A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 20

'This cannot be happening' was the thought that coursed through Erin's mind as she saw the horrific scene playing out in front of her. One minute the werewolves were battling with the shadowy beasts, and the next minute, they were all running after Danshak.

The mad rush sent her mate fleeing toward the hill where Nikjin had stood not too long ago, howling at the top of his lungs.

Once the werewolves realized what was going on, they pursued the beasts, tackling them to the ground to stop them from reaching Danshak, but it was hard. They were not even interested in fighting anymore because all they wanted to do was to get back on their feet and chase their lone target.

"No!" Vak screamed, and Erin looked in his direction to see what was happening.

To her horror, she saw the Prime Alpha racing toward Nikjin who was at the moment ripping Olna Raven to shreds where she lay on the ground powerless.

Vak pounced on his brother, knocking him off the Luna who was now breathing raggedly where she lay. The brothers tussled with each other vigorously, rolling around on the ground as they fought.

Weruona and Zanisck ran to where their mother lay, to see how much damage their uncle had done to her.

"Oh, Mother," said Zanisck shakily. "Look what Nikjin has done to you."

Weruona was silent, but he licked his mother's wounds in an attempt to bring her relief.

Erin couldn't see much from her vantage point, so she dragged herself across the ground to reach her family. She couldn't see her father anywhere, but she hoped fervently that he was ok.

When Erin reached where her mother-in-law was, she gasped at the sight of Olna Raven's mangled body. Nikjin had torn her skin badly and ripped out one of her eyes.

"No," Erin whispered and began to cry. "How could he do this to you?"

Olna Raven coughed and blood poured out of her mouth. "I... told...you, there... would... be... losses," she whispered raggedly.

It was taking her so much effort to get the words out and her throat made a wheezing sound from where Nikjin had torn her windpipe open.

"You didn't tell me it would be you," said Erin in an accusatory tone. "Why did it have to be you?"

"What are you talking about?" asked Weruona, with a frown.

Olna Raven coughed again. "Your brother," she whispered to her sons. "Save him."

"We cannot leave you like this," Zanisck protested.

"Edvana is here," replied the wounded Luna.

"She is wounded too. She cannot help you," Zanisck argued passionately. "Nobody... can... help me," said Olna Raven with much effort. "Go now." "But - "

"She is right, brother," said Weruona, cutting short his brother's protest. "There is nothing we can do for her anymore, but we can still save Danshak and Father."

Erin could see how Zanisck fought to control his emotions. He was torn between staying beside his mother to watch her die and running off to save his brother's life. He rubbed his muzzle against his mother's ruined face and whispered. "Please, hold on until I return. Please."

"Go now, my dear," she replied softly.

With much effort, he tore himself away from his mother and ran off toward the hill where Danshak now stood, fighting off the beasts one after another.

"Hold on," Weruona whispered to his mother, and then he too ran off to join the others who were still in the thick of the war.

From her side-eye, Erin could see that the Prime Alpha and his brother were still fighting, and now Nikjin's snow-white fur was stained with blood from where Vak had slashed him with sharp claws. She returned her attention to Olna Raven and she was upset to see her mother-in-law in so much pain. The Prime Luna's life was barely hanging by a thread.

"What can I do to help you?" Erin asked even though she knew the answer to her question, but she just wanted to be useful. She couldn't explain how hurt she felt that this kind of werewolf whom she had only known for a few days, was now about to die and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Erin had never felt so helpless, or so useless in her life. It wasn't fair that her new pseudo-mom was about to be taken away from her in such a devastating manner.

"Just be... here," Olna Raven managed to rasp.

And so, Erin lay beside her mother-in-law and closed her eyes because she could not bear to watch another werewolf die a meaningless death in this war that should never have happened in the first place.

As much as she was concerned about Danshak's safety, she could watch and see him being mauled by those beastly creatures because that was going to be his end - there was no way he could fight off all of them. He was grossly outnumbered and the odds were in favor of Nikjin and his army.

She wondered what had become of her father; of Monah, the head warrior, of Seisa, and the other servants. How many werewolves have already lost their lives in this cursed place? How many more would have to die before this nightmare was over?

Tears ran down her muzzle from her closed eyes. A silly thought occurred to her that nearly made her giggle out loud. If she had known that she was coming to an era of civil war, she should have probably gone to bed with the dream stone and her father's hunting rifle that was stashed in their attic back in Fairbanks.

That would have surely tipped this fight in the werewolves' favor somehow. Where was the dream stone anyway? And what else could it do besides time travel?

"Mother?" Erin whispered, afraid that the Prime Luna may already be dead.

"Hmm?" came the barely audible response.

"What else does the dream stone do?"

"Vision," replied Olna Raven quietly. "Past... future..."

"Can I tell you a secret?" Erin asked tentatively.


"I am not Edvana," Erin whispered as if she was afraid that someone might overhear her.

"I know..."

Erin lifted her head to look at her mother-in-law. "You do? How?"

Olna Raven attempted to smile but the result was ghastly because of her tattered face. "Your words... they are... different."


"I once... went to the... future, but not... your time. I never met... you in... the future. I know... you are not... Edvana but you... have her spirit."

"So, where is Edvana now?"

"Inside you," said Olna Raven with great effort. "She needs you. Stay... please."

"I can't. I'm so scared. I don't want to die here."



"Mate... Dan shak... needs you."

Erin sighed and shook her head. "Look at me. I am wounded, I can't even fight. Of what use am I to him? I can't even help him now that he needs saving, so why should I stay?" "Stay," Olna Raven repeated firmly. "When... I am... gone. He will... need you."

Now, that made sense to Erin. If the Prime Luna died tonight, and Danshak somehow survives too, he would need her by his side to comfort him and grieve with him. But surely, Edvana could manage that, couldn't she? As far as Erin was concerned, she had witnessed enough pain and grief to last her a lifetime, so why should she stay here for more of that?

"When can I go back?" she asked.

"When the war... is over," replied Olna Raven.

"When will that be? Did the dream stone show it to you?"

"No... but if... you stay, you will... know."

Erin sighed and lay down again. She suspected that the Prime Luna knew something that she was telling her. Was there something that Erin was supposed to know before she returned to her reality? And if there is, what would be the importance of such information?

Gradually, the sky began to lighten on the horizon and Erin noticed that the moon had almost completely faded into the clouds. Dawn had come and with it, came the hint of daylight.

"It's morning already," Erin whispered triumphantly, although she didn't know why the appearance of morning light made her feel so relieved. "We survived the night, Mother. We survived it." "Hmm?" said Olna Raven, sleepily.

Erin lifted her head to look at the Prime Luna who appeared to be struggling to stay awake, knowing that if her eyes closed, they may never open again.noveldrama

"Hold on, Mother. Please, hold on," Erin whispered.

She knew Danshak and his brothers would want to be beside their mother when she died, and they would be twice as heartbroken if they are not able to say their final goodbyes to her. Erin looked in the direction of the ongoing battle to see what was happening and her jaw dropped open in shock when saw what was going on there.

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