The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 17 - The Torture Begins

Anna's head hurt as she slowly opened her eyes. She thought she was back in the cabin for a second, but then, as everything came flooding back, she recognized she was in the dungeons. Melita had brought her here after she drank the poisoned tea. As she sat up on the cot, she felt a metal collar around her neck. When she touched it, she realized it was a witch collar to prevent her from doing spells. Spells? She's a witch. Suddenly she realized she had her memory back. Her name is Annabella, but she goes by Anna. Her mom was Caprice, and her dad was Stanely. She was a witch from Spirit Energy, and Elsie was her cousin. Anna remembered seeing her cousin that day in the forest when she was practicing her spells. Elsie had placed a spell on her before she passed out.

Anna remembered something else. She was the one who was going to be sent to be mated to Kamryn. How coincidental they happened to be fated mates.

She ran to the cell door and began yelling, but nothing came out. Anna thought about the tea and knew that whatever Melita had poisoned her with was the antidote for the spell Elsie had put on her. It had to have been a black magic spell. She was sure that being given the antidote was an accident.

Why did Elsie place a spell on her? Was it only so they would send her in Anna's place to be queen? Furthermore, why would Melita poison her and put her in the dungeons? She knew Kamryn must be looking for her. She just hoped he found her before she died there alone.

Anna felt tears in her eyes as she thought about her parents. They must be going crazy wondering where she was. She couldn't wait to tell them about Kamryn. However, first, she had to get out of the dungeons. If she could use her spells, she would already be out. She heard a door open as she tried to think of an escape. Anna looked toward the sound hoping it was Kamryn, but when she saw Melita, she glared at her.

"Glad to see you're awake. Everyone has been looking for you, but I've convinced them that you were a spy planted here in the palace to steal our secrets. Even Kamryn believed what I said because he doesn't understand why else you would take off." Melita was lying. She suggested that was the case, but so far, no one believed her.

Anna shook her head, wishing she was able to talk. She knew Kamryn wouldn't think she was a spy. They loved each other too much. Melita looked at her with an evil grin.noveldrama

"You see, Angel. I'm not related to Kamryn by blood. I was adopted into the family when I was a baby. I plan to be his mate and queen. I was going to get rid of Elsie first, but she did that on her own.

On the other hand, you already have everyone wrapped around your tiny finger. I can't stand by and let you take Kamryn from me. Once he forgets about you, I'll be able to convince him that we're mates. You will die a long lonely death down here. I have plans for you before that happens."

Melita pulled a long stick from behind her back. Anna realized it was a cow prod and tried to back into the corner. Melita laughed as she came toward her.

"I'm going to torture you so badly that you will beg me to kill you." She said as she slowly opened the cell door.

Anna had nowhere to go as she crouched in the corner. If Melita got close enough, she would push her down and run out. However, it seemed she read her mind because she only got close enough to use the cow prod on her. When she felt the shock on her shoulder, Anna wanted to scream in pain, but she still couldn't speak. She felt the pain throughout her whole body.

Melita laughed at the look on Anna's face. She used the prod on her arm, leg and side. When Anna was lying on the ground crying, she held the prod up and swung it down on her. She hit her over and over with it until her arms ached. Anna had passed out, and Melita kicked her in the back. She wanted to do more, but it was no fun to torture someone, if they weren't awake.

Melita left the cell, making sure the door was locked. She left the cow prod on the ground in the dungeons. She didn't want Kamryn or Legend to pick up their mate's scent on it when she returned to the palace. She washed her hands clean of Anna's blood in the bathroom the guards used in the dungeons when they had prisoners.

After changing her clothes, she found Kamryn sitting on the steps, crying. Melita sat down next to him, putting her arm around him. To her dismay, he pushed her away from him.

"Don't touch me. Angel would not be missing if it wasn't for you leaving her alone. Now I feel like someone is hurting her because I suddenly felt incredible pain. I swear, Melita if one hair on her head is hurt, I'm blaming you. We trusted you, and you failed." She looked at him in anger.

"Maybe you should have a mate that can take care of herself rather than a weak nobody that can't even remember her name." As Kamryn turned to look at her with fire in his eyes and Legend growling, she knew she had crossed the line. "Don't you dare talk about her being weak. Look at you. You do nothing around here other than gossip and get into other people's business. You are the weak one, and I hope you find your mate soon so you can leave." Melita stared at him with rage in her eyes.

"Why can't I be your mate? You need another weretiger by your side as queen. We're not related, so I can be your chosen mate. Don't you feel anything for me at all?" Melita tried to rub her hand over his arm, but he shoved her away and looked at her in disgust.

"I am your brother. Get away from me. Did you do something to Angel?" He asked as he was about to leave. Melita looked at him in fear.

"Of course not. Why would I hurt her?" She asked, feigning innocence.

"That's what I would like to know. Why would you say these ridiculous things if you didn't have something to do with her disappearance?" Kamryn moved closer to her, and Melita felt a moment of fear.

"I had nothing to do with her disappearing." She walked toward her room, feeling the fury racing through her. How could he say she's weaker than Angel? That bitch was nothing. She would wait about an hour and then return to give her some more pain.

Kamryn watched his sister walk away. Something felt off about her. Not only from what she said but also from her demeanor. He decided to talk to the staff that had seen her with Angel earlier. Kamryn found one of the maids that worked on his hall.

"Maxie, did you see Angel with Melita earlier today?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, your highness. I saw them leaving your room." Maxie bit her lip. She wanted to tell him more, but Melita scared her.

"How did Angel appear? Did it seem like she was being forced out?" Kamryn saw Maxie look away, and he knew she saw something. "Please tell me what you saw. I promise you won't get in trouble. I need to find her."

"Angel seemed like she was weak and almost asleep. When I asked Melita if I could help, she said Angel wasn't feeling well and needed air." Maxie looked down. She felt guilty knowing something wasn't right with the young woman.

"Did you see what direction they went?" Maxie shook her head.

"They went down the stairs, but I don't know where after that. Melita had ordered tea to be brought to your room for her and Angel. It was soon after I delivered the tea they left." Kamryn's eyes widened. Did Melita drug her? "Where're the teacups?" He asked anxiously.

"I believe they're still in your room." Kamryn ran to his room and saw two teacups sitting on the table between the two sitting chairs. One was completely full, and the other was only half full. He sniffed it but couldn't smell anything. Legend sniffed as well.

*"Kamryn, it's not a drug. It's poison. She poisoned our mate. There's something in it that also covers her scent. That's why I can't find her."* Legend growled. He wanted to sink his teeth into Melita for hurting their Angel.

Kamryn took off running and went straight to Melita's room. He kicked in the door, but she was already gone. He then ran to his parent's office. When he opened the door, he saw both his parents and Micah talking to some of the guards. They were discussing searching the grounds for Angel again.

"Did you find her?" Lynn asked anxiously.

"No. We need to find Melita. She poisoned Angel and took her away. Legend could smell the poison and something to cover her scent in the tea Melita gave her. I went to Melita's room, but she was gone. We have to find her before she hurts Angel." Kamryn suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and he clutched his stomach and fell to the ground.

"Find her. She's hurting her right now. I can feel it." Kamryn felt tears running down his face as he felt pain on different parts of his body. What hurt him most was that Angel was enduring this. His precious mate had been through enough. When he finds Melita, he will kill her.

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