Book 1


Chapter 13: Changed Woman

John’s extravagant bed. I did not want to get out of it, but it was a must. Too many times I thought, “this should not have happened, we should not have had sex,” we both wanted it so bad, but now things are going to be different, “at least for me they are,” I’m not sure how John feels.

Quickly, stumbling out of his bed, walking naked to his bathroom inside his bedroom, I had to put clothes on and leave.

“What am I doing?” I thought to myself as I was changing into my clothes.

I walked barefoot back into his bedroom and had to find my shoes, quietly, since John was sleeping and I had to sneak out. “If I would have stayed the night, how would it be for us in the morning to wake up together?” Nervously I thought. Knowing how bad I want to be with him and love him, I felt nervous. This was my first night with him, I didn’t want to mess my job up or cause any issues interfering with my job. I’ll just talk to him tomorrow at work.

It wasn’t very late at night, so I walked back to the hotel.


Waking up in the wee hours of the morning, I felt so nervous to go to work after last night. I don’t know why I feel like this, but I do. I’m hoping John can relieve these feelings for me. I’m going to eat my breakfast and get ready for work. I’m going in early to have a talk with John, he will be there because he’s always there

Chapter 13 Changed Woma

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Once I arrived at work, I went straight up to John’s office, this sexy man is sitting on his chair with his hand on his chin, looking at his paperwork. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the back of his neck. He turned around while sitting on his swivel office chair, he put his thumb on my mouth and stroked it to my lower lip, “he knew I wanted to say something about last night.” He spoke first.

“Star, don’t say a word about last night. I loved it and I wanted you to stay with me!” John said.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to stay, but then I felt so nervous. I wasn’t sure how this would affect my job here,” I replied. noveldrama

“It wouldn’t affect your job. Trust me!” John said.

John started to kiss me, while kissing him back, I pulled my lips off of his and said, “Are you sure it won’t? I want to be the next top model in New York and I don’t want our relationship to ruin that. I know you can make me the next top model!” “It won’t,” John replied. “Ah, I want you so bad right now, I want to make love to you on your desk,” I whispered to John.

John grabs me, and sets me on top of his desk, all of his papers flew off of the desk, he rips my shirt off and we start making love. We were so into the moment that we didn’t care that his office door was open, no one was here anyway. We kept making love, and loud moans came from both of us.


Since calling off yesterday, I went into work earlier than normal, there is work to catch up on and didn’t want to get behind.

Chapter 13: Changed Woman

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While standing inside my photography room, I heard noises, so I walked to where they were coming from, I got to John’s office and it was just what I had thought, they were having sex in his office.

I became outraged, “I want Star. John gets all of his models to like him, what about me?” I thought as I stood near his office door. I was not going to stand here any longer, so I went back to my room. They don’t know I heard them, so I’m just going to act like I don’t know anything.


“That was the best sex ever!” John said.

“Oh, my. Yes, it was!” I replied.

“Well, sweets, we must get to work now,” John said.

I looked at him and gave him a wink, my clothes were all over the floor, while I was getting dressed John said, “When you finish, head down to Brad’s room and start your shoots for today. So, that’s just what I did. Walking into Brad’s room stutteringly, Brad’s sitting at his desk. I walked in like nothing, even though I felt some type of the way because I had never done what I just did with John. I acted like everything was normal and said, “I’m ready to start my shoots for today.” Brad looked at me in a weird way and said, “Give me a minute, please.” I just stood there while waiting on him.

I’m a changed woman now! I’m not that woman that came from Nebraska, I’m a royal queen, John treats me like one, so I’m going to act like ones I’m not going to put up with stupid anymore, I’m not going to let people walk all over me anymore. I‘ m changed into a better person and I will continue to do what I‘

Chapter 13: Changed Woman

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m doing. Especially when I win the next top model award. I have plans for John and me after I win

I’m living my dream and no one will stop or ruin this for me, NO ONE. Not even my parents or Sam back in Nebraska. I’m just going to forget about my life and how I lived back then. I have al new life and it’s going to be with John.

I’m still waiting on Brad to start these shoots, so I decided to walk to John’s office while he finishes. “Brad, I’ll be right back,” I said. He just nodded. When I got to John’s office, it looked like he was in deep thought, I asked him, “What are ya thinking about?” “All of this work I must get done today, but all I can think about is you,” John said.

chuckled and said, “Okay, I’ll leave now.” “Wait, I want to ask you something,” John replied.

“What?” I said, “Will you move in with me?” John asked me.

I was not expecting him to ask me that, at least not yet! Instantly my heart dropped, I felt so happy he asked me to live with him.

Chapter 14 Betrayal

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