Seducing My Ex’s Father In Law

Chapter 308

Chapter 0308 Nan was back in the hotel suite when I returned later in the evening .

She was dressed in a pretty black dress that rested just above her knees and showed off her cleavage from the low cut collar .

Her short hair was pulled out of her face , and she had a light layer of makeup on her face .

Nan was the kind of girl who didnt need to wear a lot of makeup .

She was more beautiful naturally , and she knew this .

She was staring at herself in the mirror , a frown on her lips as she studied herself .noveldrama

She was examining the dress that I had never seen her wear before and the matching shoes that made her look tall and a bit uncomfortable .

They were squeezing at her feet , cutting off her circulation .

I frowned and furrowed my brows .

New dress ? I asked , shutting the door behind me .

Nan spun around to face me , her cheeks pink Oh , hi … she breathed .

I didnt hear you walk in .

She then glanced down at her dress and her cheeks grew even redder .

Tyler got me this dress for tonight .

I told him I didnt have anything to wear for a concert , so he had this sent to the room .

Hes getting you clothes now ? I asked , raising my eyebrows at her .

She shrugged and nibbled on her lower lip .

Its not like that , she argued quickly , her walls rising around her , protecting her .

Im going to return them after .

When I didnt say anything , tears filled her eyes , making my heart crack and my resolve fade .

Im not here to chastise you , I told her , sighing .

I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier .

She shook her head .

No , you were right , she told me .

Im being awful .

I shouldnt be hanging out with Tyler like this but hes a good distraction , Judy , and I need a distraction .

Im still so upset about the Chester thing and Im not really sure how to react .

Im not planning on being with Tyler after we return home .

But for right now … I need the distraction .

I nodded and stepped towards her , wrapping her in my arms and hugging her tightly .

I get it , I told her softly .

Im sorry I made you feel wrong about that .

You are an a decisions .

You know you better than anyone .

adult and can make your own She smiled through her tears as we pulled away .

I wiped a stray tear off her cheek with the back of my hand and we both chuckled softly .

I didnt like fighting with Nan , but when we did , we usually made up quickly .

Have fun tonight , I told her , nudging her arm .

Are you going to dinner with the other competitors ? Nanasked , watching as I rummaged through the closet for something to wear .

Nope , I told her with a grin , turning to look at her .

I have other plans .

Nan threw her head back and laughed .

She talked to me for while longer as I got dressed , preparing for my evening with Gavin By the time I was finished , Nan had len decency to come to the room and pick her up himself .

I sco my head , reminding myself that it wasnt my place to get volved to meet up with Tyler .

He didnt even have the led at the thought but then quickly brushed it out of Once I was done getting dressed , I grabbed my purse and hurried out of the room .

Gavins suite was only a couple of doors down .

As I approached his door , I took several deep breaths .

Meeting like this was risky , anyone could walk by and see me going into his room .

I knocked on the door lightly , but when there was no response , I knocked harder .

There was still no response .

Pressing my ear to the door , I tried to get a sign that he was even there .

I heard nothing I scowled and glanced at the time ; it was just after 7.

He told me to meet him in his room tonight , so I assumed he meant around dinnertime where everyone else would be busy .

I probably should have confirmed the exact time with him though I sighed and rummaged through my purse ; I wasnt planning on going to dinner tonight .

I was too nervous about the competition tomorrow and I just wanted to get into bed and spend a little time with Gavin .

I knew I still had a copy of his room key from when I made that mistake at the front desk .

Once I found the key , I let myself into his I shut the door behind me and put the key back into my purse .

I slipped the purse off my shoulder and placed it on the kitchen counter .

I walked around the room , taking in the scent of Gavin that surrounded me .

It was comforting , and it seemed to put both my wolf and me and ease .

I found my anxieties starting to melt away .

I stared at the neatly made bed , ideas surfacing in my head wanted to surprise Gavin when he arrived .

I wanted to be prepared for him .

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