The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 49



Her touch is soothing and that soft smile of hers is enough to make your heart skip a beat. The care she shows is more than just that of an obligated wife, but that of a concerned friend and lover. As I awaken in the morning, I find my arm protectively over her, her silken hair cascading over my bare flesh, her soft snores filling the room. My migraine has faded and I take care not to awaken my wife, slowly sliding out of the bed and making slow steps to the bathroom where I hurry to shower and change, before heading down to the kitchen. It's still a mess from the night before. I can still smell the aroma of the homemade dinner she created, my mouth watering. This time, I want to do something for her. I begin to gather up the dishes, emptying the food off them and rinsing them off, before placing them into the dishwasher. I clean and wipe up the mess and wipe the table over, smiling wryly to myself. If anyone had told me that I would become this domesticated I would have thought they were making fun of me, but I enjoyed it. I wanted Flair to come down and see a clean kitchen. After all the effort she had put into dinner, she deserved it. I wanted to make breakfast but had to concede that when it came to preparing vegan food, I was not as knowledgeable as I would have liked.

I pressed the dial button. "Good Morning Mr Grayson" Timothy's cheerful voice greeted me.

"Morning Timothy. I need you to organize some breakfast to be delivered to the house. Make sure some of it's vegan for Flair" I instructed in a low voice "and some flowers as well. I'm going to be late coming into work today, push all my meetings to the afternoon." "I can do that sir" Timothy paused "How is your head feeling today?"

My voice was smooth "A lot better thank you. I will see you this afternoon" I repeated and quickly hung up.

I glanced towards the stairs, but there was no sign of Flair yet and I took the opportunity to grab my laptop and set it up in the living room, quickly logging on and beginning to take care of various emails as I awaited the food and flower delivery. I heard footsteps on the stairs and Flair slowly walked down, her hair damp and her clothes casual, her feet bare as she walked towards me with a bright smile on her face. I hastily shut the laptop down. I could get back to business later.

I stood up to greet her, crossing the room and planting a kiss on her cheek as she gave a gentle yawn. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I teased.

She gave a soft laugh "Good morning Grayson. How is your head?" she asked, craning her neck and trying to look at me while I towered over her.

I waved a dismissive hand at her "My head is fine, thanks to your nursing skills" I said indulgently.

She giggled. The sound of the doorbell made us turn.

"I should make us some breakfast," Flair said, heading towards the kitchen.

"No need," I said, halting her in her tracks, and heading towards the front door "I organized for delivery. I thought it was the least I could do for you as a thank you for helping me last night."

She looked flabbergasted as I opened the door, taking the bags from the driver as well as a large bouquet of rainbow roses. I shut the door and handed the bouquet to her, causing a wide grin to spread across her face. "Your favorite if I remember rightly," I said, walking to the dining table and putting the bags onto it.noveldrama

"They're beautiful but you didn't need to go to so much trouble" Flair began to protest.

I shook my head "As my wife, you more than deserve flowers. I appreciate your cooking last night and helping me with my headache. I wanted to do something nice for you, but I'm afraid I'm a godawful cook" I admitted with a chuckle "So this was the next best thing."

She carefully put the roses onto the kitchen bench and joined me as I began to pull the food out. Everything, I saw with wry amusement, was vegan and labeled.

"It smells heavenly" Flair moaned, sniffing the muffins and the doughnuts appreciatively, alongside the coffees with soy milk and the croissants.

I motioned for her to sit and we began to help ourselves. Flair went straight for the doughnuts, I saw grinning. My wife must have one hell of a sweet tooth.

"God it's good" she mumbled between bites, practically inhaling it, before taking a huge swig of coffee "Thank you, Grayson."

I took a tentative bite of the croissant and heaved a sigh of relief. I couldn't honestly taste the difference, but the coffee was a little different from my usual. It wasn't unpleasant though and I sipped at it, as Flair leaned back in the chair, the sunlight causing an almost halo effect on her head and making her look even more angelic and beautiful.

"Are you going to be late to work? I'm not keeping you from it, am I?" Flair asked quickly.

I shook my head "I already asked Timothy to push my meetings back to the afternoon. I wanted to spend a leisurely breakfast with my wife" I said with deliberate emphasis, causing Flair to flush.

"Oh" she stammered, her cheeks becoming pink as she looked at me in surprise "that's so nice of you, I guess I didn't expect it from you" she admitted.

Didn't expect it? I narrowed my eyes "How many times did Johnathon push back his work so he could spend the morning with you?" I asked casually as I bit into a muffin.

Flair looked down at her coffee. My suspicions rose. Bastard. With a wife like Flair and he didn't even have the decency to want to spend quality time with her? Why wouldn't you? She was gorgeous, funny, had a great sense of humor, and was a joy to be around. I didn't understand her ex-husband at all. Generally, when people got married you spent every second you could with them. "Johnathon was always really busy," she said quietly "and he preferred to go to the office than waste time at home. He always said time was money" she added a little bitterly "so if I wanted quality time, it was generally made by me doing things for him at the firm."

What a shame, I thought. Money was nice, but it didn't create fond memories for you. It didn't wrap its arms around you at night and hold you close. It couldn't love you. It didn't comfort you when you were sick or be a friend to you so that you weren't lonely. "Well, I happen to think that my wife is interesting to be around and I have every need to spend time with her," I said firmly, Flair's eyes slightly wide as she looked at me.

"I appreciate it," Flair told me shyly "I always found it quite lonely getting up in the morning and already finding that he was gone. Or having breakfast alone, even on the weekend."

"Sometimes it might be unavoidable," I told her sternly "but when I can, I will find time to have breakfast with you. I didn't marry you for the sole purpose of making you feel like you would be living alone while I did everything."

She sipped her coffee and put it carefully down on the table. "Thank you for cleaning up the dining room and kitchen," she said looking around "I would have done it this morning" she added puzzled.

"I have two arms and a heartbeat. You cooked last night, it wasn't going to kill me to clean up" I said shrugging.

She still looked stunned about it. I suspected Johnathon was the type of man to never clean up after himself, but this time I forced myself to bite my tongue.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked her calmly.

"Hmmm," she muttered "I don't know. The engagement party is tomorrow" she reminded me "and I have somebody covering my classes so I don't need to go to work. Maybe I should go and get my hair done?" she asked and I shuddered. "Do not even think of having that beautiful hair colored or cut" I protested, eyeing the silken strands longingly "It's perfect the way it is."

She looked taken aback. "Well I guess I could spend the day cleaning," she said, glancing around the house that was already tidy.

"That sounds boring" I advised her, "I know, why don't you come with me to the firm? Timothy would look after you and you could see where I work. I don't have to go into the courthouse today from memory and most of its paperwork today. I might have one client, I'm not sure. You don't have to do anything" I reiterated, looking into those brilliant sparkling eyes of hers "But I would be grateful for the company and I can introduce you to my employees as my wife," I said with satisfaction.

Besides which, I had it on good authority that she used to do a lot for Johnathon at his firm. I wouldn't be asking that of her, but to be in her company, to see her beautiful smile and hear that musical laugh of hers, would make the work go that much faster. Flair looked undecided and then I saw her face brighten.

"I would love to see your firm," she said sweetly, finishing off a muffin and placing the last crumb into my mouth "but are you sure I wouldn't be a distraction?" she asked with an expression of worry on her face.

Oh, she would be a distraction alright, but a welcome one. I winked at her "Flair, trust me, you're a distraction I could live with" I told her honestly, making her giggle and then blush, before she stood up and made for the stairs, no doubt intending to change as I finished off my coffee, patiently waiting.

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