A Baby And A Family


Hera sat up on the bed after her long rest. She and Bryce had both decided to officially tie the knot after her delivery which was due anytime soon. She stared at the ring on her finger and the images from that night flooded her memories. She could clearly remember that day as though it were yesterday. Bryce had gotten down on one knee and promised to marry and love her forever.

She guessed that's all there was on marriage and soon after the baby is delivered, they will be joined together as man and wife. She had been feeling down that she would bring a baby into this world without going about it the right way but he had assured her that her fears were valid and had decided to do it right way. The godly way. The thought of that day approaching had her grinning from ear to ear.

Christina and the sisters had paid her a visit as well during the latter stages of her pregnancy. Christina was very ecstatic about being an aunt. She couldn't wait for the day she gave birth. Although busy with exams and juggling through school work, she had made it a duty to communicate with her when she had the time.

Hera was equally excited about the whole thing although sometimes, the contractions made her change her mind. But it all, it was a blissful experience.

Mariam went all out to spoil and take care of her. She made sure to spend a lot of time with her so that she doesn't get bored out of her mind. It was almost like we were close friends now. Everyone was putting in a lot of work for her and she couldn't be more grateful. Everyone kept their fingers crossed cause she'll be due anytime soon. They all made absolutely sure that she never did anything, Bryce inclusive.

"You just need to rest Hera. You'll be due soon and we don't want anything to go wrong."

"Don't touch anything."

"Read a book instead if you're bored." They kept on saying. It was a usual slogan to listen to all the time with Bryce as the orchestrator of the theme slogan. Ben had kept in touch from time to time. He was busy these days with work and travels but he always sent her postcards from every country he visited. It was like a ritual, their own way of communicating even though things hadn't gone as expected between them.

Bryce still doesn't like him and neither does Ben for some reason but they had both found a common ground to walk on. So far the pregnancy had gone well, and she was expecting a baby very soon. life was good.

Hera closed her eyes briefly to relish her thoughts and take them all in then stood up and slowly walked to the balcony of their bedroom. Bryce was in the bathroom and she wasn't sure if he noticed that she was up and walking or he would've scolded her.

Her figure resembled a large pumpkin at the market. She had been eating for two for many months. Two chocolates for her and two for the baby. Like an expectant mother, she had been reading many books to keep herself ready.

As she made her way outside the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen, she felt a terrible pain shoot through her belly, hurting her insides. She practiced the breathing technique she had learned from her ante-natal classses at the hospital and after a few minutes the contraction was gone.

"Hmmm. Must've been the chocolate I ate earlier." She thought to herself.

Few minutes later, she had another small contraction but she wasn't too concerned as she hoped that it would disappear as quickly as it came until it became a lot intense.

"Bryce?" She groaned in pain as another contraction started. "Bryce...." She yelled this time a lot louder than the first. "I'm really going to die if someone doesn't come here right now."

Just like that, He rushed out of his bedroom to where she stood. He almost fell on his face which would've been a lot funnier if she wasn't dealing with this pain right now. He held her waist with one hand while she squeezed on his other free hand tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly and she shot him a dagger stare. Was he seriously asking that right now?

"You think?" She muttered through gritted teeth.

"You had another chocolate didn't you?" He asked as he led her outside the house.

"It's not the chocolate Bryce. It's the baby." She was this close to cursing at him but she refrained from doing so.

"But it's too early."

"I don't think it knows that." She urged. Mariam chose that exact moment to join them.

"Call the doctor Mariam and tell them that we're on our way to the hospital." Bryce told Mariam who rushed to make the phone call almost immediately.

Hera was really scared now. She honestly doesn't know how to calm her nerves that were all over the place. Bryce helped her into the car and in seconds, they were driving straight to the hospital.

They arrived and before she knew it,

she was in a hospital gown and was wheeled into the emergency ward, her feet propped up in stirrups. Hera knew that Bryce was pretty much feeling nervous out there as much as she was inside. The image of her at the hospital in an almost fatal condition came to mind but she brushed it off. She had to think

positive and happy thoughts now.

"I'll will have to buy some preemie cute outfits. I can't wait to hold my baby, I can't wait to..."

"Argh!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hera." The doctor called out to her, interrupting her thoughts.

"Ouch!" She screamed again as it dawned on her that she was about to give birth. The pain was unbearable. No one told her it was going to be this worse. God! Bryce was so not going to touch her ever again! She would never let him. She thought to herself. "You need to push Hera. Your baby's coming like a freight train." The doctor said in a serious tone.

"Omg it feels like one too." She yelled a lot harder. Her face going red from the result. She was certain that her voice could be heard round the entire hospital building. She closed my eyes screaming Bryce's name, her sister's name all through the ordeal. After many hours of pushing, screaming, crying and yelling, she was delivered of her baby girl. She turned to look at her as the nurse cleaned her up. Her strength leaving her slowly.

"It's a baby girl." She heard the doctor say. She didn't know what happened next but all she knew was that she fell unconscious. She woke up later to see Bryce in her room as well as Mariam and Max. They were all here.

"Hera you're awake and you did it." Mariam said and kissed her hands as she rocked her baby in her arms. "I'm so proud of you dear."

"Now you look less fat Mrs Donovan." Max teased playfully and she gave a wry smile, happy that he could make it down here.

"Oh Mariam. You never told me it was this painful." She primped causing everyone else to laugh. Bryce looked at her, his features a lot softer than before. She couldn't decipher what he was thinking until he stood beside her and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart." He whispered. His lips stretching into a smile. He sniveled and that's when she understood why he looked at her that way. He was happy and relieved that she was okay.

"Thank you for not leaving me." He added joining their foreheads together before pulling away m

"I want to hold my baby." She said disrupting the moment with laughter echoing around the room.

"Here you go." Mariam said handing her over to Hera who took her with great care.

"Hello little one." A large grin crossed her face as she stroked her chin. She looked perfect in every way she could imagine. Her eyes watered at the sight.

"So what're you going to call her?" Mariam asked and she turned to look at Bryce.

"We haven't settled on a name "

"I have." She interrupted still looking

at him. "We'll call her Lia which is short for Amelia." She said and saw the look of surprise that shone through his eyes. She had named their daughter after his mother. She knew how much he loved his mother and she had always wanted her daughter to bear her should in case she gave birth to one.

His eyes watered and he leaned in to kiss her full on the lips before nodding in agreement. "Amelia. I love it. Thank you Hera."

"She looks like her dad." She said finally.

"And beautiful like her mom." He

said giving her another kiss as his hands went on to hold hers which she gripped on tightly. He bursted a chuckle while Hera looked on, believing that everything was to be perfect from now on. She has everything that she had always wanted. What more could she ask for? She felt contented and blessed! noveldrama

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