Bound In Secrets : A Death Kings Novel

Greatest Loves


Lunch was great, but now it was time to run over last night's finances and make sure all the staff were coming in tonight. I was just finishing up the calls when in bounds one of the greatest loves of my entire life. I didn't think I would ever love anyone this much.

In runs a tow-headed little girl with curls falling all around her little round face. She runs straight for me, jumping into my arms. "Hey, cherub! Did you have fun at Gram and Grumps' last night?" I squeeze the five-year-old tight in my arms. I missed her this morning.noveldrama

"Yes! I ate lots of ice cream!" She squeals excitedly.

"Telling on old Grams again huh, Katie Pop." In walks Jensen and Carmen's mom. They are the perfect grandparents to my kids and have helped me out so much, even though neither of us is related to them.

Katie shakes her head. "I love you, Grams!" Her speech is clear since we have talked to her as though she was an adult, never once baby-talking to her.

Linette laughs, rubbing her head. "She had a great night last night. She played outside and had ice cream after dinner. For breakfast, she had a pancake and some fruit. Lunch, we ate chicken nuggets." "That sounds way better than what Mommy had to eat." I tap her little nose.

I look at Linette with her graying hair pulled back into a low ponytail. "Thank you so much for keeping them. Carmen and I needed last night."

Linette chuckles. "You two are like a couple raising these two kids. It's so funny. I cannot wait for her to have a few of her own, even if we won't know which of the two guys will donate the DNA."

I chuckle. "They both love her so much I doubt they will even care. No matter what, their kid will belong to all three."

"You are right. It's taken us a while to come to grips with their relationship, but so long as Jeremy and Cruise make our baby girl happy, then we are happy," she replies sincerely.

I stand, setting Katie in my chair, and then pull Linette into a hug. "Best parents ever," I tell her.

Linette hugs me back. "Best adopted daughter ever," she replies, and then we pull back.

"Speaking of, where is Darius?" I ask curiously about where my other love is.

"He is helping Cruise organize the bar. Cruise is cutting the limes and lemons while he rearranges them," Linette says, telling me where my oldest son had run off to.

When I found out I was pregnant with Darius nine years ago, Linette and Greg were as supportive as my father. They helped me finish high school while raising a child. I don't know what I would have done without them and Carmen. Then I had Katie while in college.

I was an idiot who fell for the wrong men. My ex-husband was a weak man who left after I got pregnant with Katie. He ran after meeting my aunt and uncles. That and Dad, along with the club run, didn't help matters much. Nobody in my family cared much for Dane. That's okay though. He had little backbone, and I ran over him like a bulldozer.

I didn't need Dane. Darius and Katie are my blessings. Without them, I wouldn't have so much happiness in my life to live for.

"How much longer do you have to work? I can take the kids for a little while longer if I need to," Linette suggests.

"I'm already done, so we can head home. I appreciate you keeping them," I tell her sincerely.

Linette and Greg Meyer don't understand how much I love and appreciate them. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now. I for sure wouldn't have fared well without their help and Carmen's with raising my children. "Anytime, you know that." Linette goes to Katie, scooping her up in a hug. "Thank you for staying with us and helping make sure Grumps went to bed last night. I love you," she says to my little girl, squeezing her gently in a hug. "Grumps needs to go to bed when you tell him. I love you too, Grams." I chuckle because Katie's job when they stay with the Meyers is to round up Greg and make him go to bed at a decent time. It's hilarious because the man is usually in bed by nine, anyway. Katie goes to bed at eight. It's more of a game so that Katie will go to bed without having to fight with her.

"I'll tell him. I'll see you after school on Monday." She kisses her head. "Have a fun day tomorrow."

"We will. See you Monday," I chirp, waving her out of my office. I turn to my baby. "All right, little cherub, let me grab my stuff and we will head home."

Just then, my phone rang, and I groaned since it was one of my new employees. I explained to them not showing up for their shift would cause a warning and the next one would get them fired.

Now we can go home.

On the way home in my blue T-top Firebird, Katie sings Baby Shark on repeat. She knows all the motions and the song word for word. Ask any parent what happens to them when their kid listens to that song. It's stuck with you for days and you go to bed singing it in your head as you try to sleep.

Darius was smart to bring his earbuds, to listen to music on my phone instead of listening to what his little sister had picked out. "Mommy, can I have a snack?" Katie asks. We haven't even been home for five minutes. Kids are always hungry, it seems.

"No, I'm going to make dinner. How does pizza toast sound?" Katie replies with an excited, yummy sound. I found a recipe a month ago using frozen garlic Texas toast, pizza sauce, pizza mix cheese, and pepperoni. It's so easy to throw it on a baking sheet and cook it in the oven. I make a salad to go with it while it bakes.

I love being a mom. I wouldn't trade it for anything, even if conception wasn't a joyous event. I don't know who Darius's sperm donor is. Frankly, I didn't care to find out. Katie's sperm donor, my ex-husband, ran off scared to death of my family, which suited me just fine. The only thing that man was good for was his giant dick.

Just as we sit down, my door unlocks. Only one person has a key, so I know exactly who it is. "Cary!" Katie squeals, jumping up from her spot on the floor where she was coloring to launch herself at Carmen as she dishes up dinner. "Katie Pop! Did my girl have fun last night with Grams and Grumps?" Carmen sets Katie down while she receives an excited yes. "Dinner smells wonderful. What are we having?"

"You have eyes, Cary. Use them," Darius pops off to his aunt.

Carmen cackles before putting Katie in her chair at the dining room table and then sits down. When Jeremy and Cruise have to work, she is here with us instead of alone in her apartment. We have identical three-bedroom apartments right next door to each other.

Everything is normal during dinner, with no extra men barging into my life. They don't know about my children since I never told Carter. I'm not sure I want them around them if it could put us in danger or if they won't stick around for the long haul. I cannot risk my kids getting heartbroken if they become attached to any of my boys. Maybe I don't want to be betrayed by them once again.

Katie falls asleep on the couch between Carmen and me during our rated E movie, so have to pick her up and tuck her into bed. Thankfully, after dinner, Katie had her bath and put on her pajamas. Routines are marvelous things sometimes. Though I let Katie stay up longer on the weekends, she is still usually passed out by eight-thirty.

Darius fell asleep on the floor, so Carmen woke him up and helped him get ready for bed while I tucked in Katie.

Linette was correct because it was almost as though Carmen and I were raising my children together. She lived with the kids and me before she met Jeremy and Cruise about three years ago.

I tell Carmen all about lunch with the guys while gingerly drinking rum and coke. I only ever have one drink after the children go to bed just in case of an emergency.

"So they all work for a shady company that could get them and all of us killed?!" I nod to Carmen.

"Yep, and they only came back because now they are positive they can protect all of us."

Carmen is shocked but disappointed, too. She loves her brother and his friends like brothers, even if she won't admit to it as much.

"You know, Jensen needs to go let Mom and Dad know he is back." Carmen rolls her eyes and says he'll make conclusions when he sees the kids' toys and their big playground.

I chuckle because they spoil my children so much. Linette and Greg pick both children up daily at three and keep them until about six for me. If I have to go in for any reason, then Carmen or one of her boyfriends, if they aren't working, will come over to stay with the children.

"Jen will probably think the children are your kids," I tease my bestie. She rolls her eyes at me but smiles. She knows it's the truth.

"How do you think Jen and them will respond to Dare and Katie?" I shake my head at Carmen's question because, honestly, I'm not sure.

Carmen seems to read my mind. "Do you think they will leave again? Is it even worth them getting to know the kids?"

"I'm scared," I whisper in reply. I'm terrified the guys will betray me again and they will betray my children.

They will inevitably find out about my babies, eventually. The kids' rooms are full of their stuff and my apartment has their school stuff all over the apartment normally.

The only reason their stuff couldn't be seen this morning by Storm is that I cleaned, knowing I'd bring someone home to have sex with. I didn't want some one-night stand to know about the two most important people in my life. I tell Carmen all about my day.

"Wow, I cannot believe he broke your door! It's a good thing he fixed it like new. I ought to go bust down his door and see how he likes it. Maybe I'll get lucky and rem his ass mid-coitus," Carmen says, then cackles at the mental image. Dillan said the same thing when I told him the story too after I came back from lunch.

My jaw clenches at Carmen's words. As funny as it would be to witness Carmen make sure he has blue-balls, just the thought of Storm with a woman makes me see red. I know it's hypocritical of me since he caught me in bed with another man, but I'm all mixed up inside now that my guys are back. I'm confused about how I'm supposed to feel since my emotions are all complex.

I give Carmen a fake chuckle and smile. "He would deserve that all right, but since he is across the hall, the noise might wake up Katie and we both know cranky that child can be." I give Carmen a playful wink and she replies about how correct I am. That one little girl would make sure we were all miserable with the fit she would throw.

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