Prince Justus and the Rogue

Chapter 5 - Hanging Out With the Kitchen Help

Gracia POV

I pick up the midday meal tray and start walking towards the garden. Prince Justus has requested that I personally deliver his midday meal. My heart is beating twice it's normal rate and I have butterflies in my stomach practicing extreme acrobatics. I turn the corner and there he is, Prince Justus, my mate, and Greek god in the flesh. As I walk up I see that he's perusing some documents and I set the tray down. I carefully lay out his utensils, then I lay out his food, and finally I pour his wine into a gold chalice. I take the tray away and I step back behind him and wait for him to finish his meal or tell me that he needs something.

"Gracia." My heart starts pounding even faster at the mention of my name. "Would you like to join me by sitting next to me? There's plenty of food to share." He offers looking over his shoulder.

"Your highness, I don't believe that I should. What if I am caught? I could get in so much trouble." I want to but I'm scared.

"First of all, when we're alone, call me Justus. Secondly I'm a fucking a prince and I invited you to sit down to eat with me. If anyone has a problem with it, tell them to talk to me because I ordered you to sit down." He stands up and offers his hand out as I walk around the table and chairs and to sit next to him on the bench. He took the small plate that was under his coffee cup and put on it some steak already cut up, some vegetables, and a roll. "That's a really small plate so let me know if you want more. So, how are you and your sister getting along here at the castle?"

"Well, I haven't picked Cecily up from her first day of school yet so I'm not sure how it went for her but I'm hoping she made some friends. The teacher seemed really nice and was ready to teach knowing that Cecily did not grow up learning how to read and write. I'm getting along well in the kitchen. I've made a friend who works with me at my station. Johanne showed us around the castle grounds and this place is pretty amazing. So, if everything goes well with Cecily I'm pretty happy to be here.” I smile back at him. "Well if you're done eating I should probably get this cleaned up and go back to work."

He lets out a sigh but knows there's no real reason why he can delay me. As I'm finishing up a beautiful blond she-wolf walks up to Prince Justus. She has a body to die for, thick blond hair all the way to her waist, and blue eyes. "Justus! So, this is where you have been hiding. I missed you in the dining hall for the midday meal. Do you think maybe later we could do something together maybe go for a run? Or, I'll be playing the piano for my mother and her friends at tea time if you want to come listen." She then turns her attention to me and her whole demeanor changes from sweet to ugly. "Um, kitchen helper girl do you think you could stop eavesdropping on our conversation and move along a little faster. I'm going to have to talk to Chef Randel about you. So, what do you say Justus?"

"Well, for starters it's Prince Justus to you. Also, I've been hiding partly from you and don't be rude to Gracia. She's a lot more than just some kitchen helper girl and I'll know if you talk to Chef Randel and I promise you the result won't be a pretty one. Oh and it'll be a cold day in hell before I attend a tea party with your mom and friends or go on a run with you. Come on Gracia, let me walk you back to the kitchen and I'll carry the tray." Before I can protest he takes the tray from my hands and then walks with me back to the kitchen.

Not only does he walk me back to the kitchen he walks into the kitchen with me. It goes completely silent and everyone stares. Finally Chef Hann gets a grip and snaps out of his surprise. "Prince Justus, what a surprise visit. How may I help you?"

"Hey, where does this tray with the dishes go?" He asks like that's perfectly normal for him to carry back the tray instead of me doing it. "Also, I need to speak with you and Chef Randel privately." He leans down and gives me a kiss on the top of my forehead. As Chef Hann motions him forward I see him give a glare towards Blazh.

Justus POVnoveldrama

I follow Chef Hann back into Chef Randel's office. "Ah, Prince Justus! What do I owe the pleasure for this visit?" Chef Randal stands up to bow.

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"Thanks Chef. I came about Gracia. I would like it if she would be the one that brings my midday meal to me from now on, permanently. For now, at least, I'll take it at noon in the eastern gardens. Also, there is an issue that I need to relay. The beta's daughter Bozhena," I pause for a minute and both men roll their eyes and take in deep breaths. "Has claimed that she wants to report Gracia, for what I do not know, but please understand whatever it is it's completely baseless and definitely a lie." I stand up to leave and nod at the two men.

I send a mindlink to Emil, Mack, and Jankin to meet at our meeting spot for a run in an hour. I wonder what if anything I can do to help Gracia out without it appearing like I'm meddling in her life. Maybe tomorrow I can ask if she would like for me to get Cecily a tutor to help her learn to read and write.

Gracia POV

It's time for me to pick Cecily up from school. I walk to the fifth grade room and peer in through the window in the door. Cecily was sitting right up front and seemed to be catching every word the teacher was saying. She grabbed her books and put them in a satchel when a bell rang then she headed for the door along with a swarm of other children. I felt like I was being mobbed by little ones of all ages and sizes until Cecily grabbed a hold of my hand. We headed out of the door and towards our quarters.

"So, how was school?" I'm really hoping she liked it and that she made some new friends.

"It was sooooo much fun! I met these other girls named Abigail and Eda and we had so much fun at recess and lunch. Then the teacher helped me with reading and writing and I think I'm understanding it. Then she talked about history, art, music, literature, and science. Art was a lot of fun because we got to paint and I'll be able to take mine home tomorrow. Music was great because we all got to play different instruments. I played the drums. The teacher said she's going to start showing me how to read music too. Literature was okay. The teacher passed out books and the class all read from different books and talked about what the book was about. But since I can't read I just sat and listened. Learning the history of werewolves was pretty cool.

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After I got Cecily settled back in our quarters, she decided to take a nap, I went back to work. That's when Chef Hann pulled me aside.

"Hey Miss Feisty, you are the only one to serve Prince Justus his midday meal from now on. For now, at least, he is requesting his meals at noon in the eastern garden. We will prepare the meal for you and all you have to do is carry over to him just like you did yesterday. So, once you get used to this role I may promote you to a server position." Chef Hann tells me and then walks away.

I get off work at five thirty and rush to pick up Cecily who is practicing writing letters then rush us to the dining hall so we don't miss dinner. Tonight's main course is bread, salad, tomato soup,grilled chicken, grilled vegetables, and a brownie for dessert. I have never seen so much food in one place before! I can't believe what my plate looks like when I sit down to eat. This place is amazing.

After dinner Cecily and I decide to take a walk around the gardens and we run into Justus and his friends Emil, Mack, and Jackin. They are just coming back from a run in wolf form and are wearing nothing but trousers, their glistening bodies wet with sweat. We all start talking and laughing and feel a hand clasp around mine. I look up at Prince Justus and he just smiles down at me then he lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. At this same time the blond she wolf from earlier in the day walks up to us.

"So Justus, when did you start hanging out with the kitchen help?" She asks, looking me up and down with her arms folded over her chest.

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