Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 55

'Check the perimeter.' Rydere barked at me.

I looked around outside but I didn't see anyone. Taking a deep breath, I ran, making sure all four were following. They were and we stopped at the end of the castle. Now was the biggest stretch of land between here and the forest. My heart pounded in my throat. We were so close but there were five warriors lollygagging out front. Crouching down, I motioned around the corner, and I held up five fingers.

Dylan shook his head and whispered. "We won't make it."

I nodded and closed my eyes.

'If only they were small enough to fit in a backpack.' Rydere mused as he paced.

My eyes widened. 'That's it!'

I set the two down onto the grass and had the others huddle together. Going back into the kitchen, I searched around the cupboards until I found a large table cloth. It was a dark green and I smiled. Heading back out, all of them froze until they saw it was me.

"I'm going to shift, kids. Get on my back. Dylan, throw the cloth over and tuck it in. Like you're all one bundle on my back."

"Will big enough?” Lana looked a little skeptical and I smiled.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

I gave her a wink before pulling off my shirt. My pants ripped though as I shifted into my wolf form. Sure, I was nowhere near as beautiful as an all white or black wolf but I like my colors. My greying over the years was starting to spot the brownish color of my wolf and Rydere was upset for weeks after he made fun of me for my grey hair.

The kids gasped and were wide-eyed as I laid down in front of them. Almost immediately, hands and fingers were scratching me, stroking my fur. Sighing, I let myself enjoy their touch before touching my nose to Dylan. He started putting each kid on my back before climbing on himself. With the power and growth Auri gave us, I could have actually fit two more kids comfortably.

Each one of them grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it under them. Suddenly, I had a makeshift backpack full of kids. Up close, it probably looked idiotic but the warriors out front were far enough away that it may just look like a large duffle. Rising up, their weight was barely anything on me. I started to walk around, letting them get used to and hold on tight to my fur. Turning, I took off running.

They squeaked at first but quieted down as I raced across the yard. The five warriors out front stared at me but I was headed in the direction of the front lines, where I was supposed to be going. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as none of them moved to follow after me.

I ran for about ten minutes before slowing down. Stopping, I shook a little bit and the table cloth fell to the ground. The kids shifted and sat up a little. Letting them readjust, I started to run again towards the meeting point Vale had indicated. It was still about ten to fifteen minutes because I headed in the direction of the front line not curving down south to the meeting place. The warriors worried me too much and I wanted to make sure they weren't following.

This time, the kids laughed as I ran. Feeling the freedom and the breeze of being outside for the first time in months. I slowed down to let them enjoy it a little before I smelled the human and vampire group. My trot turned into a walk when I found the clearing. There were seven or eight different scents and I set myself on guard.

I stopped on the far side of the clearing and laid down, allowing the kids to slide off. Then, I encircled them, to get into a tighter group before walking out to the middle of the clearing. The different scents stepped out and before they got too close, I growled. One of them, a vampire, tossed some pants and a shirt at me. Shifting, I threw them on and stood up.

"Are you Hector?"noveldrama

"Yes, I am."

The vampire smiled and nodded. "Thank you. You have done a great service."

Shaking my head, I walked back to the kids and picked up the two that I had been carrying before. The other four huddled around my legs. A woman stepped forward and held out her arms. Two of the children raced to her. She was in tears, as were they. Dylan was eyeing the vampire but an older woman stepped forward as well.

“Come children. It's time to go home."

Dylan looked up at me. "Thank you, Hector. Thank you so much. Without you...who knows where we would have ended up."

I shifted the little girl in my arm and ruffled his hair. "It's bravery like yours that will lead the future. Don't forget it. Don't lose that, Dylan." Looking at one of other humans. "These two can't walk. Lana here has a broken leg."

Two of them stepped up, one taking Lana out of my hands but while the second reached for the little boy, he turned away and buried his face in my shoulder.

"Little one, it's time for you to go now." I whispered to him.

He shook his head.

"Spencer, dear, your aunt is waiting." The woman seemed impatient and it scared him even more. He started to shake.

Sitting down on my knees, I pulled him away from my shoulder. “You have a home. You have your friends will protect you now. Don't worry. There is no need to fear now, alright?"

Spencer shook his head and closed his eyes, leaning away from the woman farther.

"Auntie Faith, why don't I take Spencer?" Dylan stepped forward and reach out to the little one in my arms. He still didn't budge. "Come on Spence, you can stay with me at my house. After we get checked over."

"No!" He yelled but it was so soft. "No no no!"

My brow furrowed and I looked up at the woman who looked angry.

"Hey Spencer, how about I come visit you? I know my king will need to speak to your family. In the mean time, I think after getting checked out then staying at Dylan's would be good. Dylan protected you all this time, I trust he can continue to do so, don't you think?"

The little boy nodded and finally his death grip on my arm loosened. Dylan came forward and picked up Spencer in his arms. Spencer waved goodbye and I nodded, waving as well. The humans and a couple of the vampires left as well.

"Are you Jess and Peter of the High Council?"

The two vampires left nodded. The woman was lovely. I could see why Vale would talk about her so fondly. He had his mate now but I knew the two of them were mucking about before he met Ezekiel. Vale said I could trust Peter but my past experiences with the High Council left a bad taste in my mouth.

"We are. Thank you. I know Vale was distracting the Alpha and Beta but it must not have been easy to get them out."

I chuckled. "Surprisingly easy, actually. But you need to speak with the kids. They said that they were being handed over soon. I think they were the replacements so that no more of the pack's pups were being taken. Vale and I will try to get to the bottom of it but I would trust the kids more at this point."

Jess nodded. "You're probably right. We will look into it. There were some other red flags within the coven anyways that we were wanting to scope out."

"Like that little one clinging to the very monster who captured him rather than go back to his home?"

The two of them nodded. "There has been a lot of that going around with the kids. We'll see what we can find."

I nodded and pulled off my clothes. “Contact, Vale. We will set up after we figure out what is going on with the pack."

Shifting, I took the clothes in my mouth but Peter crouched down and leaned into my ear. "Be wary of Mark. I don't know how much Vale has told you, just...don't trust him too much."

Snorting, I took off. Vale had already warned me but it raised the fur on my back that one of the High Councilors was saying it as well. I raced towards the front line where I was supposed to be and shifted as soon as I got to the makeshift barracks.

When I thought the border patrol was sad, this group barely could be called a camp. One tent and everyone else just meandering around. Sitting on stumps or leaning against trees. It was disorganized, undermanned, and frankly, pathetic. I caught the attention of just about every wolf but I pulled on my clothes and headed into the single tent.

Vale, the Alpha, Beta Joshua, and High Councilor Mark were sitting around a table with different flags on them. It looked like a movie set and a bad one at that.

"Good of you to show up, Hector." High Councilor Mark jeered at me.

I shrugged. “It's Beta Hector, and if you came straight from another month long mission, you would want to get as much sleep as you could too. Trust me. We all can't sit in chairs and lord over people now can we?"

Mark growled but Vale cleared his throat. "We are waiting to hear back from the scouts. Seeing if they plan on attacking today or not."

I nodded and shoved my hands in my pocket. I leaned against one of the poles holding up the tent. "I guess being here earlier wouldn't have mattered anyways."

"We've been discussing battle plans in the mean time. Which would be most efficient in taking down the witches and vampires." The Alpha stated. I couldn't be bothered to remember his name. I think Vale told me once when I wasn't listening.

"It shouldn't be about killing more. It should be about preserving life. You've already lost too many warriors to this. It should be about defending, not attacking." Vale snapped back.

This time Joshua pipped up. "A good defense is a good offense. We need to strike now. Wipe them out..."

"Wipe them out? Why the fuck would you want to wipe them out? Just destroy people who are only looking for their children? Who are hurting and angry? Do you remember what that felt like when you lost your pups?" I threw into the mix. This shut up both the Beta and the Alpha.

High Councilor Mark, not knowing when to shut up, tapped the desk. "We still need to be prepared if they attack again. If they don't give up then we will need to..."

He quieted when three wolves, two in wolf form, barreled into the tent. "They are retreating, Alpha!! All of them! They are all leaving! Vampires and witches!"

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