The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter 22- Tell 'Em It's A Birthday Party-2

My eyes watered when I saw the tears pooling under his eyes; tears he was fighting incredibly hard to hold in. Luca wasn't a very emotional person, so I knew this was sincere to him.

I rubbed a reassuring hand on his stomach and sighed.

"We'll be fine," I smiled.

He looked up at me with a solemn expression.

"You won't go through Heat again," he said sternly. "I promise."

Luca pushed straight through the open door of his parents' home.

The bustle and hustle of everyone preparing for the birthday party made the house restless and noisy.

Luca wasn't staying, only dropping me off to help. I was starting to think he was making special visits to the prison cells without my knowledge. However, I tried to push away the thought of Jonathan and every other thought that flooded in with it. Anna sat a stack of purple paper plates on the countertop and rushed over to hug Luca and I.

"Thank you so much for coming, we definitely need the help," she said wiping hernoveldrama

forehead with the back of her hand.

"I am not staying," Luca said quickly.

"Of course you're not," Anna muttered under her breath, sending him a glare.

He shrugged nonchalantly and Anna shook her head disapprovingly before turning to


"You're staying, correct?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Luca figured you'd need some help."

"Sure he did," she said giving him a sharp look.

"Be back later," he stuttered. Luca gave me a chaste kiss on the head before nearly tripping over himself while getting out the front door.

"You know you've found a good man if he's still scared of his mother," Anna said with a wink. "Come with me, you can help Nicola with the table-setting."

She weaved her way around boxes of party decorations, with me following, before leading me to a huge outdoor patio. A table large enough to sit forty people fit loosely in the ginormous sunroom.

A raven-haired girl stood with her back to us as she gazed out the screen window looking over the spacious lawn.

"Nicola!" Anna said cheerfully.

The girl turned around and I instantly recognized her as the one whom I'd tested Luca with the day we went to the meeting house. I was suddenly very ashamed and I could feel the redness creeping up unto my cheeks.

She wore no makeup and her hair was in a ponytail. Accompanied by a t-shirt and denim shorts, she had traded her six-inch heels for pink flip flops. In short, she looked normal. I instantly wanted to ask her why she ever started wearing makeup; she was a breathtaking girl with and without it.

"We meet again," I joked with her.

"Oh! You know each other? Good! I'm going back inside. Find Philip if you need anything; I have to go into town with Hanna to get ice cream," Anna said hurriedly. Leaving us on that note, she rushed away, her Jack Roger sandals clacking on the hardwood floor behind her.

"So your name is Nicola?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes, Luca Caroline," she said bowing her head. I almost slapped the girl for her excessive politeness. She could be mean to me like I was to her when we met.

"Carrie," I corrected her with a smile.

Nicola gave me a smile of her own.

"So..." I said awkwardly. "What are we supposed to be doing?"

Nicola shrugged.

"Well, she asked me to help set the table. I didn't realize it was literally going to take all afternoon," she said groaning.

I laughed.

"We'd better get to work then..."

Five hours later, Nicola and I were practically inseparable. Everywhere Philip told us to

go and help out, we went together. She had a sarcastic mouth and tasteful dry humor like I did; we got along just fine.

Bates came not long after I did, but regardless of what Philip told him to do, he stayed put in the kitchen. He helped Luca's grandmother, Nina, bake the treats and food for the party.

According to him, Luca called and threatened to fire him unless Bates gave me his phone for the afternoon. Needless to say, I soon found out that Bates had a picture of Yoda as his screensaver.

While we were setting up the gift table in the front hall, it buzzed and rang in my

pocket. I pulled it out, rolling my eyes at the Star Trek-themed ringtone, and answered


I hit the speaker option so I could finish slipping the tablecloth on while talking. "Hello?"

"Hello O' gorgeous mate of mine," his deep voice said.

I blushed furiously and immediately brought the phone to my ear to finish the conversation.

"Luca!" I scolded in a hushed tone. "You were on speaker, everyone heard you!"

"Your point?" He asked in an amused tone.

I rolled my eyes.

"There wasn't one. What's up?" I asked giving up.

"I wanted to see how things are going. You alright? Anyone need anything?" He asked,

his serious tone back.

"I'm fine," I assured him. I went off and asked Anna if they needed Luca to pick up

anything and she declined the offer and said they had everything.

"Have you gotten Abree and Toree birthday presents yet?" I asked.

"I don't know what to get them," he said in annoyance. I laughed. I somehow get a kick out of his frustration...

"Well..." I started off. "You could always get them a Victoria's Secret gift card. You know that since they're turning eighteen that they'll find their mates soon." "Absolutely not," he said quickly.

I smiled at the overprotective, big brother side of him.

"Fine then. I'll just take them out lingerie shopping one day while you're gone on one of your mystery missions," I said casually.

"First off, they're not 'mystery missions'. Secondly, my sisters probably don't even know what lingerie is so therefor they have no need to have any," he said stubbornly.

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance. Either he was pretending to only see the innocence in his baby sisters or he really was truly stupid.

"I think I'll just get them a card with maybe a gift card. They like Dippin' Dots right?"

I sighed heavily; making a mental note to remember to take those poor girls lingerie

shopping to make up for the horrible gift he was about bestow on them.

"What? Is that not a good idea?" He asked.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, counting to ten to try and retain my inner

demons from lashing out at him and his ridiculous birthday present ideas.

"Do what you want," I sighed. "But I've got to go and finish helping your mom." "Okay, I will see you later," he said. "Wait, Carrie?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"You're not actually taking then lingerie shopping are you?" He asked.

I groaned and hung up.

The moment I stuffed the cellphone in my pocket it started to ring again.

"If you don't stop calling me, I'm giving the phone back to Bates," I threatened as I

answered it.

"Don't hang up on me," Luca said sternly, ignoring my threat.

"You don't like me hanging up on you?" I asked.


"Watch, I'm gunna do it again," I said.

"No, wait-"

I hung up.

Nicola laughed and shook her head as she sprinkled the shimmering confetti on top of

the table cloth.

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