Bound by Tension


"Imogen, the party is tonight." Hames reminded me, like I didn't know that already. I guess we were sticking to Imogen and no longer 'Miss Mark' now. I stopped myself from glaring at him but I ensured my face didn't read any friendly expression.

"Aren't you excited for it?"

"What's so exciting about the stupid party?" I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes, walking up to me on the couch and sat beside me. That was definitely not an action that was comfortable for me.

"Go to my room, there's a box on the bed. It's for you." He said indifferently, took the remote control from the table to turn on the television.

I wanted to ask questions about what it was but sitting beside him was so discomforting so I instead rose to my feet and sauntered to his room. What could he have gotten me? If I was so curious, I had to check it. Duh, what else was I going to do? Not check?

The door wasn't locked so I strolled in and to the bed. There was a big box on the bed, increasing my curiosity. Without lifting it first to take it to my room or something, I opened the box, revealing a glorious red piece of cloth. I picked the fury cloth, letting the lower part of it fall to expose the beautiful red gown. Between the furriness of the gown, I could see tiny things scintillating from it. Oh God, were those diamonds?!

I pulled the dress closer to my face to inspect whether or not the glistening things were diamond. I wasn't so literate in telling whether or not things were diamond but they did seem like real diamonds.

"Oh my God." I placed the dress over my body and I could easily tell that it was going to fit me perfectly well. It had a slit by the side that was going to advertise a good part of my legs. All I could say was that I fucking loved it!

"Wow." I took it from over my body, noticing two other boxes in the big box. I dropped the dress and picked one of the boxes, opened it to reveal a pair of silver heels whose beauty shimmered to cause delight in me. "Wow." I said again, also picking them up to inspect them.

I couldn't resist the urge to smell the shoes. They smelled new, fresh and expensive.

I was curious to know what was in the last box so I dropped the shoes and opened the last box.

A gasp automatic left the at the sight of the most beautiful matching necklace and pair of earrings I had ever seen in my entire life. Whether or not they were real diamonds, their beauty was killing me. I had never worn any jewelry as beautiful as these in my entire life.

Did Hames really buy these for me? These could cost millions of dollars or something. "Gosh, these are amazing." I voiced out, almost drooling over them.

"So you like it?"

I flinched at the deepness

Hames' voice. I quickly jerked my head in the direction of his voice, only noticing his presence; leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest.

He started walking towards me then stopped right beside me, glancing at the dress. "It'd definitely look good on you. Take them to your room. Someone would be here to do your makeup and hair by 4pm sharp, though you're naturally beautiful."

"Thank you for the dress and shoes." I chose to ignore his compliment, arching my back to return the dress and shoes into their respective boxes, covered the box again, lifting it from the bed.

As fast as I could, I walked away from the room, not wanting to spend another minute there with him.


"Jeez, aren't you done?" Hames grumbled from the other side of the door, giving it a really frustrating knock.

"She's almost ready." The make-up artist slash Hairstylist yelled to him, waving her magic wand on my face while my eyes were shut. I hoped I wasn't going to look like those women who barbie had puked on after this makeup. "And we're..." she trailed off, waving the brush on my face again then I heard her drop whatever it was, "...done!" She exclaimed, smiling proudly.

I finally re-opened my eyes. She stepped back from the mirror for me to view myself.

"Sweet Cheese! Is this me?!" I exclaimed, turning my face aside to view the epitome of extreme beauty she had transformed me to. My hair was great and the makeup was beyond perfect.

She guffawed. "Of course, it's you."

"Wow, I look amazing. This is damn gorgeous." I quickly picked my phone from the vanity to take a few photos of myself.

"You're so beautiful. If you don't mind, can I take photos of you to advertise my skills?" She winked.

"Sure thing, woman. You're amazing, the world needs to to see your skills." I rose to my feet, letting the rumpled part of the gown fall to my ankle like it ought to.

"Thank you." She slipped her phone out of her purse.

I did a few poses for her to take a few snaps till she affirmed that she was satisfied enough.

"I'd leave now. I'm Kim, by the way."

"Wow. Kim." I smiled. "You're great."

"Gosh Imogen, we'd be late. The makeup doesn't have to be excessive, your natural self is perfectly fine too." Hames still complained.

"And I can guess you're Imogen, judging from how your boyfriend wouldn't stop being so impatient." She chuckled.

"He's not my boyfriend." A frown appeared on my face.

"Oh, sorry. Your Fiancé? Your husband?"noveldrama


"Okay, okay, sorry." She began re-arranging her stuff.

I shook my head then decided to take a few more selfies, hoping to post them on my social media accounts for the awesome people who thought I was important enough to be followed. I was starting to love my followers, though I didn't love the reason for it.

"I'm done." Kim announced, drawing me out of my world of selfies.

"Oh, okay." I slid my phone into my silver clutch, clutching it.

She shambled to the door while I followed behind her then opened it, revealing a furious-looking Hames.

"Bye," Kim swerved past him, finding her escape.

"Why" he froze, staring at me in obvious shock. "Whoa, you look extremely gorgeous, like an angel just fell from the sky."

I knew that already but it was also nice to hear someone else utter that compliment so it made heat rise up to my cheeks. "Thank you." I replied sheepishly.

He was also looking very handsome, neat and honorable but I wasn't going to utter that, so he wasn't going to think otherwise of my compliment.

"Can we leave now? You couldn't stop mentioning the fact that we're late." I snapped him out of his lost world that was obviously related to me and my current state of beauty.

He cleared his throat, shaking his body slightly. "Yeah. We're late, we should leave now."


Immediately the chauffeur brought the Limousine to a stop, flashes from phones and cameras or whatever already filled around us. And yes, this was definitely my first time being in a Limo. The chauffeur got out of the limo and turned around it to open the door for us.

Hames was the first to step out of the Limo then he extended his hand towards me for me to accept it.

"Why?" I gruffed.

He was wearing a grin I could easily tell was fake and was for the purpose of the public. "Be sensible." He said through grinning teeth

Defeatedly, I accepted his hand then he helped me out of the car. I was almost deafened by squealings from people and I almost went blind by the number of flashes around.

Random people kept squealing and were attempting to touch us but there was the presence of bouncers that were stopping them from doing so.

Though it seemed like forever, we were able to pass through the stage of the bunch of people and their screaming.

We got into the hall and the atmosphere was more friendly. From the golden chandeliers, extremely big hall, exquisite smell, fancy table setting, food serving, I could tell that this was one of those parties that cost a lot of money for the outcome. It was probably going to be tagged as one of the most classy parties on Earth.

I wasn't certain if it was only my imagination or everyone seemed to be staring at us. I wasn't exactly a shy person but I couldn't stop myself from being nervous.

I almost squeaked when Hames placed an arm around me to hold my waist. I glanced at him and he still had his awkward grin on.

Flashes of photos being taken were also everywhere but it wasn't as crazy as outside the damn hall. If pictures of us spread through the internet then that was going to be a hell of a problem for me. Why did I agree to this shit? Hames struted, leading us to a table with two familiar people on it.

"Kade, Jovi, I totally forgot you'll be here too." A smile appeared on my lips.

I immediately brushed Hames' hand from my waist and sat around the circular table then Hames sat beside me.

Kade and Jovi stared at us for a while, not saying a word. They glanced at each other like they were speaking through mind-link, returning their gaze to us.

"So... you're together now?" Kade asked, smirking.

"No," I replied.

"Doesn't seem like it to me." Jovi said.

"Can we just stop talking?" Hames gruffed, turning his head away from them and to the Man, probably the Master or ceremony or whoever he was that was speaking into the microphone.

"In this 30th Anniversary of 'The Carters', we'd now invite Mr. Asa Carter's son, Justin, for his speech."

After his announcement, everyone clapped so I joined them to clap.

A not-so-young-looking and hot man who was standing beside another woman who I assumed was his girlfriend or wife, judging from their physical contact, left her side and walked up to the stage. "Once again, I welcome everyone here to..."

"Gosh, this is going to be so boring." I only realized I uttered that after saying it, earning glances from three of them.

Jovi snorted. "Do you expect a company party to be like a 5-year-old party or something?" She scoffed, averting her gaze from me.

"You don't have to be so rude, Jovi. It's definitely not going to be something exciting." Kade smiled.

Hames only maintained a straight face at me, not saying a comment.

"Hey," we were greeted by a very familiar voice.

We all averted our gaze to Asa, the owner of the voice. He was grinning from ear to ear and stopped in front of us.

A smile automatically appeared on my lips. "Mr. Carter,"

"I'm glad you're all here." He glanced at me and Hames, "I thought you weren't going to make it, but I'm glad you did. And, thank you; I received your gifts. Also, congratulations. I stumbled upon the news of you two and I'm happy for you." "Thank you, Mr. Carter." Hames nodded, earning a glare from me. Why didn't he let him know the news is fake?

"Thanks for coming," he smiled, walking away to someone else.

"What? Stop glaring." Hames shrugged.

"You could've said the news isn't true."

"I don't have time to explain it to everyone, ignore it." He took a glass of juice and wine from a tray a random waiter was holding, dropping the glass of juice in front of me.

I didn't bother to touch the glass, only returning my gaze to Justin Carter and his speech.

After Justin's speech, Jasper Carter, Asa's son too, also walked up to say his speech. Could this day get any boring?


This was officially one of the most boring parties I had ever attended. Of course, it wasn't going to be boring for others, but not me. Anyway, I was glad it was ending soon.

"You look so frustrated. Don't worry, it'll end in a few minutes, after Asa says his speech of appreciation then gifts are shared." Kade chuckled.

I nodded, glancing at my half-eaten meal. "I'm so tired and in need of sleep."

"Why is she so dramatic?" Jovi rolled her eyes. Why did she never miss a chance to make her hatred towards me known to the world?

I pretended I didn't hear her, trying to pay attention to Asa's speech of appreciation as gifts were being shared.

"...with all loving respect to..." I lost focus again, receiving my gift from a woman.

"Hames?" A masculine voice called from behind me.

Hames raised his head to whoever it was and smiled shortly. "Hey, Roger."

The dude I could identify as Roger stepped forward then Hames rose to his feet to give him a manly hug.

"Wow, it's been quite a long time." Roger chuckled, pulling apart from the hug.

"Yeah, it's been."

"I saw you earlier but I wasn't certain," he turned to me, "with your girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I interrupted him.


"Just his date, his secretary."

"Oh," he glanced at Hames then back to me. "Great! Can I get your digits? My eyes have been on you all day long. I lost all focus when you "

"Excuse?" Hames cut him off, a frown etched on his facial features.

"What?" "Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Stop trying to hit on her." He warned through gritted teeth.

"Why not? She's not your girlfriend and she's hot."

Hames clenched his fists and his brown eyes became even darker. "Did I say she's not my girlfriend? We haven't seen each other in such a long time so don't let us say goodbye in the wrong manner. Please leave." "I'm confused. She said she's not your girlfriend, why's he acting this way?"

"I'm not his girlfriend, believe me." I stated that clearly, hoping it was going to sink into his head.

"So I can have your digits?"

"Sure, why not?" I smiled.

Hames was almost digging his fingernails into his palm, making the veins in his hands obvious. "Imogen, we're leaving now."

"Leaving now?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes." He walked up to me and grabbed my hand, lifting to my feet.

"These two are so confusing." Roger stated.

"Extremely confusing." Jovi repeated.

"I think it'd be best if you left them alone. She can't be yours, man." Kade took a sip of his wine.

Hames didn't say any more words, neither did he take our gifts but stormed out of the hall while holding me.

For the sake of the internet and how news goes viral,I didn't want to create a scene so I was silent, waiting till we got into the Limo or back to the hotel. I got into the Limousine first then he followed suit. "Why did you do that?" I asked, also frowning.

The chauffeur began driving the Limo.

"It's annoying to watch a stupid bozo try to flirt with you."

"Why? I already said I don't want you, you can't go around chasing men away from me.

"Oh, I can." His eyes softened and his muscles and veins relaxed.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words could come out for a while.

"Please close your mouth. I already said I love you and I'll make sure no other man gets you first."

"You're crazy."

His eyes went wide at my words. "Did you... you know... you just..." he stuttered and huffed in disbelief. "You just insulted me right in my face? Do you want to lose your job or something? Don't forget I'm your boss."

"I don't want to lose my job. I'm sorry, but I can't help but let people know they are being dim-witted assholes by trying to make others believe someone is their girlfriend." I knew I was going to regret my words later but I couldn't help my furiousness.

"I have never been this insulted in my entire life." He exclaimed, looking like he had just seen another head grow from my neck.

My brain kicked my proper thinking back to life. "I'm sorry." I apologized shabbily.

"That's such a great insult," a smile slowly appeared on his lips, "but I liked it in a way." He frowned again. "That doesn't mean you can insult me that way ever again, I'm your boss."

I turned my head away from him, gazing outside the window to watch as the trees, dark sky and buildings seemed like they were moving. Where was this place? It was so beautiful.

For the next few minutes, there was adequate silence between us till he laughed, drawing my attention to him again.

"You're so funny. You should sleep well enough because we'd be returning to New York tomorrow or the day after. Our business here is done."


He shook his head. "Finally? Why? So there'll be an end to living with me and my love drama?" He simpered.

"Yes." I emphasized on the word.

He laughed again. "You're so clueless. If you think this would end after we return, you're only deceiving yourself. I'd put more effort into having you and I'll make you love me back. You haven't seen enough of me yet. I don't express my true emotion but when I do, I never give up till I've achieved my goal."

Oh no, so this wasn't ending yet?

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