Living With The Player

Chapter 42 His Escape



It took a few minutes of praises and chants of our school to have the audience in a happy mood.

Then a few more till it passed away, the praises that is.

It all subsided, but the entire soccer team didn’t end theirs there.

While the losers, God it feels good to say that, while they bowed their heads in shame and walked away, our team retreated to the locker room to finish what started in the pitch.

They had water which was a tradition, it didn’t seem rational to pour water over yourself merely because you’re celebrating, but it’s their tradition so I’ll go with it.

The announcer made it clear our team would have to go to Richmond High the next day, but winning first already gave us an edge.

Dylan has disappeared with his teammates, taking the fun backstage, I was eager to join in as well. Well not in the fun, but just join in.

Standing up from the seat, I peeked over the heads of students struggling to catch an entrance into the locker room.

Getting an opening, I hurriedly moved towards it.

“I’ll need to leave now.”

Miranda announced, bringing my attention back to her halting my entrance.

“What? Why?”

“It looks fun. I’ll love to go in there with you, but sadly I can’t. Paula and the girls will be in there and if they see us, it’ll be trouble.”

I stood close to the locker room, unsure if I should go in or not. I looked back at a frightened Miranda refusing to take any step closer. Not with me at least.

“It’s okay, I will just see you later. I need to do something first.”

She nodded her head at my response and turned to leave.

I didn’t know what I had to do. After that stunt on the field, I felt as though I had to see Dylan.

In-person. Well, we’ve done that, I mean up close. I need to stand before him, when I do I’ll congratulate him then I’ll leave.

That’s it.

A few students hissed as they brushed past me, visibly annoyed that I was standing and blocking their way into the locker room.

“Okay. Okay. I can do this.”

I breathed easily, lifting a foot to take the necessary step.

I’d just chicken out and pause halfway through.

The boldness and courage I needed to push the door open just weren’t there.

I’m sure there are tons of students inside, cheering, and drinking.

I don’t belong there.

Just then, someone behind me shoved me forward at the same time the door creaked open from the inside, I got in without knowing swarmed by some more students who weren’t patient enough to ask me to step aside.

Now I’m in.

I cringed my nose scrutinizing the entire room which reeked of boy sweat.

It was not as crowded as I imagined though, the showers were running, most of them in it maybe Dylan included.

However, the cheerleaders were scattered around, running their hands over their exposed abs, openly flirting.

Just make out already.

I cringed a second time, tearing my gaze away from two students.

I’m unsure where that “custom” originated from.

The one which spells out a cheerleader and soccer player must date.

I’ll just do what I came here for then leave which is finding Dylan.

“Are you lost, little girl?”

Paula asked, her voice coming behind me.

No time for this.

I ignored her, moving further inside silently searching for him.

“You can leave now.”

She commands, I can hear her trailing behind me. Who wears heels after dancing as a cheerleader? Well, Paula does. It’s not much of a school day, she’s also the self acclaimed queen bee.

“It’s either you leave this place now or I’ll throw you out…”

Her threat came with a cold tone, she meant business, but I’m not even shaken. She can’t throw me out of the boy’s locker room. That’s just absurd.

“I’m not sure what you’re hoping to achieve here, but you have just ten seconds or I promise you I’ll pull that dry hair of yours and toss you out of this place as the trash you are.”

She emphasised. I had to pause to turn, a tired sigh slipping through my parted lips.

How can someone throw tantrums and act silly every single day? Is it the money? Her parent’s wealth? What has this girl feeling as though she owns the fricking world.

“Five seconds…”

She drawled. I peeked through the corners. Dylan isn’t here. Why waste my energy exchanging words with her when he’s not even in this place.

“Besides, I can as well see him when I get home. I don’t want a scene with her.”

I reasoned with myself, sighed defeatedly and resigned to leaving.

About to turn, I sighed Dylan emerging from the shower room.

His hair was dripping with water, but He had changed his clothes already. Finally a white shirt and black pants, short-sleeved so I could see the trickles of water.

I gulped in admiration. Her lips were moving he would be saying something or trying to mouth something to me, too bad I was barely listening.

“Camilla was just leaving…”

Paula grabbed me roughly by my arm, my five seconds are up then.

I finally snapped from my trance fidgeting while struggling to shove her off.

“Let go of her now!”

He fired in a hard tone. Both of us halted, his tone striking something. I watched as Dylan marched towards me, forcefully pulling my hand.

I winced at the struggle between two people. Paula could only hiss, that and nothing more. The others were more focused on drinks and girls to notice the side altercation happening in the same room.

“Don’t do this again Paula.”

He warned and tugged at my arm, pulling me out of the centre to another section.

There was very little space between the guys and the girls so we tried to find a secluded area to talk.

Finally, we did, there wasn’t any space to seat so we leaned over the wall, silently staring at each other.

Then he smiled while trailing his eyes over me.

“You know how risky it is to come back here, yet you did. You could have gotten squished between the boys. You’re tiny Afterall…”

He trailed off amused, biting down a laugh.

“Well yeah. I guess I do. I just wanted to say congratulations, you did great.”

His brows shot up.

“You were impressed?”

He asked, disbelief laced in his tone.


I grinned fully.

“Well, that’s a first. I didn’t peg you as the soccer type, but I’m glad you enjoyed the game.”

He dropped his foot, striding towards me to close the distance between us.

Then he took my face in his palms, leaving one finger to gently brush the hair from my face, that way he had a clearer view. I pressed my face against his palm, the only option of avoiding his intense gaze. I’m doing my possible best not to turn crimson red with his actions.

“Thank you, Camilla.”

He said breathlessly, his voice dangerous low so much so that our closeness was the only reason I heard those words.

Has it always been this husky as well? Or was I just not paying attention.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, my face still titled away.

“Well then.”

I cleared my throat softly. Can this end? If someone walks in, they’re getting the wrong idea. I’m not sure why he’s doing this per se.

“I should get going now.”

I chuckled nervously, bringing my face forward with a slight blush on my cheeks.

He twitched his lips in a small smile.

“Do you have to?”

He asked. Whatever that meant, my heart fluttered.

“Well, there are no more classes so no but you’re the quarterback of course everyone would want you to be close to them.”

I replied truthfully. My tone was clipped with straightforward words.

“I know but sometimes it gets overwhelming you know, I just want to get away from it just for a little while. That’s why I’m asking if you truly have to Leave.”

He smiled genuinely making my insides flip.

“Well, I don’t. I’m not a cheerleader or anything, no classes. I’m free I guess.”

I rambled ending with a tiny shrug.


He mumbled, taking my hair from my back and pushing it over my shoulder.

He pulled away and returned to his corner. My breathing returned halfway to normal. His close presence was somewhat intoxicating.

“Camilla Renee, let’s go somewhere. Let’s escape this school, the teachers, the students. You and I. Even if it’s only for a few hours. Just for today. Let’s escape.”

His proposal was crazily funny, especially with emphasis at the end of each word, the way it rolls off his tongue then the little smirk afterwards.

It warms my heart and that tiny blush on my left cheek, it spread across my entire face.

I ducked my head quickly, but he must have noticed by now.



I confirmed.


*Author’s Note:*

*Apologies for the minor confusion in the last chapter, I made some slight errors but they’ve all been corrected! Thank you for the comments!*

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