha Brad, I would appreciate it if you and your Pack-members join us in our private wing after dinner. I believe that Zalia still owes Deimos an answer." She says and with a small bow Alpha Brad accepts the invitation.

• One of the King's Guards announces that dinner will be served in fifteen minutes and everyone rushes towards the dining room, except for Moon Stone Pack. They follow behind us as we walk into the dining room, just as they are supposed to do according to protocol and I hear Goliath growl in my head at the disrespect.

• Moon Stone Pack doesn't sit down until the King gestures to them that they can and I know the others will get an earful on the disrespect they just showed the Royal Family. The King keeps standing in front of his seat and it takes a while before everyone realizes that he wants to say something, another form of disrespect.

• "Thank you for granting me your undivided attention." He sarcastically says, but I doubt any of them has gotten the message. "If I am not mistaken, you all receive a file on the correct protocol with your invitation to this meeting." He states and every Alpha nods their head.

• "If you all received it then why is it that none of you, except for Moon Stone Pack, show it? When the announcement is made that a meal is about to be served, you wait until the Royal Family has left for the dining room. If one of you breaks protocol again that person is responsible for the entire Pack to be removed from this meeting.

• That Pack will also be taken off the invitation list for five years and will only be able to get back on the list five years after taking a test. This is the only warning you get." The King states before he sits down and I see a lot of Lunas staring daggers at their Mates.

• Our staff walks in to start serving dinner, and as instructed they serve the Royal Family first, followed by Moon Stone Pack before they move on to the other tables.

• A few of our Omega servants look a little uncomfortable as they walk around the dining room, as some Pups from other packs keep uttering disrespectful words towards them, but it isn't until Slater gets up that I realize it is more than just discomfort.

"Alpha, I suggest you either teach your Pups some manners before taking them into the big world again, or leave them at home. One more remark from this table to people, I'll make sure you can all stay on your lazy asses and I will personally kick each of you out of the dining room. Am I making myself clear?" He growls.

• Eryx is already standing beside Slater and it is clear to the Alpha he better not talk back to Slater.

• The Omega servant is smiling at Slater, who makes a little bow towards her before he sits down again. It wasn't a mocking bow, it was a sign of respect from someone that understands that we all need our Omegas to survive.

• The rest of dinner is spend in silence and from time to time I glance around the room to see that every Alpha is mind-linking, probably warning their Pack-members about protocol. Some might even warn their Pack-members not to treat our Omegas the way they treat their own Omegas and just the thought of it makes Goliath roar in my head.

• Once dinner is over, one of the King's Guards opens the doors of the dining room, and after the King has excused everyone, they slowly make their way out of the dining room.

Most linger in the hall way or the main living room and I see a lot of people glaring at the members of Moon Stone Pack as they follow us to the Royal Wing of the Palace. Zalia

I am grateful that Slater got up to address the issue with the table behind us, I would have lost control to Twilight if I had gotten out of my seat. I still can't believe the remark the Alpha's Daughter made and Twilight gets agitated just thinking about it.noveldrama

⚫ I was patiently waiting for everyone to be served when I heard the Alpha's Daughter ask softly, "Who would want a filthy Omega for a Mate? What did you do to get a Mate? Did you trick him by getting pregnant?" I could feel how uncomfortable it made the servant feel and Twilight wanted to slash her claw over the female's face.

• She would have if I hadn't had an iron grip on my control, and if Slater hadn't gotten up, I might have lost the battle for control.

⚫ I can feel the eyes staring at my back as I follow Dad, it isn't just because I spend the afternoon next to Deimos. It isn't common for an Alpha and his Pack to get invited to the Royal Wing of the Palace. • Another thing they will hate me for and Twilight just shrugs her shoulder, neither one of us cares what anyone thinks or how they feel about us. I don't have to get along with everyone, and most of the larger Packs are Packs I would like to ignore for the rest of my life, but I will have to learn to play nice someday.

⚫ I know exactly why we were invited by the Queen, and I did find out why Deimos has trouble with staying awake after a night patrol, but I won't say anything until the Queen asks me about it. Kali and Elinor are walking on either side of me and we take a good look at our surroundings, we don't get this chance every day.

• As we enter their private wing, Eryx tells us that the ground floor holds their offices and private meeting room, and we follow him up the stairs to the first floor where their private living room is located. • There is enough room for each of us to sit and rest, with couches and armchairs spread across the room. Some seating areas offer a more private setting for a nice one-on-one conversation, and at the back of the room, a couch and a few armchairs are arranged facing a flatscreen mounted on the wall.

• The Queen excuses herself to get changed into something more comfortable and Asha and Sila follow her out of the living room.

• I walk towards the window to take a look at the view: the garden next to the Palace has areas of lawn with pavement running through it and every now and then a flowerbed. The further away I look, the more I see flowerbeds taking over until the garden ends near the tree line of the forest that surrounds the Palace.

• "Enjoying the view, Zalia?" the King asks and I just nod my head as I think about running through that forest, maybe I can ask the King if I can take a run before we have to go home.

• "Your Majesty..." I get interrupted by a soft growl from the King and I look at him in confusion, "Please, just call me King Alwin in public and Alwin in private." He says.


"Another reason." Twilight says chuckling and I just shake my head at her. "Alwin, if I can find the time, I would like to take Twilight for a run in the forest. I would like to see it through her eyes instead of my own, I always love how clear everything is when she runs through an area." I say and Eryx tells me that I can report to one of the Guards whenever I find the time.

"Zalia, did you figure out why Deimos needs so much time to recover from night patrol?" The Queen asks and before I can answer she tells me to call her Axelle in private. I smile as I try to find the words to explain what I discovered during the day.

• "Axelle, I did figure out why it takes him some time to recover and there is a way to improve it, but I am not sure if that is going to work. At least not with the amount of work he does beside running border patrol. I run border patrol every single day, and I rotate shifts just like our Warriors, that is why I have no problem functioning.

• It is a part of my routine, but I doubt Deimos can fit that into the workload he already has. My Dad runs border patrol with his team at least three times a week, but I know it is never easy for him to function fully after a night patrol and I believe that Deimos has even more on his plate than my Father does." I answer the Queen.

• Prince Ammon asks me if there is a way to change that and I nod my head at his question, "I am not going to repeat this out loud in front of anyone else though, he already has enough trouble fighting off the females as it is, and this would just add more pressure to Deimos." I respond and by the looks on their faces they all know what I meant with my answer.

The unmated males however seem to be oblivious to what I was implying with my words.

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