Stealing the Heart of Mr. Steele

Heart 33

Chapter 33 [Cordelia]

Tilly's face is flushed with fear. She is worried about me. Her anger and frustration come from a place of love and concern.

Shivering, I take a look over my shoulder at Jude's place. "Can we go get lunch out today? I'd feel safer if we went somewhere else." der a dis

We take her car, and as soon as the apartment disappears in the rearview mirror, I begin to tell her everything. Tilly listens quietly, occasionally nodding to let me know she is still listening. Eventually, she surmises that she doubts he is up to anything "nefarious" although sh "Babies, Tilly! He had babies floating in jars. How do you explain...?" I wave my hands up and down in frustration.

"He's an experimental scientist, right, working on cutting-edge medicine. I bet there

is a reasonable explanation for all of it," seeing my fear and uncertainty she then adds, "I'm just saying that we should give Dr. Smexy a chance to clear his name before you condemn him."

Crossing my arms, my expression sour, I realize she's right. There has got to be a reasonable explanation for what I saw.

"I don't know if I feel comfortable going back there alone," I confess every nerve in my body screaming that it isn't safe, despite my brain understanding that the reaction is illogical. "This whole situation is making me nervous."

"What if I went with you?" she suggests, patting my hand gently. "Then we can both learn more about his work. Who knows, it could be the inspiration for a future line."

She laughs as I twist my smile into a grimace, the thought of a body part-inspired fashion line bringing me close to vomiting for the second time today.. "Can we talk about ANYTHING else," I look at the meat-

filled sandwiches on our plates and try not to think about how similar my ham looks to the items floating in jars. My stomach starts to gurglenoveldrama

reateningly, even though it is completely empty. "Please."

Thankfully she switches topics to tell me about the marketing company she is meeting today. "Since you will be in the office already, I was hoping you might help me decide if using this service is the right move for Mathilda Madison Designs," she smiles. When the time for the appointment with NextView Marketing Solutions arrives, there is a gentle knock on her office door followed by a timid but familiar, "Hello?"

"Come on in," Tilly calls. As he opens the door slowly, I can see I wasn't wrong about who I heard on the other side.

Clark is wearing a suit jacket and a sci-fi t-shir

tucked into crisp blue jeans. As soon as he sees me, his professional demeanor falls away as he sweeps me up into a big hug. "Thank goodness! I was so worried about you when they took you away, Cordy!"

Tilly's stunned and confused face turns towards the two of us holding on to one another as I prattle on about Atlas' jailhouse rescue. To ease her shock, I explain that Clark is Atlas' younger brother. "We've Chapter 33

"Friends?" She doesn't look entirely convinced as she looks between the two of us, but instead of pressing with any more questions she says with a tight-lipped smile, "Let's see that presentation, shall we?"

Clark is impressive as he discusses his business which he began building during his time overseas as a way to help Steele Industries in new markets. His work is a combination of statistics, surveys, and customer shopping habits-

but also uses social media and new technologies for promotion.

"What do you think, Cordelia?" Tilly focuses her attention on me, "Is this product the right fit for this company?"

I take a moment to consider. While he does offer a full-service package, much of what he does would better serve a smaller business just starting out, especially the analytical side of what he does.

When I mention this to the two of them, Clark pulls out another pay schedule showing adjusted rates for separate services. He then slashes the prices with a black dry-erase marker.

Clark winks at me. "I'll give you the friends a.amily discount," he promises. "Since we are friends and family, after all."

In gratitude, Tilly buys the entire promotion package for my company as a thank you present. We spend a bit more time talking with Clark, and it turns out that he and Tilly have a lot in common. By the time we leave the office, the three of us are laughing like old friends. Tilly looks at her watch and swears. "I'm sorry, Cordy, but our little talk with Jude is going to need to wait," she apologizes. "Clark, do you think you can give Cordy a ride home?"

Having no other clients to meet that day, he gladly agrees to chauffeur, and on the ride there he asks me about my fashion line and my vision for it. As we get closer to my apartment, every muscle in my body starts to clench.

"It's nothing, really," I laugh.

His face becomes quietly patient, his whole attention on me as he pulls over a few blocks away. "Tell me everything, Cordy. I can tell that something is bothering you."

Trying not to cry at his gentle words, I find myself opening up to him in a way I haven't done with anyone else, including Tilly. I tell him about the strange messages I've been receiving

and also the strange vibe from Jude. I tell him about the misadventure in Jude's lab and how unsafe I feel at home.

"Why don't you come home with me, to the manor," he suggests. "I'm sure Atlas would..."

"No," I interrupt him, my tone harsher than I intended. "No Thank you, I mean, I think all things considered it would be more than a little bit awkward."

"How about this then," he smiles. "I'll keep you company until Tilly gets home, and then I'll go with the two of you to the Fashion Expo this weekend. In the meantime, I'll have my drones watching your place and they will notify me immediately if anything happens." I gulp. I want to protest, to tell him that he doesn't need to do this, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that his offer makes me feel a lot more safe. "Are you sure? You don't have to..."

"I insist," he grins leaving no room for argument. "It is the least I could do."

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