The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 30



Charlotte would not give up on the ring. She was like a dog with a bone. The moment we spotted her grandfather the next day, she elbowed me and gave me a pointed look, indicating that I needed to ask him posthaste about the family heirloom. I took a deep breath and approached the old man, who was seating himself in the living room, feeling my anxiety skyrocket. To access the complete chapters for free, visit J o b I didn't understand Charlotte's desire to have this ring. I had seen a photo and while it was beautiful, it was old and dated. It was worth a fortune though and I suspected that was what held the most appeal to her and not the design of the ring itself.

"Mr Deluca," I said politely, inclining my head as the old man regarded me silently, Charlotte hovering in the background, keeping a close eye on me "I was wondering if I may have a quick word with you?"

Mr Deluca waved his hand at me to sit and I did, leaning forward to gaze at him intently "Mr Deluca, as you are aware, Charlotte and I's engagement party is in a few days and it's occurred to me that I have yet to get Charlotte an engagement ring..." I trailed off, not sure how to put it.

He raised a brow looking impatient "I don't understand how any of this is my concern" he said blithely.noveldrama

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Charlotte glaring at me. I sighed and turned back to her grandfather. "Well sir, I was speaking to my fiancee and it seems that she's very taken with a particular ring of your family's."

He tightened his lips and something flashed in his eyes, but otherwise he remained mute. I continued "A black diamond ring that I understand has been in the family for generations? I was hoping that I could give the ring to Charlotte

personally, seeing as it means so much to her" I finished, looking hopefully at the old man who looked remarkably calm at the question.

The grandfather chuckled, taking me aback. "I doubt it's the ring she's after but the money its worth," he said shrewdly, his eyes glinting "and I'm afraid that I must refuse your request, as polite as you were about it."

I stared at him stunned. I had not expected him to refuse me. Neither had Charlotte, for she stormed forward and put her hands on her hips, glaring at her grandfather who blinked up at her, looking amused by her anger.

"What do you mean you refuse?" she demanded, while I put a hand on her arm, trying to soothe her ruffled feathers "that ring is as much mine as anyones. I am your granddaughter, your flesh and blood. That ring has always been passed down. How can you refuse to hand it over?" she snapped.

"Charlotte," I said a little shocked at how rude she was being to her grandfather "you need to calm down."

Her grandfather smiled coldly "That ring belonged to your grandmother last and she would be rolling in her grave at how you just spoke to me girl" he said shaking his head and looking disgusted "I would die before I let you put your greedy little hands on it. Besides" he said with nonchalance "I will hand it over when I'm good and ready and not before." Charlotte yelled in exasperation "I want that ring. What am I going to wear to the engagement party? I don't want some pathetic little diamond that anybody could have, I want the black diamond ring" she sulked.

"Tough luck," her grandfather said with no sympathy in his voice whatsoever, as Karen entered the fray "I suggest you go to a jewelry store and pick one out. Like all couples do when they are getting married. Heaven knows the ring will probably last longer than the marriage," he said as an aside.

I took offense to that. So did Karen and Charlotte. "Grandfather" Charlotte shrieked "this is because you're punishing me still for the scandal in the newspaper, isn't it? Can't you just let bygones be bygones."

"I don't trust you not to pawn the ring," her grandfather said bluntly "and you don't appreciate it's true value. It's not how much it's worth but what it represents" he added frostily.

Charlotte looked confused, as did Karen. Her grandfather harrumphed "see, right there. You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?" he demanded accusingly.

"Mr Deluca with all due respect" I began and he waved a hand at me.

"With all due respect sonny boy, I don't appreciate you trying to strongarm me into doing something I don't want to do. Take Charlotte to a jewelry store and let her pick out a ring. It's not hard. I suggest you get something cheap though, because she's prone to lose things" he said as Charlotte's mouth gaped open "and they tend to appear in pawnshops."

"Grandfather" Charlotte protested wildly.

"That's enough John" Karen said sharply.

Grandfather just shrugged. "It's the truth," he said sharply "and I'm not risking it with the black diamond ring. I will keep it safely in my possession thank you very much."

Charlotte burst into loud, noisy tears. Her mother moved to comfort her, putting her arms around her daughter and patting her on the back as she sobbed. "Grandfather hates me" she wailed, sniffing and wailing.

I was helpless. I darted a glance toward the old man but he remained unmoved by his granddaughter's tears. "Charlotte," I said quietly "I'll take you to a really nice jewelry store and you can pick out whatever you like" I offered. She cried harder. Karen shot the grandfather a furious look. He blinked at her and then sighed, getting up and walking out of the room.

"You see how he treats me" Charlotte complained, wiping her eyes "he's so cold and inhumane" she whispered.

"He just wants to keep the ring. It's not that big a deal is it Charlotte? Wouldn't you like to choose a ring that's specifically for you, instead of an old one?" I said persuasively.

"No," she said with gritted teeth, pouting at me "I want that one."

I rubbed my forehead. "Well, it's not a possibility. I'll take you to a store later today" I proposed, just before there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I offered, keen to get away from Charlotte's glaring eyes.

The atmosphere in the room was so tense that you could cut it with a knife. I hurried to the front door and opened it. A young man handed over an envelope. I took it with curiosity and shut the door, making my way slowly back into the living room. The envelope was addressed to me. "What is that?" Charlotte asked, her tears now forgotten, as she eyed the envelope with curiosity.

"I'm not sure," I said frowning.

It was late morning by now and I was surprised to be receiving anything by courier. I slowly slid the envelope open and dragged out the paper inside. My jaw almost dropped open. Charlotte narrowed her eyes at me as I stood there, papers in hand, my body stiff with shock. "Well, what are you waiting for? What is it, Johnathon?" she demanded, coming closer to peer at the papers herself.

She'd done it, I thought hazily. She'd gone and done it. Flair had released me from our marriage and signed the divorce papers. She'd not only done that, but she'd filed them with the courthouse as well. It was unexpected but good news. Now Charlotte didn't have to complain that Flair was delaying and we didn't have to worry about the engagement party. Charlotte snatched the papers from my hand and began to furiously read through them. Her mother's eyes lit up.

"Well darling, what are they?" she cried out exuberantly, as she saw the smug look on Charlotte's face. Charlotte smirked while I ran a hand through my hair, feeling overwhelmed and a little nostalgic "the papers mother. The divorce papers. That b***h Flair finally signed and filed them. Johnathon is free to marry me now" she told her mother, who gave a shriek of excitement, both of them dancing around and holding hands.

I watched them celebrate, feeling out of sorts. I had wanted this. I had begged Flair for this and now, confronted with the actual papers, all I felt was a sense of loss that I couldn't even begin to describe. I should have been rejoicing and ecstatic, but I felt grief. The excitement that I should have felt and the sense of freedom felt like a noose being tied around my throat. Why did I feel like I was losing, instead of winning? Why did it feel like leaving Flair was one of the biggest mistakes of my life? I was marrying Charlotte Deluca for heavens sake, the wealthiest and most powerful heiresses there was. So why did it feel like there was a lead weight in my stomach and why did my heart feel like it was turned to stone?

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