Contract Marriage with My CEO Boss (Kylan and Katrina)

Chapter 52

Katrina stayed in the bedroom for most of the day, occupying the balcony with the throw from the couch wrapped around her shoulders. She spent hours people-watching and numbing her mind against any and all intrusive thoughts. Kylan never bothered her, but she wasn't surprised. She also wasn't surprised when lunchtime came about, and Kylan told her he was too busy to accompany her to the cafe in the lobby

She ate a mostly stale sandwich and sipped on a hot chocolate by herself, picking at bits of bread on the plate in front of her while she sat at a small table situated at the back of the cafe.

Her phone vibrated in the pocket of her jacket, and she took it out, glancing and seeing that it was Aaron calling her. She considered not answering

for a moment. She wasn't in the mood to talk, least of all about Kylan. Who she was positive Aaron was calling to hear about

With a loud sigh, Katrina wiped her hands on her lap and answered the phone, holding it to her ear. "Hey, Aaron" She sounded exhausted, she realized. She internally cringed hoping Aaron wouldn't pick up on her mood. "That's all I get? A "hey, Aaron? Come on. Kate. How are you? How's it been in Portland?"

She frowned at the remnants of her sandwich, breaking a bit of bread apart between her thumb and index finger. Memories. genuinely good memories, floated to the forefront of her mind. Now though, they almost felt as if they belonged to someone else.

"It's been fine. We'll be back late tonight" She couldn't bring g herself to be more expressive, it was too draining to put on a front right now

"Are you okay, Kate? You don't sound okay. Did your

ur dad not like Kylan or something?"

She only just barely refrained from snorting, but she did roll her eyes. "No, my dad really likes Kylan. All he had to do was speak to him in French, and he was sold."

It was difficult to admit that her father truly did approve of Kylan. A fresh wave of guilt washed over her. She had intentionally been deceitful to her dad, and none of it felt worth it anymore..

"Kate, what happened! I know something happened. Don't bullshit me."

She pinched the bridge of her nose, her shoulders hunching forward, her hair proving to be a welcome curtain around her face. She wasn't certain how honest she should be with Aaron. Things with Kylan are just.. Weird. Maybe having him come meet my father wasn't the best idea"

That seemed okay enough to say. She wasn't lying, anyway. This felt like a step that was too much, too soon. Or rather, it was something that shouldn't have happened at all, truthfully,

"I mean, of course, things are weird. You're pretending to marry our boss, Katrina."

She laughed bitterly, running a hand down her face, and then putting that hand under her chin to prop it up. "Yeah, You're right. though, Aaron. I've got this."

Katrina knew she sounded anything but confident, but she needed Aaron to accept her words at face value, for once.

Are you sure, Kate? Can we go out soon and talk about all of this shit?"

It'll be fine

Every emotion she had been attempting to shove to the side, to pretend she wasn't feeling. It was all dangerously close to coming to the surface. She could feel her eyes filling with tears and she sucked in a breath, sitting up straight in her chair and clearing her throat. This was ridiculous. She was ridiculous. Kylan especially was ridiculous,

That sounds great. I love you, okay? I'm going to go. I need to get ready for dinner soon." She hung up the phone before giving Aaron an opportunity to say anything else.

Katrina swallowed, shook her head to help empty her thoughts, cleared her table, and forced herself to return to the suite that she knew would be as icy as the weather outside.


Kylan stayed either on the phone or his computer until just before it was time to go to dinner with her father. She watched as he silently loaded her luggage in the reistal car, his eyes never really funding bers.

She worked to keep her expression as neutral as possible, though her heart was aching, and her mind was filled with questions She still couldn't ask.

Once she was in the car and Kylan was on the road, Katrina chanced a look at him, frowning when she saw he still appeared just as hollow as before. She couldn't help but wonder if he would be able to put out a front for her dad this te

"Sir, if I may, are you in the right frame of mind to do this tonight?" Her voice was tintid, and it almost felt strange to address him at all right now.

"Worry about herself, Kate" came Kylan's clipped re


She stared at his side profile for a moment. Her eyes caught the sharpness of his jaw, the angle of his cheekbones, the hardness of his gaze fixed Chapter 52

solely on the road ahead.

Her frown deepened and she angled her body away from him, staring instead out the window at the p passing town that once felt so full of possibilities with Kylan next to her only yesterday.

Her father had picked his favorite French restaurant for dinner, wanting Rylan to experience an authentic meal before sending them back to New York City and getting ready for the wedding himself. As soon as the car was parked, she willed the sadness from her face and opened her door herself.

Kylan was waiting for her on the sidewalk, already extending a hand out for her to take. He still didn't look at her, but she pretended that didn't bother her as her hand closed around his. He guided her into the nearby restaurMIL

i was a quaint space, with maybe only fifteen tables sprinkled about altogether. The lighting was low, the decorations soft and unassuming. A vor occupied with sweet iris and French lavender flowers adorned the center of every table asop a white tablecloth.

The atmosphere was both warm and romantic. If it had been any other time, Katrina would have gladly taken to the ambiance and allowed herself to be coaxed into relaxation. As it was, Kylan's hand was suff in hers, his shoulders pulled up taut and his face fixed and focused on anything but

She spotted her father sitting at a corner table, and he stood up at the sight of her. She resisted the urge to run to him, or to allow herself to br swept away in the safety of his embrace. Instead, she hugged him for only a few seconds and then withdrew. She slipped into her seat. Kylan following sun next to her. He didn't pui his arm around her shoulders as he usually did, and it took far more effort than it should not be upset by


How was your

trip, sweetheart?" her father asked her before he brought a glass of water to his lips and took a sip from it

She was a PR specialist. She could pretend. "It was wonderful. Kylan took me to a candy shop downtown. I don't think I've ever seen so much chocolate in one place" She forced out a giggle, placing her hand on Kylan's leg for a fleeting moment. He glanced down at the contact and she pulled away immediately. Too far, apparently. "We walked along the beach near the lighthouse, and then today, we took it easy and spent the day coried up near the fire and enjoying each other's company. That hotel is quite romantic." It was amazing really, how easily she was lying right now.

"Kylan, how did you find Portland? Was it to your liking?" her father asked the question with a polite smile, just before the waitress came to collect their orders

As soon as she left to fulfill their requests, Kylan cleared his throat and nodded his head. "It's a beautiful town, yes. I'm quite ready to get back to work, though, I don't do well away from the office for too long. He clasped his hands together on the table in front of him as he spoke.

Her father looked between herself and Kylan, and she wondered if he could feel the invisible wall between the two of them. It was certainly all too present, an almost constant reminder that something had shifted last night.

"Ah yes, I understand. But surely Katrina is an ideal company to keep, no?" Her father's voice was still light and kind, but she could sense an underlying question hanging unspoken from his lips.

kylan shifted around a bit, and she found herself looking down at the table. "She is, yes." He cleared his throat once more. "Can you tell me about your preferred fishing technique, Alois? I myself haven't done fishing since I was a teenager" He changed the subject, and her shoulders slumped a minuscule amount.

Her father took his prompt and all but ran with it. She half listened as he dove into an animated conversation about different rods to use, the right kind of nets, and the very specific bair that was perfect for the waters of Maine.

Throughout their meal, she stayed quiet unless she was addressed directly. Her father carried the conversation, Kylan interjecting expertly in order to keep it flowing She was reminded that he could talk to people when be wanted to

Kylan never looked at her, not a single time. She continued to act as though his behavior didn't bother her. Because it shouldn't. It shouldn't bother her that he wasn't holding her around the shoulders or waist, and it shouldn't bother her that he wouldn't look at her or talk to her

But by the end of the meal, she was ready to leave. She was ready to go home and have a moment away from Kylan.

Her father walked her out

ut after insisting on paying for the meal again. It was dark when they stepped outside, shivering slightly against the cold

She let go of Kylan's stiff hand and hugged her dad tightly. She took the time to smell his familiar musky cologne, to memorize how it felt so hug

Je t'aime, ina fleur, her father whispered it into her ear, and she buried herself further in his embrace.

"I love you too. Papa. Thank you for everything." Her eyes filled with tears, just as they had far too often since last night. She didn't blink them away this time and instead allowed herself to feel the emotions that rolled in from saying goodbye to her dad.

Her father squeezed her to him, rubbing her back for a moment before pulling away and wiping the tears pooling beneath her eyes. He smiled at her and kissed each of her checks, just as he always did. "Travel safe, sweet Angel of mine. I will see you at your wedding. He hugged her once more and then let go of her

Kylan was standing near her, his hands tucked into his pockets and a frown on his face. He looked at the ground while she stepped away from her


2:52 PM

Her father held his hand out to Kylan, and she was glad when Rylan still accepted the gesture. To her surprise, she watched her dad pull Kylan in for a one-arm hug. She could practically see the tension rolling off Kylan at the contact.

She could hear her father talking to Kylan, though his voice was too low to have any idea what he was saying. She was certain it was all spoken in French anyway. She shifted her feet uncomfortably, not liking the idea that they were undoubtedly talking about her again in a language she was anything but fluent in.

"Merci je ferai de mon mieux, Alois," Kylan spoke as he pulled away from her father and she frowned.

"You'll do your best with what, exactly?" she asked him incredulously, fully annoyed that she only heard Kylan's response to what her dad said to


Kylan effectively ignored her, but her father smiled brightly at her. "Ah, don't fret, my Katrina. It's nothing to concern yourself with. I love yo girl. Now go, or you're sure to miss your flight." He reached forward and squeezed her hand once. you, dear

She looked between her boss and her dad, and then She rolled her eyes. "Fine, keep her secrets. I love you. I'll call you as soon as I arrive in New York. With that, Katrina turned and made her way to the car.

Portland was suddenly stifling, and she wanted to be home.noveldrama

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