My Visions His Reality

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty–Two Harper with chocolate, that’s my favorite flavor now.

I have no idea why, but the moment I said that Eva might be pregnant, no, scratch that, is pregnant, the mood in the office changed drastically. It was somehow less hostile and cold.

I didn’t know the story about the couple sitting in front of me, but by the way, both of Harper’s stilled and gaped at me, for a few minutes, I would say, that being pregnant was amazing news for them. I couldn’t help but feel clated that the news came from me.

“You can check it, you know,” I said, while carefully eyeing Eva’s expression. She looked up at me and nodded distractedly.

She gingerly picked up the test and got up from the comfortable office chair, behind the desk. I could see her knees were wobbly and I was afraid she would fall and hurt herself.

She slowly walked out of the room, still in a dare and I looked at Harper nervously. I had felt his eyes on me the entire time and I knew he was wondering why I didn’t tell him about the dream I had last night.

1 nervously smiled at him, unsure how he would react. Harper’s eyes met mine and his expression immediately softened. He squeezed my hand gendly and I knew everything was alright between us.

I don’t know why, but Harper’s father, Sebastian intimidated me a lot. He had that authoritative and powerful aura around him, that I guess only belonged to an alpha. I had to give myself a pep talk every time we made eye contact. He had this weird formidable aura around him. He just seemed unapproachable

Sebastian moved from his place and walked forward to sit on the chair behind the desk, across from us. Even his movements were dangerous and calculated. I wondered if Harper would be like his father at the same age, calculative and distant.

Sebastian sat down on the chair gracefully and placed his hands on the table. I looked up from my lap, to find Sebastian already looking at me. intense gaze made me shudder involuntarily, and not in a good way. He looked like he was taking me in and forming an opinion about me.

I smiled tentatively at him, in a nervous attempt to diffuse the tension between me and him. It was weird to think that the man sitting in front of me could turn into a Majestic white wolf and rip my head off if he felt like it. You don’t want to be on the bad side of such a man, believe me.

The door burst open and I turned around to see a very flushed Eva standing there. A very happy Eva.

I guess the news

news was true, after all.

Eva walked into the room with an aura of otherworldly happiness and I gave her a full–blown smile. She walked towards me and I stood up the chair, leaving Harper’s hand

Before I could unter a word, Eva engulfed me in a bone–crushing hug. Thank you, thank you so much.” Oh god, was she crying?!

I gingerly put my arms around the petite form, while struggling to breathe.


“Mom, you’re smothering her, Harper said forcefully and I was grateful for the interruption because I was sure my another three seconds. Damn werewolf strength!

ny ribs would have broken


I gasped for breath as soon as she released me and I was immediately pulled into a hard body. One that I had been getting to know very well. The tingles were a dead giveaway and I sighed in pleasure at Harper’s tourh

Harper frantically searched me for injuries and I rolled my eyes at his overprotective nature. I’m fine, Harper. Calm down.” I said while putting a hand on his check. He instantly calmed down. I was beginning to understand the effects I had on him, as his mate. Lcould calm him down with a single touch

Harper smiled nervously at me, suddenly embarrassed by his actions. “I was just making sure.” I took my hand in his and squeezed it, reassuring


Eva cleared her throat and I was reminded that we weren’t alone, there were two other people in the room, who also happened to be Harper’s parents, 1 blushed furiously at the thought.

1 looked up to see Eva umiling knowingly at me, made me happy.

the stiffness from before, gone now. She seemed relaxed and overjoyed at the news and that

Tim going to the pack doctor, now, to check how far along 1 am.” Eva gushed. Before anyone could say anything she had already dashed out of the

Chapter Al

Thes meeting was turning out to be good. I leaned into Harper and he put his arm around my shoulders to bring me closer. I snuggled my head into his chest and smiled at how comfortable I felt in his arms.

Before I could relax in his arms, someone cleared their throat behind us. Sebastian..

Harper reluctantly let go of me and we turned around to face the man, who seemed less stiff now and less threatening. He had stood up from the thair and was now standing behind the desk. He put his arm forward.

I gingerly placed my hand in his and he shook it. Even a handshake with him intimidated me.

“Welcome to the pack” Sebastian stiffly spoke. Well, I didn’t expect a smile from him

I smiled at him. “Thank you”

He let go of my hand and walked out of the room, presumably after his mate.

Harper immediately pulled me into his arms and I giggled at his action. “So, where were we?” He asked with a devilish glint in his eye.

I smiled shyly at him and pulled him down to kiss him. He bent down and our lips met into a gentle kiss. Our lips moved with each other and tingles erupted from my lips and went all the way down to my lady parts, making me all hot and bothered.

apart from each other, both of us breathless. We smiled a each other.

We broke apar

Harper grabbed my hand. “Come on, I want to show you something

He guided me out of the office, up the stairs, across a hallway, and in front of a room. I looked at him, confused as to what this was about Harper blushed. “I wanted to show you my room.”

I smiled at him. “Okay”

room was cleannoveldrama

He pushed open the doors and gestured for me to go first. I didn’t know what I was expecting to see but I liked what I saw. His m unlike every other teenage boy’s. A king–sized bed was placed in the middle of the room.

The room was lived in but it lacked a personal touch. His walls were bare, his desk was clear and so were his bookshelves. There wasn’t any object which could give me an insight as to how he lived.

You don’t spend much time, here, do you?” I asked him after I had taken in the room

Harper had stayed by the door and had watched me take everything in “Nope. I’m not around much. I prefer to stay at my grandparent’s cabin, in the woods”

His grandparent’s cabin’t

“I know what you’re thinking” Harper laughed. “I have renovated a room on the first floor to suit my needs. I stay there whenever I want to get an from here.”

I nodded. There was something pleasantly weird about being alone in Harper’s room. I could feel the tension building between us and a warm feeling blossomed inside me at the thought

“So, how are white wolves different than other normal wolves?” I asked him, in a vain attempt to diffuse the tension between us


Harper must have caught on to what I was up to because his eyes twinkled and he smirked at me. “Well, us wolves usually have extra capabilities like extra power and keen senses, as I have already told you” I nodded. “Each white wolf has a special power of its own. One white wolf has the power to teleport and another one has levitation properties”

“What about you!”

“I have the power of compulsion. I can make anyone do whatever I want them to do. Sometimes a small group too, Alphas can control everyone in their packs but I can ao compel humans and rogues”

frowned. “What are rogues”

Harper crossed his arms across his chest and leaned his back on the door. When a wolf commits a serious crime, the alpha of the pack h power to banish that particular wol Grom the pack. It won’t be able to enter any other pack. As wolves are social creatures, their wolves slowly go mad They become vicious and kill everyone in their paths?”

has the

I gulpeil nervously at his vivid description. He sected so nonchalant about it, “Well, I hope I never cross paths with one”

D ReelShort


be a direct descendant of the moon i goddess? I laughed.

Harper shrugged ‘s nothing great I would much rather have a black fur coat. It’s more inconspicuous and hard to spot in a forest. Silver fur suusk out. But I make it up with my strength and speed”

hi so modest of you to mention that I teased him.

7 have something for you” Harper slowly walked to his desk, and opened a drawer. He took out a halfeaten chocolate bar from it and handed it

That’s a man after my heart.

I took the bar from him and went to sit on the bed. I gestured for him to come sit with me. He reluctantly agreed and sat beside me.

I tore a piece of from the chocolate and gave it to him. He eyed it with surprise. “You’re giving me your chocolate!”

He took it from me. “Didn’t know girls did that.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Well, he was right. “You know the wrong sort of girls, then. I’d be happy to share my chocolate with you”

He just chuckled and took another piece of chocolate, 1 handed to him. We ate the chocolate bar for a few minutes, both of us lost in our thoughts and enjoying the rich flavor of our taste buds.

“I want the last piece” Harper’s words broke me out of my reverie.

I looked at my hand and found the last remaining piece of chocolate in the wrapper,

There was no way I was going to share that with him. I was n not that good of a person

“No way. I’m eating that” Before he could open his mouth to reply. I popped the piece in my mouth and smirked at him in triumph.

Harpers eyes darkened. You shouldn’t have done that. There’s no way I

Im going to let that piece of chocolate go

to now!

Before could make sense of his words, he slamned his lips on mine. I gasped at the sudden action, he took advantage of it and I felt his tongue slide into my mouth

Harper w

with chocolate, that’s my favorite flavor now.

My tongue battled with Harpers, all the while tasting the sweet taste of chocolate. Neither of us wanted to break the kiss, it was probably the best we Had so far

My hands circled his mech and he placed his own around my waist and brought me closer to his body.

more intense, as we fought with each other dominance and relished the taste of each other, with the bonus of the chocolate.

The kiss was becoming more in

We broke apart from each other, our faces flushed due to our recent kiss, and I smiled giddily at him.

“That was. Harper huskily said

“Amazing” My voice came out all breathy and 1 flushed.

“More than amazing. Harper said, gazing at me with so much emotion in his eyes.

Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine again.

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