A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 28

Before Erin could figure out what to do, she felt the weight suddenly lift off of her and when she looked back, she saw a black werewolf wrestling with the beast that had been on her back only two seconds ago. She didn't know whether to

intervene or let the werewolf fight it out with the creature.

To her utmost relief, the werewolf ripped the beast apart and stood up confidently, before looking around carefully to see if another intruder was hiding in the shadows.

"We have to keep our eyes peeled for another possible attack," said the black werewolf. "That was a close call between you and this monster. We cannot risk another surprise attack."

"Who are you?" Erin asked, squinting. "Wait, is that you, Zorraya?"

"You are not only stupid, but you are also blind," said the werewolf. "Of course, it is Zorraya. Were you expecting someone else?"

"Oh my goodness!" Erin exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want me to leave the compound?"

"I may not like you, Edvana, but I am not going to sit back and watch you get yourself killed like a stupid child. I did not do that for you, I did it for Danshak who I love like a brother. He expected your obedience but you think you are too clever to obey simple instructions."

Erin didn't like Zorraya's tone or her choice of words, but she was thankful for her sister-in-law's timely intervention. "Well, you can go back now. Thank you for saving my life."

"No, Edvana. I am not going back home alone, we are going back together, right now," said Zorraya, glowering at Erin.

"You're taking this caretaker role of yours too far," said Erin. "I am grateful to you for rescuing me, but now I must insist you leave and return home before they begin to miss you."

"You are not the only one whose mate is out there risking their lives to protect others, you know. Weruona instructed me to stay behind the protection of the guards and I was going to obey him, had it not been for you who ran off with no care for your safety.

"Staying back in the compound with the others does not mean that I love him less than you love your mate. Of what use would you be to Danshak if you were dead? Did you ever stop to think of how devastating it would be for him to return home from the war and find out that you are dead? Would that make your soul happy?"

Erin knew that Zorraya was trying to appeal to her common sense but she found the black werewolf's condescending tone quite irritating.

"As much as I am happy to still be alive, I do not appreciate your tone nor this judgmental stance you have taken. You don't need to feel responsible for my safety anymore, Zorraya. Please, feel free to go back home now."

She turned to leave but Zorraya jumped in front of her, blocking her way. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Zorraya with bared fangs. "The only way you will continue with this foolishness of yours is by going through me."

"Fine," said Erin, baring her fangs too. "If that's how you want it."

She ran forward, ramming into Zorraya with her head at full force but the other she-wolf wouldn't budge. Zorraya was stronger than Erin had given her credit for.

"Is that the best you can do?" sneered Zorraya. "When I said you survived those previous war attacks by sheer luck, I was not lying, as you can now see for yourself."

"Enough, Zorraya! Get out of my way. I don't want to fight with you."

"Oh, but I want to fight you, Edvana. Let us give it a go, shall we?"

Frustrated and annoyed, Erin ran toward her opponent again and this time, she was met halfway by Zorraya who pushed her away forcefully and then came after her immediately with unsheathed claws. Erin dodged Zorraya's vicious swipe and then sent her opponent flying backward with a surprise kick from her hind legs.

Irritated, Zorraya came back faster, landing on Erin and the two of them fell to the ground, wrestling with each other like sworn enemies. Their rumble continued until they heard a ferocious growl that did not come from either of them. They stopped fighting at the same time to listen again.

"Was that you?" Erin asked her.

"No, you fool. I heard it too," Zorraya snarled at her.

"A simple no would have done, it. There is no need for the name-calling," Erin hissed.

"Be quiet!"

Before Erin could come up with a sharp retort, they heard the growl again and both of them turned in the direction of the sound at the same time. When they saw what was responsible for the angry growls, they gasped in unison and sprang apart. The beast that Zorraya killed a few minutes ago was alive again and breathing even though its body was riddled with injuries and the gaping wound in its neck was still oozing blood.

It ran toward them and they fled from it, too afraid to stand their ground and fight the monster. Erin stole a glance backward and regretted it instantly. The beast was running after them with its head dangling from its almost severed neck. It was the most ghastly sight she had ever laid eyes on in her entire life, both past, present, and future. It was the stuff that nightmares were made of.

"We need to separate ourselves, Edvana. Run in the other direction," said Zorraya, taking off to the right.noveldrama

Erin obeyed her and ran to the left, hoping that the deathly creature would go after Zorraya, but when she looked back again, it was chasing her instead. "Leave me alone!" she screamed in frustration. When would she ever stop running in this ancient setting?

She was tired and so over this madness, and if she survived this night, she would fish out the dream stone from wherever it was hiding and scram back to the safety and sanity of her real life in Fairbanks. She has had enough of this maddening world of endless fighting and horrendous night creatures.

She turned around suddenly and waited for the beast to come close to her before diving at it and cutting off what was left of its neck. The headless animal ran off at top speed and kept going until it smashed itself into a tree and it died for the second time that night.

"Impressive," said Zorraya, coming up quietly behind her. "Let us hope the headless body does not come alive again."

"I doubt it," said Erin, nodding toward the beast's head on the ground near her. The glow had left the eyes and was replaced by gaping darkness. "I think as long as their heads are still attached to their bodies, they can come back to life just like zombies."

"What does that mean?"

"Zombies are also called the undead," Erin explained.

"You mean ghosts?"

"Not exactly, but I'm not sure I can explain that right now. We have to alert the Prime Alpha and the others about these creatures. I think Nikjin has fortified them with more dark powers to keep them alive and wear out the werewolf warriors, and when they are exhausted, he will show up and kill the supreme leader."

"You may be right," agreed Zorraya. "But how do we warn them? Who do we send? I think we should go back home and send two guards with a message for the Prime Alpha."

"We don't have time for that. We need to warn them right away. If my calculations are right, it took that creature about thirty minutes to come back to life, which means that the beasts that have been killed by the warriors before that one showed up should be back on their feet by now. It is up to the two of us to save our mates, the Prime Alpha and the warriors, and we have to do it now!"

Zorraya hesitated. "I am not sure that is such a good idea," she said.

"And why not?"

"Because we are supposed to be at home now, behind the secure borders of Vak Smallchief's compound. You keep forgetting that important detail."

"Listen, Zorraya, they'll be too thankful to us for warning them to even get angry that we disobeyed their orders. Come on, let's go."

"We shouldn't, Edvana," said Zorraya, not making any attempt to join Erin.

"You shouldn't, I should. I left home to be on the lookout for Danshak's safety and that is exactly what I am going to do."

"Ugh!" Zorraya groaned as Erin began to run off toward the thick of the battle where their mates were fighting demonic creatures that were even more dangerous than anyone could fathom. "Wait!" she called out to Erin, running after her.

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