Bedmates Soulmates


rush hour

Anacasional pedestrian tossed aculous glance at the trio before hurrying away

Bira considered shooting for help, but she would probably be bundled into the car before anyone could hear her.

She was sandwiched between the tall man in front other and the short guy behind her

Tober right was the rar and to her left was a shop whose door was closed

Kia balled her bands into fist

She had picked up a few taekwondo mes trom Glana over the years.

she didn't need to take down all of them

She just needed to carpener one of them and then make the mad dash to the office building, which was manned by two security guards.

Andersing her intention, the tall guy stretched out his right hand, revealing a capped needle in his palm.

Twould prefer not to use this on you, Ms Hewit

words conveyed enough menace

Kire eyed the needle.

Along while later, she gave in and climbed into thecar.

The windows we leted

She cos't see the roads, but she knew they were headed away from downtown

Dapat in the back with one guardon either side other

Neither spoke.

The driver was another thicket man just es silent.

Kradn't recoge any of thes

Her bran kicked its high gea

Her heart pounded fat and bard

What could they wand wish her! Antinigess wal

wes temple ply persistent

neche hurt bon, whereas these men were prepared to use force when necess prof the leather seat intense cance hahte haped when the B

BMW finally stopped


first and held the door open der her

Shed and ama that she was ending in front of arwa terryhous

Her Father's Murderer

There were no other buildings in sight.

Kira was led through a security gate, past a yard Filled with overgrown evergreen shrubs.

She heard a city noises here, no snarl of trafficer chattering of pedestrians,

Tok must be the suburbs.

She stepped through the open front door.

The living room was spacious and well-appointed.

The wood furniture was polished to a glossy shine.

Objets d'art were arranged artistically.

into a room upstairs.

Before she could finish taking stock of the house, she was led int

was a big bedroom with a small string are in the trout.

The door clicked shut behind her.

Renwas left alone.

She tried the doorknob.

it didn't turn

The door was locked from the outside

The windows were shut and bolled down light

Kira could see into the backyard, devoid of vegetation and activity.

The room was fully furnished but gave no clue as toes owner's identity

Kira waited and waited, her patience wearing thin,

She searched the nightstand and then suite bathroom, and found nothing she could use to pay the windows open

he hid a small disposalile razor blade in her jeans pocket

Maybe it would come in handy later

pounded on the door. "Hello? Anyone out there? Let me out!'

No response.

Kira waited in agitated silence for another half an hour.

Finally, she heard muffled footsteps on the carpeted hallway outside.

A moment later, the doorknob isted

Standing in the open doorway was a women wearing a beige cheongsam

She was in her early thirties.

Her beautiful face was immaculately made up.

She carried a tray in her right hand.

Miss Hewitt, you must be hungry

She set down the tray on a table near the door

Kira smelled roasted chicken and butter

Het stomach growled

It must be way past noon by now.

"Please help yourself

"Who are you?" Kina eyed the woman warlly

She had never seen her before.

You can call me vete

What do you want from?

The woman beira's placidly "Nothing. I'm not the one who brought you here.

Then who did

Vette parsed before saying, "I'll come and collect the tray later. Please let me know if you need anything else

"How long are you planing to keep me bete?!

Yvette turned rand and headed for the door

Kapenced enter

She said her right an under the woman's chin and wrapped around her neck, keeping her in a chokehold

Her hands clutched at Kira's arm

The two men who brought her here rushed into the room

They had been standing guard right outside.

'Don't move!' Krasnarled at them

Before either could act, loud footsteps came up the stairs.

Aman's lace soon apprated behind the guards.

Kira's eyes widened.

She had speculated Gidron was behind this, or maybe even Lim

But she couldn't be more wrong

Henry McCarthy knitted his brows as he took in the scene.

Yvette's face was burning blue.

"What are you waiting for? Sebastian backed out an order to the guards. They sprang forward and pried Kira's arm off the woman's neck.

Kira was too stined to put up a fight

Four years after her father's death, she saw the murderer again,

Henry McCarthy's deeply lined face was etched in her memory. Kirasated.

She struggled to break tree of the guards hold, but it was in win

Henry turned to Yvette. 'Are you okay?"

The woman touched her neck, where a braise was forming "I'm fine"

Her voice was raspy.

Henry tilted his head towards the door.

Yvette took the hint and lett obediently

Kira didn't notice

All her attention was on Henry McCarthy, her father's murderer.

she had wanted to kill him right after her father passed away.

She did try, but failed miserably

Then Austyn was shot and went missing

Before she could find him, however, she went into labour and gave birth to the twins,

With no babies to look after, Kira had to swallow herrage.

She spent the next three years raising her kids and searching for Austyn, but she never forgot about the murderer, not even a moment,

se dreamed of the day she would make Henry McCarthy par

Miss Hewitt, good to see you've still got that feisty spirit Henry's voice was croaky and harsh-sounding mined by decades of tobacco

Kirw said nothing.

She clamped her mouth shut

If she opened it, the only words she could utter would be expletives.

Henry read her mind

*Are you thinking about taking revenge for you?" He chuckled and then shook his head. "I thought you've grown up. I was wrong. You are still the same naïve young wom you were four years ago!

He swept a hand towards the geeds. "You wouldn't have gotten within ten metres of me it hadn't allowed you to,at you know what's good for you, you should give up on that Inglish Iday and more on with your life!

"What the hell do you want? Kira fingered the razor blade in her pocket.

Henry was standing there metres away.

she would have to disable both guards before she could reach him

Henry renowed his phone from his pocket and swiped at the screen. Aunty's intelliger and not your

Kina's blood can cold at the mention of her kids.

"You leave them all!

Her face turned pale.

'You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you've raised the kids well only hope they inherite

Henry noted the fear in her eyes and smiled in satisfaction. 'Don't worry. I'm their grandfather, after all I just want to spend some time with them." Hechecked his phone. '1' sent someone to pick them up from school. They should be on their way here now." ora shuddered

Her Father's Murderer

Henry was as cold as a reptilian.

He cared nothing about family.

Why would he take a sudden interest in her kids?

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Like Father, Like Son

Kira glowered at Henry.

It looks could kill, he'd be a pile of smouldering ashes by now.

Kira knew she didn't stand a chance going up against someone as powerful as Henry McCarthy

Four years ago, the police attributed her father's death to natural causes, backed up by testimony from the hospital.

There was no investigation, let alone any arrest.

Part of the reason she took the job as a field correspondent was so that she could have a voice in the media.

She did try, whenever she bad the opportunity, to expose Henry McCarthy's shady dealings.

She knew he was a weapons dealer and had connections on both sides of the Irir.

But she underestimated the extent of his clout in Stamford

Any piece she wanted to publish with Henry's name in it was shot down by the chief editor.

Kira had to swallow her hatred and bide her time.

She could take the pain of having to wait for justice to be served, but she couldn't bear it when he threatened her kids' safety

"Henry McCarthy, you leave my kids alone! It anything happens to them, I swear I'll all you!!

She lunged at Henry.

But the guards acted fast and pinned her arms behind her back

Henry walled up to her.

His face showed every one of his fifty-five years of life.

His eyes, however, were still sharp

Kina stared into them and saw the wicked soul that lay behind

Henry lifted her chin with his index finger, tilting her face upwards.

'Life has tried you well. You are even more beautiful than you were four years ago. No wonder Austyn would turn against me for you!

His ice-cold touch made her fleshcrawl

Kira shook her head violently. 'Don't touch me!'

She resisted the urge to catch

The razor blade was in her pocket, but she couldn't reach it.

'Stop blaming others for your own mistakes!" She spot out the words, Austyn hated you long!

in their right mind would want to stay away from you!"

ng before I came along. You are a lousy father and an even worse human being. Anyone

's that so? Henry curled his lips into a crued smile. But surely, you have heard of the saying-ketather, like son. Austyn has half of my DNA. If you think I'm such a bad person, what about him? He's not exactly as pure as the dreen snow himself, you know. Kira refused to look at him.

"He's the one who approached you first, remember? He found Leland Hewitt, and he proposed marriage to you to keep you under his thumb. You were nothing but a pain to him.' Kira flinched.

Henry gave her a disdainful smile. But my dear boy eventually tell captive to your charm. He decided to turn over anew leaf and abandon the plan to save his mother's life. But I couldn't allow that to happen. So I stepped in, and I finished what he started Kira's body trembled with rage.

Henry's words forced her to relive the traume of losing her father all over again.

She bucked and thrashed, trying to break free of the guardshold.

Henry was amused by her futile struck.

"I went easy on you on account of your pregnancy, I should have killed you back then! He stuffed the phone back into his pocket. But I granted you four years of extra lite. You should be grateful'

Ken's heart was filled with dread.

Outside the windows, omous darkeloads were gathering overhead.

Austyn armed at three o'clock on the dot ready to pick up the twins from school.

A crowd of puts had gathered outside the main gate

Austyn parked the minban some distance away

Helped the blue folder on the front passenger seat and picked it up

Bentada dossier on Alpo, Gideon's company

Elam had agreed to work with him to bring down Alga

The dossier was his way of showing good faith.

The Cisner family's power base was in Ouchlan

Giden fandomderable pushback from his ternily when he set up Algo in Stamford

Lam speculated that Gideon bribed his way into city hall, where he found backing from high-level officials who rubber-stamped his business plans.

Essentially, he had to do it alone

Liam knew some of the names of Gideon's sponsors, but he had no concrete evidence

That was where Austyn came in

He grew up in Stamford and knew the city inside and out, including its power structure

instead of taking on Algo bead-on, all he needed to do was remove the company's protection and pull the rug out from under

Austyn tapped anger on the folder, lost in thought

He kept one eye on the main gate, walling to see the familiar faces of the twins

Hegst out of the car when he heard the school bell, which signalled the end of class

Strolling towards the dir

She didn't pick up.

Aust lett her a message, asking what she wanted for dinner

Then he called Lur

The police chief musthebusy

Austyn frowned and cated another number

Lam picked up after three rings. "What

"Gaver Kara's work address. Austyn went straight to the point

What makes you think know? Ham asked, just to be contrarian

Because you are nesy and like to pry into other people's lives,' Austyn said coldly

Lamelled his eyes. "That's called being informed"

Was caught sight of Miss Cooper and picked up his pace. "Do you have the address or not?"

Is that any way to ask for a cur? I didn't hear the words "

Stop being an ess!

"please" or "thank you"

Do you use that land of language around your kids? Lamclicked his tongue

wat ook a deep breath

Grahad losisted on being dropped off some distance aurey from her office.

here Austyn would not need to suit through the pain of dealing with his cheeky half-brother.


Miss Cooper spotted Austyn and waved at him. 'Mr McCarthy! Good afternoon.'

"I'm here to pick up the kids." Austyn nodded at the teacher.

"Uh, I was just about to say I'm surprised to see you here, since the kids have already left."

"What? with whom?' Austyn's voice went up an octave

"With their grandfather's assistant.'

Austyn stepped forward, pinning the teacher with a hand glare. "Say that again."

Miss Cooper stammered, "Th-their grandfather. Principal Maxwell showed up during the last lesson. He brought a man who claimed to be sent by the kids' grandfather Said 1 was a family emergency. Id-didn't stop him because the principal vouched for him."

"Why didn't you call me?

"I-I don't have your number.

Austyn sprinted back towards his car.

Liam overheard the conversation.

He knew who this "grandfather' was, of course, but he didn't understand what Henry wanted with the twins

The old man showed no interest in them after

they were born

He did approach Liam, asking if he wanted to send Aiden to re at Cedarwood Mansion.

Was he now trying to do the same with the twins?

But Kira would never allow that

Firm shot out of his chair and pushed past the secretary.

"Mr Cane! Where are you going? The meeting starts in fifteen minutes!

Liam jumped into his car and sped towards Cedarwood Mansion.

Hestraggled to comprehend Henry's motive.

Four years ago, Kita tried to kill the old man, who would never tolerate such an affront.

But then Austyn went missing and Henry backed off

He had not made a move on Kira in years.

Liam thought the old man had put the whole thing behind him, but he was obviously still holding a grudge

Liam kept his foot on the gas, his mind racing.

He didn't want to pass judgement on who was in the right and who was wrong, but Henry should not have dragged the kids into the adults' mess. The twins were just three years old.

Just in case, Liam texted Charles, asking him to watch over Aiden and keep him inside the house

He pulled up outside the baronial mansion, waited impatiently for the armed guards to clear him before he was allowed to drive through the security gate.

It had been years since he returned to this place

This was where his mother passed away.

Liam took a deep breath and shook off the disturbing image of his mother lying in a pool of blood,

"Where's Henry?" he asked the first domestic employee he saw in the house.

The women in an apron shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know."

"What about Sebastian?

""Mr Abbott has gone out."

"To where?"

"I have no idea

Lim pushed his way past the guards and went upstairs.

The door to the study was locked.

The master bedroom was empty.

Clan came downstairs.

Where could Henry have taken the kids?

He owned at least a dosen properties all over the city, and those were just the ones Llam was aware of.

I would take days to search them al

He looked up when he heard the roar of an engine outside, then hurried footsteps.

Austyn appeared in the open doorway with a grim look.

"Where are they?" braked.

Jan spread out both hands. No klea. I checked upstairs. Not there!

"Austyn!' Charlotte came downstairs. What's going on?"

She had come out to check when she heard noises in the hallway:

Liam arrowed his eyes.

He turned away from the woman and said nothing.

Kai jogged into the living room after parking the car. 'Madam, Kira and the kids are missing."

"What?" Charlotte gripped the handrail

Liam turned to Austyn. 'Kira's missing as well?"

"I called Luca, got her work address. She wasn't there. Her colleagues said she didn't show up this morning."

Austyn clenched his jaw.

He was the one who dropped her off in the moming

He should have stayed and waited till she got into the building before leaving

"What's going on?" Charlotte glanced back and forth between Liam and Austyn. How could they all go missing at the same time? Who-

"Who else?" Liam sneered. 'Your dear husband is behind this, of course."

"Wh-what? Charlotte felt a wave of dizziness coming on

Four years ago, she made a pact with Henry.

She would stay at Cedarwood Mansion with him if he agreed to leave Kira and the kids alone.

Why did he have a sudden change of heart?

Liam ignored her and said to Austyn, 'I checked upstairs. Henry's not here. Nar's Sebastian,

He lowered his voice. What do you plan to do?

Maybe Austyn had a way to track down the kids.

Austyn glanced at him 'You should leave."

Lam stared at him 'What

"Henry's coming back here eventually." A strely determination came into Austyn's eyes. 'When he does, it will be his death. If you don't want to be implicated, leave now,"

Jennie was

was curled up in the backrear of the moving sedan

She hugged at her brother's sleeve and whispered, "I don't like this,"

The man who claimed to be working for their grandfather was in the driver's seat

He had not said a word since the kids got in the car

Nor did the other burly man in the front passenger seat.

Joshua Eripped Jennie's hand. "I'll be okay. I'm here.

The car finally stopped

The rear door was pulled open from the outside.

An old man with a wrinkled face waved at them. "Hi, kids,"

Jennie stayed by her brother's side. "Who are you?"

I'm your grandfather, You can call me Grandpa Henry

Joshua didn't like the way the old man was looking at him, like he was assessing the value of a piece of merchandise

But Jennie let go of his hand and crawled out of the car, lured by the mouth-watering smell of hot butter.


stomach growled.

Henry led both kids into the house.

Sebastian parked the car and followed them Inside

A Monster And A Psychopathnoveldrama

'Wow, your house is huge! Jennie looked around the spacious living room.

It was larger than their apartment.

'Do you

live here alone?" Jennie looked up at Henry

He nodded. "I have many more rooms upstairs. Do you want to come and live with Grandpa?

He was talking to Jennie, but his evaluative gaze wasted on Joshua

www the first he saw the bay up close.

He had Austyn's thin lips and, apparently, also Austyn's vigilance.

Joshua had not said a word since he came in and held onto Jennie's hand tightly

The girl went quiet.

She looked at the dining table, laid out with half a doon dishes.

Then she inched closer to her brother a silent refusal.

Joshua squeezed her hand. 'Mister, Mam is waiting for us at home. Could you send us back, please?!

'Mummy is going to be upset when she finds out we left school early, Jennie said, staring at the floor




the twins.

He pointed to the dining table. You can have dener firstbefore going home your mother won't mind."


cast a longing look at the load.

she was


But Joshua shook his head.

Jennie remained where she was

She was two minutes older than Joshua, but her brother was always the more mature and sensible one.

Henry looked at joshur's tiny liger

The boy was catching his sister's hand and standing close to the doos, griting ready to bolt

It reminded Henry of a young Austyn.

Austyn was a quiet child.

He wore peticent when he was about four perhaps because Henry and Charlotte often quarrelled during that year,

The louder their was the quest became.

Jennie had Austyn's eyes and nose, but justus inherited Astya's temperament,

Henry softened his voice, 'Don'the scared. I'm your grandfather. I won't hurt you."

Jennie wasious. "Are you the fatherstou num? But she told is you wear lehewe!

"Na." Henry thought of Leland and dismissed that name quickly. "I'm the father of your daddy. I'm Henry Mccarthy."

The now see you before!

"That's because I've been busy bed at Jennie. "Come he

Jenlocked at her brother.

When he didn't mane, neither did she

Fahy don't you two stay here for a couple of days? So you can get to meet Henry sat on the sea, dacing the kick, who remained standing

Cons this a haladay, you don't have to go to school!

youran haw anything you e-food, toys, clathes. There wil be no school,

homework. You can stays you the what do you say?

Josh shook his head and spoke up for both of them. "Thank you, but we can't stay. Mam will be warrel,

Henry Tilgivelracal"

Jenue ribbed her bely 'Timfungry"

She reppodat Joshua's hand 'Can we go home

Jostela tomed to Henry. "We would like one now, prase "

Henry last has palice

He slammed the codies tall with modering you to stay

Terit të fortged at the sudden bedinisike



Josh the both amandi alter, a protectie gesture. Henrygewitated

The girl's shrill wailing grated on his nerves.



He shot to his feet and stomped towards Jennie with his hand raised:

"Don't hart my sister!" joshat threw himself at the old man and sank his teeth into Henry's left wrist

Henry hissed in pain and flung the boy away.

Joshua landed on the sofa.

Jennie was petrified

"Joshua!" She ran to her brother. 'Are you okay?'

Joshua struggled to sit up

Head the front door, but it was shut tightly.

There were two adults in the thing room-Henry and the man called Sebastian

Joshua hurged his sister. 'I'm okay. Stay with me.'

He couldn't overpower two adults, but he would look for an opportunity to escape.

Jennie leaned against his chest and sobbed. "I want to go home. Imbs Manny and Daddy..!

Joshua patted her head and kept a vigilant que on the old man

Henry tossed one last book at the twins and then went upstairs.

Kim was locked up in a guest bedroom on the second flo

she heard the sound of an engine awhile ago.

She pressed her ear to the door but heard nothing from putskir.

Bitarecalled Hemay's threat

Did he bring the kids here?


they downstairs right now?

What was he doing to them?

She yanked on the doorknob but it rosed to budge.

She strook the date with her palm 'Apne out there? Open up!

She thumped on the

door, kicked it and shouted,

Koa's Haven is filled with dead.

she couldn't imagine what the kids were suffering through right

Hendymonster, a psyetojath.

Bread nothing for his own flesh and blood and was incapable at showing mercy.

Kita gritted bar teeth.

She should heliled him for your agd

Her head snapped up when she heard the ratiof the doorknob.

Hy pushed the door open and send something at her,

She caught the pink bucket hat.


bought it farlier.


die first time for picked the kids up from school



a mil


had her eye on that hat whejesha pretrack

Jenny in Innes the hat and work to school my day. Kirschaiched the bat with triblinghard, "Where and my kid Tibink puslimadyligated at the answer to that patien

Tovory kolded (in arian. "Jahrgthe anger and the scule,

sandil this to ine. Habit his grandfather. How do you think I should punish ham

His Achilles Heel

Rica's heart trembled with fear.

She chuched the hat is her hands, 'P-please, don't hurt the kids. They are only three. They don't understand what's happening, Joshua didn't mean it. If you have to hold someone responsible for hurting you, take mel But please, don't-don't hurt them!'

Henry Laughed mirthlessly. "Are you begging me?"

Kira nodded, fearful

'But have you forgotten that I'm your enemy? You think I killed your father, remember?"

Kira's Eps


couldn't get a word out.


Of course she hated Henry.

she'd give anything to see the man brought to justice.

But she couldn't bear to see her kids get hurt.

'They are your grandchildren,' she managed to say.

't have another one to spare." Henry was uninoved.

Aiden was already ten years old and looked to be a smart kid.

Henry wanted an heir, Alden was a more promising choice than Joshua

'But they are also Austyn's kids!" Kira was clutching at straws. If you hurt them, Austyn will never forgive you. You want to patch things up with him, right? Then you shouldn' do anything to the kick!

Henry said


Rica thought he was


She continued, 'I'm the one you hate. You can do whatever you want to me. Leave the kids alone"

Henry stroked his chin. 'Ah, butthurt them, Tean petto you."

Kira's face was sheet white.

"See, you are already getting hvert. Henry noted her reaction with satisfaction. "Psychological pain lasts much longer and, I say, hurts much deeper than physical pain. "You lunatic" Kira could no longer control her emotions.

She screamed at the old man, "What the hell


you want from me?!

Henry observed her coolly. You tried to kill me four years ago. No one who did that has lived to tell the tale. Do you

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