A Love Restored

A Love Restored 51

The sun barely stretched its fingers through the curtains as I stepped into Felix’s house. The sky was dark, today. Cloudes shrouded the blue sky. It was going to rain

The quiet hum of the vacuum cleaner echoed in the empty rooms, a familiar symphony to the routine of my work as a housekeeper

I began with the meticulous task of dusting the furniture that adorned the living room. The old grandfather clock in the corner chimed, I had a routine to follow. Work to do. Sometimes, I forgot that this was just a job I was doing. I was an employee here. In Felix’s home.noveldrama

Moving to the kitchen, I found an unruly pule of dishes in the sink. Pants with burnt food on it, I laughed to myself. I guess Felix had tried to cook.

Upstairs, the bedroom awaited changed linens, plumped pillows, and arranged the room with a precision that mirrored the chaos I felt inside…

As I reached the bathroom, I glanced at the minor, catching a glimpse of fatigue etched into the lines on my face. I had had such a weird day today. And since that encounter with Grey, I just couldn’t shake off this feeling of tension inside

Finishing the last few tasks, I lingered in the hallway, surveying the result of my day’s labor. The once–dusty shelves now gleamed, the unruly dishes were disciplined, and the rooms exuded a quiet order. Despite the accomplishment, a subtle unease lingered

As I prepared to leave, the front door creaked open, and Linda stepped inside, a tired smile playing on her lips. “Flora, you’ve truly worked wonders today,” she remarked. “I’m sorry I couldn’t join you. I had a doctors‘ appointment. Are you almost done?”

some dinner to be made,” I smiled. I actually enjoyed the solitude today. “Are you alright? Why the doctor?”

just som

“At my age, we’re all regulars for the doctor.

“You should rest, Linda. I’ll finish up here. See you tomorrow!”

She smiled and nodded.

I returned the smile, the weariness momentarily forgotters

1 hadn’t seen Felix

ix for the entire day, today. Not for breakfast, or lunch. I guess he had left early. Or maybe he’d spent the night elsewhere. I hated the thought of that.

I made him a quick dinner of fried rice and stir fried veggies is a sticky sauce. I looked so good I almost wanted to eat a little. And I was so hungry. Alas, I ate some of my leftover salad from the lunch I had packed for myself

It was quite late when I checked the time. A lot past the time I usually left. Oh and I was so tired. Imagining driving home made me feel even more tired. I sank down on the floor of the kitchen, laying my head against a cabinet. I’d just sit like this for a while and then go home. Just two seconds of catching my breath.

“Flora.” I was being shaken. My eyes jolted open, only to meet deep green orbs. Felix. I sat up quickly. “Felix!” I exclaimed. “I’m so sorry.”

“You fell asleep.” He said. His voice held no emotion. “On the flour. Why haven’t you left yet? Its 9 30”

I gasped. I was so late! “I’m so sorry. I was so tired.” In all my flustered state, I didn’t notice how close he was to me. His face, inches from mine. I could feel his breath on my face. His hand was still on my shoulder. 1 looked at it, and he suddenly snatched away his hand.

He stood up straight, and picked up a

up a glass of whiskey

iskey from the counter. “That’s fine.” He said, and walked out.

Cursing myself, I quickly gathered all my things and started to rush out the door. As I was walking toward my car, I saw Felis sitting alone in the garden, nursing the whiskey. The light from a lamppost shone on his face. Half of his face was golden. His eyes had bags underneath them, and he was staring off into the distance, thinking of something. My heart twisted inside my chest. He looked…and.

I wanted to go to him. Sit with him. Put his head on my sh

shoulder and hold him.

I think he saw me watching. He looked back at me. He stared. We both stared at each other, until it felt so intense I had to look away. He was still koking at me. I took a deep, long breath. 1 was going to risk it.


1:13 PM

My fists clenched at my side in anxiety, I counted to ten and hack several times as I took slow but determined steps to him. Inside the garden. Up the pathway. To him.

Felix watched as 1 sat down beside him. Neither of us said anything for a moment or two. I had to break the silence. “Hey.”

“Hey.” His voice a whisper.

“Can I have a drink, too?”

He raised his eyebrows, but he handed me his glass. Himself, he grabbed the bottle and took a large gulp. I pressed his glass to my lips. It felt so strange, and strangely intimate. Was it intimate to drink from someone else’s glass? Maybe not. But it felt like that. Like we were so close, in some way, Like we were a normal couple, or friends even just sharing a drink

It was smooth, expensive whiskey. Not the kind I usually drank, Cheap stuff that tasted bad, but it got you drunk quickly. It felt so good.

I fished inside my bag for my cigarettes, and lit one. I guess I should have asked, because Felix was only staring at me. He watched me take a drag. I awkwardly coughed.

“A lot has changed, huh?” I think he was saying it more to himself than to me,

A lot had changed, though. Five years ago, I never would have imagined sitting like this, in a garden, with Felix, drinking whiskey and smoking mint cigarettes, all while we sat side by side at a distance. Like strangers.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I should have asked.”

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