The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 71

bint in a golden cage. The deor clicked it opened lovely Lane, my purchase w standing there with a sly gleeful are and a gleam in

and scratched his face and neck. I

had eyed. My

"Thane sorte grave rams, fri ad

aeg anything

parked by into this feed

What are brother in the wd have been Lane dutch chest as though deeply personally offended

held my booth. I was shaking. Em. No, no, no. He wasting He had to be was the tiger in our covered to hold back my

held it with shaking hands. It was heredaid. The blessed blade was interestined with bd I could dropped the pouch on the floor. I celebs Landgoed in h

Oh and something else, or werewolf came looking for you? Un what broke with mock quicial lack on his face

That's Exceed Lan

As if he didn't know the name of the Mag

What have you dare to Pang? whispered,


vero heroic how to begin with a quad of verwoes to come to your rescue Cooed Lane

Fang had come to save even in the midst of despair et wy heart leap ate as I pictured his storing into the ca

Lane interrupted my daydream, my brief spies deliver the flow

, butlets of silver dipped is wolitane were rained

thought of it could wish for anything just for tooth their neigh

onecked mountain ran towards and desired. I was in my wolf form. There was both at the with the gu

I did not bother to hide. One me. He led his gun curly I lunched my

but many would turn aw in the old ways and follow and that. There was hope for the fut

Thaddeus had organised a rare for

se vanpines who had attacked and had said he was proud of me. I had be

our Friday read Fangs confic

My heart by go

Feday's sysa sedered. She lost thoughghuhojenin her

to grined. "Friday Fenema, your of confirmation

wouldn't be fad. On that thyme Shem

do was a test there. She was my front of the pack photod

Ok so far is in fact you ride on

king apologetic

Fidy nodded. She had expected as much. She cotainly didn't want to be a ser nya new they hadn't done the dead because t

My breath hitched. Pridoy grinned

do contred. Watch was a race. You' Mac's cough

and well. Pelety is your men, but that was obvious. But shocked the birth secre

Why ads

My Felicity was beside herself with

grief over Fang's confession letter. She felt as though her eldest son was already dead. Although, many comparisons were being made between Faris and Fang. I could not help but feel that Fang had much more honour than his father. What he had almost done to Friday was unforgivable yet Friday seemed to bethe quickest to want to forgive fim. I sighed. Felicity was in my arms. We had not left the bed all day. Usually I would be thrilled but she had been crying and I had been comforting her, so it was not that kind of day. I only had one son, just one child, and I would rather die myself than lose him. I could not imagine how she must feel. She was not just mourning Fang, she was questioning how she had raised him because of what his betrayal of his own little sister.

though she had neglected Prix My word I hope Mace was being sentive to her new my son and som

There was a knock on the door. Before I could answer, the person burst in, breathless. It was Raelynn! Friday came peeping in after her

with a strange look on her face as though she were suppressing a huge grin. Both girls caught sight of Felicity and I under the covers together and they blushed simultaneously. The resemblance between them was uncanny. They both looked like my beautiful Felicity.

Felicity had also been speculating about Farris' behaviour in the past. She had been thinking about the still birth she had experience before Friday was bom but after the twins,

As soon as she left the hospital, she had asked me to meet her. It had been very much like this, me bolding her for hours while she cried I had had no idea where Farris had gone off to back then. He had not been at work. My Gamma at the time had told me he was missing in action. He

had been a shady Beta at times but I had known I was sleeping with his

"wife so I had not picked extra fights with him though I had made him work long hours.

"Mod Ryne betere pain and backing away Friday backed away to They both looked more releed why. I sat up and pulled the

covers off and Pel. They had thought they and

"Hey Hey Iasi, getting another had

my top drawer and going over to wo

What Everything tong's letter, Kaina being in Ears your mate being undnoveldrama

She then her arm around me and held her the pofter he will be ok got what you know" i told her

nto ber hair. "Pang tid something beinous, but he's your brother and you love.

Raelyne nodded fervently as though gral for Friday's cosion My DIA?

took some of your hair for the towel or used today your har Friday adried, looking up at in with her down.

"Rangis my brother, kas, blurtedly. Feed

My breathing iced red Friday's

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