Seducing My Ex’s Father In Law

Chapter 304

Chapter 0304 Third Person POV Nan wasnt sure what she was doing .

She had been a complete mess for days and she could feel herself spiraling out of control .

My cousin really likes you , Mac told her during lunch the day before .

He thought you were really cute and funny and wanted me to find out if you were seeing anyone .

At this point , Nan and Judy arrived in this country the day prior and Nan met Mac and Tyler later that evening .

She met Kelsey at their current lunch .

She was currently watching their exchange , her eyes darting back and forth as they spoke to one another like she was watching a volleyball game .

Seeing anyone ? Nan thought to herself as she processed Macs question .

Was she seeing anyone ? Her situation with Chester wasnt exactly black and white .

Chester was her fated mate , but it seems he doesnt want her .

Hes too busy having sex with anyone that has a pulse .

Would going out with a guy while on a trip out of the country really matter to Chester ? Nan was so sure that Chester would end up rejecting her once she got back anyway , that nothing really mattered .

Maybe it was the rebound or the fact that she was on her third martini , but she found herself shaking her head .

Im not seeing anyone , she said softly , picking up her glass and taking another sip of her martini .

Macs smile lit up the entire room as she clapped her hands together .

Hes going to be so happy , she cooed .

Do you want to get together tonight ? Tyler wants to go to dinner and thought we should all go together .

Nan nodded , nibbling on her lower lip .

Yeah , that sounds great , she agreed .

Since that conversation , an entire day has passed .

At dinner last night , Tyler was very kind to her .

He sat close to her and talked to mostly her .

She tried to pretend to be interested in the things he said , but her mind kept returning to Chester .

Many times , she cursed herself .

Today , though , Tyler had been acting strangely .

Almost possessively , he kept touching her , wrapping his arms around her , whispering in her ear , kissing her .noveldrama

They shared a kiss the night before , but Nan stopped it before it became too much .

She couldnt stomach the thought of being with another while she had a mate , even if said mate didnt want her .

But Tyler didnt seem to get the hint ; he continued to touch and kiss her despite how many times shes pulled away .

Its like he had a silent claim on her , and then that stunt he pulled when he answered Judy for her and then denied Judy an invitation to come along .

Nan understood that it was last minute and there were most likely no tickets for sale , but that wasnt for Tyler to decide .

It was Nans invitation to her best friend , so it was her responsibility to figure something out .

Not some guy she met less than 48 hours ago .

Nan could tell that Judy was upset about the situation as well and she wanted to say something , but she was biting her tongue .

Maybe she was waiting for Nan to say something ? How did things get so messy so quickly ? What are you thinking about ? Tyler asked , draping an arm around her and pulling her into his side .

They were seated in one of the resort parlors that overlooked a gorgeous water fountain .

Nan found tranquility in this place ; there were flowers overlooking the floor to ceiling windows and in the distance , she could see the ocean .

This was the one place in this resort that wasnt swarming with people because there really wasnt much to do besides lounge .

1/2 Chapter 0304 Before Tyler randomly showed up , Nan was seated on the loveseat with a book in her hands , trying hard not to think about Chester , but it seemed to be the only thing her brain could do lately .

Im just nervous for Judy , Nan lied ; she was more than confident in Judys abilities to kick ass , but that wasnt what she was thinking about .

She was upset with Tyler for speaking rudely to her friend .

Nan wasnt even sure if she wanted to go out with him , but it didnt seem he was giving her much of a choice .

He seemed to always be around .

Im sure shell do great , Tyler said , tucking a strand of hair behind Nans ear .

How about we go back to my room and- Actually , I promised Judy that I would help her with something , Nan said , tucking her book back into her purse which sat at her feet on the ground .

She grabbed the strap of her purse and shouldered it , standing to her feet .

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