The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 40



My new husband had surprised me on more levels than one. I was humming under my breath as I entered the yoga studio, and Rachel raised an eyebrow, a smug look on her face. There was no time to talk to her as there was a class immediately to conduct and we were kept busy for most of the morning, before she was able to corner me, after the last class had ended. I looked at her knowingly, while she looked as though she was fit to burst. It must have been killing her to have to wait this long before she could get any information from me. "Tell me," she said, as the class began to disperse, her voice dripping with eagerness "I want all the juicy details. Don't leave anything out," she said with glee "How was your night with Grayson? Did he call you frigid?" she scoffed, still peeved at Johnathon calling me such a thing.

I glanced around the room, grateful to find it was empty. My cheeks burned just thinking about my night and my morning with my husband and Rachel pointed at me, her lips parting into a wide grin.

"Oooh" she squealed "looks like you had more than a good night."

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face. Rachel put her hands on her hips and I giggled. I couldn't help it. I felt like a schoolgirl. I knew she wouldn't give up until I gave her something. "It was," I said, with a sigh "it was magnificent Rachel. I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't anything like I had with Johnathon, it was..." I trailed off, unsure how to phrase it politely, and then decided I didn't care "so much better." "Did you have multiple orgasms?" she deadpanned.

I blushed even harder. She smirked "I told you he would be good in bed" she exclaimed "and Johnathon has always been selfish" she sniffed "so it doesn't surprise me that he was selfish in bed. Fancy having the nerve to call you frigid, what a bastard," she said scornfully.

I looked at her helplessly "I was definitely not frigid" I said in a low voice "We even did it in the shower this morning" I confessed.

Her eyes sparkled "Look at you go. You wanton little thing you" she teased "and if I had a partner that looked as handsome as Grayson I would be jumping him every chance I got."noveldrama

"But it's a contract marriage, Rachel, you know that," I said with a groan "I'm not supposed to get attached too much. But he's acting like well..." I paused.

"Like you would expect a husband to act? Is that such a bad thing? Maybe your relationship will develop into a real marriage. Would you want that?" Rachel pressed.

"I don't know," I said slowly "I haven't known Grayson that long, but what I do know."

"You like about him" Rachel interrupted knowingly "Am I right?"

She was right. Grayson had turned what I had thought was going to be a cold or at least distant marriage into what I would have anticipated a real one to feel like. His manner was warm, loving, and mischievous. "You know he's Charlotte's brother" I reminded her stiffly.

"So?" she countered with a shrug "Just because they are related doesn't automatically make him the bad guy. Besides, I gather he would rather not be related to her from the way he speaks about it."

"That's true," I said wryly "but he doesn't know who I am either. He didn't even glance at the marriage certificate. Still hasn't" I exhaled "he has no notion that I'm related to the infamous Grant family."

Rachel laughed, "Neither does Johnathon and he was married to you for three years" she pointed out wisely "Can you imagine if you had told that bastard who you really were?" she asked indignantly "The nerve of him. I guarantee you he would have kept you, but only for the sake of the money and the power of your family name."

I nodded slowly "It's why I didn't tell him. I had a feeling, I guess, that if I did come clean, he would use me. I guess in some way, I knew exactly what he was like and I didn't want to admit it to myself" I said sadly.

We walked into the reception area together. "For what it's worth, I don't think that Grayson is cut from the same cloth Flair," Rachel said kindly "he's made a name for himself without the use of the Deluca name and his own connections. Don't think that I don't know that you were the mysterious foreign investor that helped Johnathon start up his law firm" she chided me as I looked at her guiltily.

"He was so insistent about beginning a law firm and I just wanted to help him. I made sure he never knew where the money came from" I protested lamely.

"He never went looking to find out either," she said a little sharply "because he's lazy and happy to accept anything that makes his life easier."

I went silent. Rachel grabbed her bag and then handed me mine. "Oh Rachel," I said brightening as she glanced at me warily, unaccustomed to the light in my eyes "Have you heard from Timothy lately?" I asked curiously.

It was her turn to blush and play with her hands. "Well um," she stammered "I was hoping to but he hasn't called," she said in a low whisper "I guess I wasn't his type," she said a little forlornly.

"Not your type," I said incredulously "Are you insane? That man couldn't take his eyes off of you. I've never seen a guy so smitten" I added.

She looked doubtful "Then why hasn't he called?" she said a little shrilly "he has my number. I thought he was cute" she confessed sadly.

"Well, I happen to know that Grayson thought that too, his assistant Timothy I mean" I amended "being taken with you." She grabbed her keys "I guess we'll see if he calls" she mumbled.

"We have to go dress shopping" I blurted out abruptly.

"What?" she said confused.

Smooth, Flair, real smooth. I could have face-palmed myself, but Rachel was used to my nonsensical words and phrases by now. I rolled my eyes and then fished out the black credit card that Grayson had given me this morning and waved it at her as her eyes widened and a stunned look came over her face.

"Dress shopping for none other than Miss Charlotte Deluca's engagement party to my ex-husband Johnathon," I told her, my voice dripping with sarcasm and irony.

"Is that Grayson's card?" she asked, examining it.

I nodded "he doesn't know I have my own. His words were and I quote, Get yourself and Rachel something and accessories to go with it. Don't worry about the cost."

"Foolish man" Rachel murmured "does he not understand the cost of looking good for such an occasion? You can hardly turn up to the event without a designer dress and the accessories to match. Times that by two and..." she trailed off, a wicked grin coming to her face.

"I did try to warn him," I said nonchalantly as Rachel's eyes began to sparkle "but he was insistent. I refuse to turn up at the engagement party, looking like the poor ex-wife who needs to be pitied. Not to mention" I dropped my voice, even though Rachel and I were the only ones present in the yoga studio by now.

"What?" she whispered, "what is it?"

"Well, he wants to announce our marriage at the engagement party at the same time," I said as Rachel began to snicker "so I have to look my best."

"Oh my god," Rachel said "I wish I could be there to see it," she said, clapping her hands, a faraway expression on her face. "Oh, didn't I tell you" I said with a crooked grin as she stared at me, "Grayson wanted you and Timothy to attend with us." She gave a shriek. "I can't believe it. I'll be able to see Charlotte's expression up close and personal. Oh, I can't stand that evil little b***h. This is like the best day ever" she exclaimed as I giggled at her.

"But what if Timothy doesn't want to go with me?" she asked suddenly.

"I'm sure that he will and if not, then you're my plus one, and Timothy can be Grayson's," I told her, making her laugh out loud.

"Well the day's about to get a whole lot better" I advised, waving the credit card at her "Where do you suggest we go? It needs to be an expensive place with plenty of options and caters to our every need in regards to accessories" I said thoughtfully. Rachel's expression turned thoughtful. There were several places we could go to. There always was. But this was an important event and it was likely I would need a one of design by a designer instead of just a beautiful dress. She tapped her chin.

"I think there's only one place that's going to be suitable for this," she told me with a smug expression "I think that we will be going to Luxe" she announced with satisfaction "god I love that place. I haven't been in months," she said with a degree of satisfaction "and I could use a few new things for my wardrobe."

I had a feeling that Rachel's version of shopping for a few things would account for practically a whole new wardrobe in comparison to an average person and prepared myself for a whole afternoon of shopping and trying on dresses.

"I want to swing by and shower and change first," I told her and she nodded.

"Where's your ring?" she asked suddenly, peering at my hand.

"Oh, I put that in the safe, I didn't want it to fall off or get lost while I work," I told her blithely "I'll put it back on tonight" I added.

I wouldn't want to lose a precious heirloom while out shopping, I thought absently. We began to lock up the studio and prepared to head out.

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