Cursed Wolf

Fierce Wolf Chapter 13

He laid her gently on the bed and crawled on top of her. His hardness rocked into her over her jeans. Their l!ps thrashed, l!cked and svcked. He pulled her sweater up over her head and pulled down the cups of her br*a.

His tongue la*pped up her n!pple and he svcked. Heather gr0aned, gripping his wide shoulders. She wanted him inside her. Her knees quivered as he tweaked and svcked her n!pples, driving her into a frenzy.

She gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. He broke his hold of her flesh long enough to tear it off. When he looked back at her, he ripped off her p*nts and shoes, getting stuck on the zippers of her boots. She undid them herself and he yanked off his own p*nts.

He stared down at her as she lay on the bed in her br*a and p*nties. His c0ck was massive under his black boxer briefs. Her mouth watered, wanting to svck him.

“Take off your br*a,” he said, and Heather obliged. He climbed over her, his massive c0ck resting between her legs.

He k!ssed her deeply and murmured words of adoration in her ear as he slid down her chest to her bre*asts.

“You are so beautiful,” he said, making her m0an with pleasure as he played with her n!pples. He slid his hand into her p*nties and her entire body shook.

“Oh, yes,” she m0aned.

“My baby likes me to stroke her pvssy,” he purred.

His finger slid deeper, pressing between her wet folds. He found her cl!t and tickled it with the tip of his finger. His mouth opened over her n!pple while his finger twirled and tapped at her bud.

She swore and gr0aned, her body going rigid with need. He slid down her body, taking her p*nties with him. Thorne spread her legs, l!cking up her th!ghs. She quivered and gasped, watching his head move toward her core.

He sucked her cl!t and pushed two fingers inside her. Lights burst across her eyes, and Heather came with a loud m0an. Her body pulsed around his fingers, and he l!cked at the slick wetness pumping from within her.

He dropped his p*nts and hovered between her legs. Heather reached out for him, stroking his c0ck with both her hands.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, thrusting into her hands. She wanted him so badly, she’d cry if he stopped.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked.

He growled and pulled open a drawer. Thorne slid a condom over his massive c0ck. He held it at the base, securing the rubber.

He pushed open her th!ghs with his knees and l!cked her pvssy again, getting it soaking wet. When he pushed the wide tip of his d!ck to her opening it slid right inside.

Heather gasped and scratched his back as he sliced into her. He was huge, and she hadn’t been with a man in five years. Her body responded with intense satisfaction, and she came as soon as he hit her g-spot.

He sank to the base inside, and she clung to him, catching her breath.

“Please don’t claim me tonight,” she whispered in his ear.

“I wouldn’t. No matter how much I want to make you mine forever.”

“We’re so close. Just give me this now, without having to worry about the future.”

“I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want.”

“Give me your d!ck,” she chuckled, gripping his as*s.

He grabbed her thigh and began to rock into her. She couldn’t believe her body could take so much, but he made her so open and wet that he could do whatever he wanted to her, and she would scream for more.

“Oh, God. It’s been so long,” she gr0aned as she came with his grinding thrusts.

He captured her in his k!ss, taking her and giving her everything.

“I want you like an animal,” he growled into her ear.noveldrama

She gasped in agreement, and he flipped her over on all fours. Thorne gripped her as*s and spread her cheeks. The hot head of his c0ck pressed into her channel, taking it slow and giving her time to adjust. Every second was like an eternity of pleasure. He ran his hands over her h!ps and pulled her against him again.

Their flesh slapped and she gr0aned. She’d never come so much in her entire life—maybe total. Her mind was on another planet, in a different universe. She didn’t even know s*x could be this good.

Thorne’s strong hands held her while his h!ps slapped into her from behind. Every thrust was another lightning bolt of pleasure. Her bre*asts bounced under her, each swing taking her to another level.

“You’re mine, Heather. Mine.” He gripped her as*s as he came hard and deep inside her, growling ferociously. His sharp nails dug into her flesh, only making her come harder.

They gasped, breathless, totally spent and collapsed onto the tangled sheets.

“Oh wow,” she said, crawling into his embrace. “Just wow.”

“You’re telling me.”

“I didn’t know it could be like that,” she laughed, hiding her face.

“Neither did I. I never imagined. But I should have known it would be otherworldly with you.”

He k!ssed her forehead, and she sank into his ch3st. She wanted to stay right here forever. His strong arms surrounded her, making her feel like she belonged.

But she knew she couldn’t stay much longer. She’d had a bit of wine, but the s*x had definitely sobered her up. She lay in his arms for a long time before he stood and asked her if she wanted some water.

He returned with two glasses of ice water after she’d cleaned up and dressed. They sat together in the dim light of the bedroom, sipping the cold beverage.

“We missed the end of the movie,” she laughed. “But I should probably go soon.” She looked at her watch.

“Next time.”

“Yes. Next time.”

He walked her to the car, and they k!ssed in the light of the rising moon. She felt so good, she could fly home.

“You’re okay to drive?” he asked, holding her close.

“Yes. I’m totally awake.”

She k!ssed him one last time and climbed into the car. When she made it home, she found Pearl knitting in the rocking chair. She was glad she didn’t stay out any longer, she didn’t want to keep her grandmother any later than necessary.

“How was it?” Pearl said, looking over her reading glasses. “Your hair says you had a good time.” The older woman chuckled to herself as she pushed her knitting down on the needle and threw it into her basket.

“It was great,” Heather said, still feeling on top of the world. “We went to the skating rink and to dinner, which was wonderful.”

“Did you go to his house?” Gran asked.

“Maybe,” Heather said with a knowing laugh.

“As long as you’re comfortable, I am, Heather.”

“Thank you, Gran,” Heather said, throwing her arms around Pearl.

“I just want you to be happy, sweetheart. I hope that Thorne will bring much more happiness into your life.”

“So do I.” Heather hugged her again.

After Gran left, Heather took a shower and changed into her pajamas. As she lay in her bed, listening to the quiet house, she knew she was happier than she’d been in a very long time.

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