After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 34

"It's like this, Gabriel's going to start a new family soon, and each family needs a mommy and daddy, but if you join his family, you'll be getting a new mommy."

A new mommy? Ashely's eyes widened at the thought of leaving the woman who he had grown up with and called mother since day one for some other woman who he didn't even know half as well.

Swiftly, he wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled closer, burying his face in her stomach.

"I don't want to have a new mommy," He protested, tightening his grip on Leonica to feel safe. "If I have to leave my mommy to have a daddy then... then, I don't want a daddy! I love my mommy and she's enough for me."

A feeling of guilt spread over Leonica's heart as she felt like she had manipulated Ashely, but hearing Ashely's words, the feeling was quickly flushed away and her heart melted from his

soft words.

Pulling him into a tighter hug, she kissed and caressed his hair. "I love you too, honey." She whispered however loud enough for Ashely to hear.

He chuckled and snuggled closer to his mother. Feeling his warmth and recalling his soft words convinced Leonica that she was doing the right thing.

Ashely was too young to experience the pain and hurt this world has in store for all and all she was doing, was simply protecting him. Protecting him from the world's cruel cards and his father's cruelty as well. But even when all those convincing thoughts roamed her mind, one particular questioned nagged at the back of her mind.

How long could she protect him from all that?

How long could she play his superman?

How long before he was snatched away from her?

"Never. She tightened her grip around her angel and pulled him closer, inhaling the one scent that seemed to calm her down during tough times like this.

She was never going to allow anyone take Ashely away from her, not the world's cruel cards and definitely not Gabriel.

Later that evening, Gabriel once again found himself at his regular suite in Club Parish. With the loud music blaring and the attendants being even louder, he stared blankly at the picture the stall owner had given to him earlier in the day. Staring at Ashely in the photo was almost as if he had been looking at his younger self from decades ago.

It was more than obvious what that meant.

"Hey dude!" Lloyd clapped the thinking male on the shoulder as he stepped into their regular suite, Christian following behind him.

Gabriel barely looked up from the picture to acknowledge them. It was almost as if he couldn't afford looking away from the picture in fear that what he was seeing would disappear.

"What's got you so down?" Lloyd questioned as he and Christian sank into their own chairs. When Gabriel didn't reply once more, he pointed out with a snort. "You look like some lovesick fool to me, dude. Are you okay?"

Ignoring Lloyd's question, Gabriel looked away from the picture and fixed his gaze on Christian, speaking for the first time since arriving at the club.

"Christian," He called the eldest attention, continuing when said make raised one of his brows. "From the perspective of a doctor, what are the requirements needed to confirm if a child is ones kid?"

Christian, a much as Lloyd, was stunned by his question. The two's mouth held open, but after a few seconds, only one of them spoke.

"You got Angelina pregnant?" Lloyd questioned with a side smirk.

Gabriel however, responded at lightening speed. "No!"

Christian and Lloyd glanced at each other, brows creased in confusion.

"Then whose child is it?" Christian was the one asking the questions this time around.

Gabriel's grip tightened around the picture he was holding, clearly hesitating to speak, but after a few seconds, he did.


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"What!" Both their voices were sky high, nearly overpowering the music blaring in there suite.

"Wait, wait wait, let me get this straight," Christian held his hand up, pausing the

conversation on Gabriel's side before it could go any further. "Leonica has a kid, and you think it belongs to you."

"He, not it." Gabriel corrected.

"My bad, he." Christian defensively raised his hand. "And, what makes you suspect that this kid belongs to you. Leonica is a young woman, how are you so sure she hasn't had other relationships since the divorce?"

Christian's question unnecessary angered Gabriel and without thinking, he slammed the picture in his hand down on the table, shoving it towards his friends who sat on the opposite side.

"Look at this picture, Christian," He furiously gritted his teeth. "Look at this picture and tell me how I should doubt the truth that this boy, is MY son, when he's the spitting image of me.""

She Aurorteu His Baby Eight Years Agu

She Aborted His Baby Eight Years Ago.

Looking at the hard evidence in front of them, both Lloyd and Christian were shocked.

The boy in the picture, some place around the age of four to five, had light blonde hair very much resembling the color of Leonica's hair five years ago. His eyes were round and held a bright shade of grey, which, just like the rest of his facial proportions, looked very much like Gabriel's own. There was no denying it, the kid they both were gazing at, or at least the photographic version, looked a lot like little Gabriel slapped into Corel-draw and edited with yellow locks.

"Wow, so you have a kid," Lloyd reached for the picture, examining the child's face as he brought it closer to his eyes. "An actual kid," he added with a smirk. "And here I was thinking that I'd be the first one to knock up some chick. Congrats man."

Putting aside his friend's unnecessary excitement for the situation, Christian spoke. "Fine, maybe you're right. The kid does look like you,"

'An awful lot!' He couldn't stop his face from scrunching up in disgust at the thought of now having two Gabriel's around.

One was already headache enough for him.

"What do you then plan to do if he is indeed your kid?" He questioned.

Gabriel didn't miss a heartbeat, stating his answer as quickly as his mouth allowed. "As long as it's medically proven that he's my son, I'm going to take him back of course, what else am I

meant to do."

"And Leonica?"

"What the hell about her?" Gabriel questioned back.

Lacing his fingers together, Christian leaned forward with a sigh, choosing to once again reason with his friend. "Taking This boy away means that you're going to strip him of motherly love. Are you going to do that? Or are you perhaps planning on remarrying Leonica?" "Like hell I would!" That is what Gabriel wanted to say, but for some reason, Christian's question had silences the words in his mouth even before they rolled off his tongue.

Remarry her? Of course he didn't want to do that. No way in hell would he have the mind to make such a decision after all she had done.

Yet, even with those thoughts in his mind, his heart tinged at the idea, not totally rejecting the thought of having Leonica at his wife once more.

"So?" Christian urged for his friends answer.

Even though he was not sure what would come out from his mouth as an answer, Gabriel

Libby Eight Years Ago

allowed his lips to part, a response forming on the tip of his tongue, however interrupted by the familiar sound of his phone ringing.

The subject at hand seemed to die down as Gabriel reached for the device laid face first on the table and spotted the called ID which belonged to Angelina's personal doctor. Anything that has to do with Angelina's health would always put Gabriel on the edge, so without wasting time, he clicked on the answer Icon and pressed the phone against his ear. "Doctor Ken, talk to me."

"Good evening Mr. Bryce." The doctor greeted from the other end. "I apologize for calling so late and sudden at that, however, there's something concerning Ms. Fernandez that has come. to my attention that I believe I must discuss with you."

Uncrossing his leg, leaning forward and now resting his elbows on each of his knees, Gabriel encouraged. "Go on, I'm listening."

"Ehm, well you see, the thing is...sensitive matter such as this can not be discussed over the phone. I'd highly appreciate it if you could take some time out of your busy day and briefly drop by at Ms. Fernandez's residence as soon as now."

Gabriel thinned his lip, eyes drilling into the back of the picture of Ashely that Lloyd was still gushing over.

He still hasn't gotten the answer regarding the question he asked Christian, but anyways, Angelina's health was far more important, they could always revisit this topic whenever he pleased.

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

"You're leaving?" Christian asked as he watched Gabriel end the call and rise to his feet.

"Angelina's not feeling to well and doctor Ken just

Christian suddenly scoffed, cutting Gabriel's words shut before he could finish explaining.

"As expected," He shook his head. "Three years wait, eight. Eight who years and you're still running to Angelina at her fucking beck and call. Aren't you tired? Or," There was a pause in his speech and he once again leaned forward, eyeing Gabriel. "Do you simply believe you can hang onto her while playing another?"

"What?" Gabriel took a step forwards, brows creased.

"You hesitated, the question I asked, I mean.'

"So, what the fuck does that have to do with 'playing another?" He made finger quotes. "Oh it had everything to do with it, Gabriel. You may not have noticed it, but I did, your hesitation said more than enough. Now, here's a piece of advice, don't think you can hang onto Angelina while Leading Leonica on. Playing with the heart of two women...that," Henoveldrama

shook his head, ignoring the way Gabriel's fist were already balled into fist squeezing the material of his suit he was holding, and continued. "That's just not nice."

"The fuck are you saying?" Gabriel advanced towards Where Christian sat, but before he could do anything drastic, Lloyd had already stood up.

"Hey! Hey, now, let's all avoid creating a scene." He placed his hand on Gabriel's chest, stopping the incoming storm. "Back, back off. Come on." Gently pushing his friend, he placed a reasonable amount of distance between them before sighing in relief. Gabriel however, was far from relieved. He glared at Christian, his grey eyes seeming pitch black under the suite's lighting.

"You're crossing the line, Christian," Gabriel pointed out. "We may have been friends for decades, but you should be well aware where to draw your lines." He warned, glaring a few more seconds at Christian before turning on his heels and exiting the suite.

The walk to his car and the drive towards Angelina's place was blurred by the inessential anger that Gabriel felt. To top it all off, the cherry on top, as people would say, his mind took the initiative to replay the way Christian had challenged him concerning Angelina. Sure, their relationship had been going on for quite some time and each time she called, he always rushed to visit him, but...but.....

"Fuck." Gabriel cursed, not being able to think of any defending speech.

Christian was right, he always acted like he was at Angelina's beck and call.

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