The Raven and The Snake

Extra - Snape: Part 4

It is perhaps the hope of every teacher to nurture brilliance. No one could ever have denied Ariadne's brilliance. Snape had thought his years of working with her had been refining her. Now he understood that he had helped shape a monster. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that they were given permission to return to the castle. Once back, Ariadne's brilliant façade had fallen. It had been almost a relief to see her break.

At seeing the school gate, Ariadne had clung to him. She had gripped his robes like the frightened child she was and pressed a kiss to him that was purely of ecstatic relief. Her body then sagged, and he'd had to half carry her to Dumbledore's office where she continued to break down.noveldrama

He'd half expected that to be the end of her. She came of age shortly after and he thought for a moment that she may take the opportunity to flee. She had offered herself into fulltime service to the Dark Lord, but he had rejected that. Still, she'd had to go to him again.

The Dark Lord did not see fit to burn the dark mark into her skin. He seemed mildly entranced by her beauty and cunning. At some point, she'd been clever enough to place a tracking spell of Karkaroff, a little detail she hadn't bothered to share with anyone until it became useful.

When asked later about it later, she'd looked vaguely into the middle distance. "It didn't matter... if it was me. Karkaroff was dead the moment the Dark Lord came back. He was never going to be allowed to live. I made a tactical decision to use what was at my disposal."

Another brilliant, monstrous move. Of course, she was absolutely correct. Karkaroff had a death sentence placed upon him. The time he was using to run away was entirely borrowed. Ariadne had used him to prove herself loyal. Like any good soldier, she had added him to her arsenal.

Not only that, but she was methodical. Snape had seen her study the Dark Arts more thoroughly over the summer. She'd taken many of his personal texts on the subject, but when they'd actually gone after Karkaroff, she'd shown even more resourcefulness as she had seen fit to use the fake Moody to get in practical experience.

Barty Crouch Jr had taken her under his wing as some point without word. She had taken to doing study sessions under his tutelage where she learned to perform spells darker than anything a mere child should perform. It had made the Dark Lord smile as she demonstrated bloodlust.

It wasn't entirely right though. Snape had known the girl for years. Before she ever could have made such plans, he had seen her expressions. He knew what it looked like when she was happy, proud, cheeky, and even vindictive.

How many hours had she spent perfecting this? How long had she pulled faces in a mirror to create this expression now? It looked natural enough, but it was wrong on her.

She had frozen a look of cold cruelty on her face. An unhappy sort of smile pulled her lips as though she were pretending to be pleased. It was convincing if you didn't know her.

After that first night she didn't show her distress in front of Dumbledore. She seemed to have gotten what she wanted from him. She kept herself calm in his presence, even showing mild irritation when he asked after her. She saved her emotional outbursts until it was just the two of them.

She didn't cry in front of him, but she made no effort to hide that she suffered. She made it a secret that they shared. She handed him leverage and weapons he could use against her. Offering it easily.

The Dark Lord had asked Snape if he harbored any ill will after the death of Lily. Snape had once asked for her to be spared and Lord Voldemort knew that he had desired her. He'd had to lie, to say that it was water under the bridge and there were women of better breeding and more loyal stock.

Perhaps that was what had given Lord Voldemort the idea.

Ariadne expertly obeyed her grandfather. She leaned into his hands while he treated her like his pet. She killed at his command without batting an eye, but he had seen when Voldemort whispered an order to her. The look in her eye was almost haunted. Whatever it was had seemed worse to her than murder.

They returned to Cokeworth where she erected the first magical barriers against him. Not just him but also her snake even while it thrashed against the bathroom door, calling for her. She hid herself away, trying to avoid explaining. Such childish antiques were unacceptable from a student he had trained. He'd forced his way in, ripping her from her childish tantrum, and forced her to speak.

In a way, it made perfect sense. From Voldemort's perspective it could be seen as both a consolation and a trap. He was offering Ariadne to him. Offering her like a gift and leash. Take her as his and be bound to Voldemort forever. The girl hadn't made the decision any easier. She had been curled in on herself in the shower to the point of nearly freezing herself. Now even though she was disheveled and crying, she was only in a towel. And still she desired him. She had made peace time and time again with the fact that her relationship with him was not to cross a certain point, but it hadn't stopped her from nurturing a fruitless hope. This wasn't how she'd wanted it. A relationship built on an order from the devil. He could feel her apprehension and still she desired him and what little comfort might be found if he accepted.

Snape did not want to give in to this animalistic madness, but she was really giving him no choice. Tentatively, she had offered herself to him, coaxing him to lay claim to her. She was of age now, a woman. A woman that was beautiful and desirable. A woman that was focused singularly on him.

If it was her wish to walk into the belly of a monster, he would, after all, grant it. She had chosen him and now she belonged to him. His Ariadne.

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