The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 48 - Astaroth

"That was the light of Spirit Energy. Those lights that entered us were sent here as protection. When we fight in the battle, we'll need to join hands with the babies attached to Jaz and me. That will allow the light to leave us and kill the evil force behind this. We have to be careful because we can only use it once. We'll have to beat Santi with our other powers." Anna looked around at all of them as she spoke. Even Jaz had a stunned look on her face as she put her hands over her belly. "Well, this certainly was a turn of events I wasn't expecting. Is this light rare, like the rainbow light?" Kamryn asked as he put his arm around his mate. When the light entered him, it felt as though he could feel the power in every pore of his body.

"It's never come as far as I know. I've heard about it, though." Anna answered. Her thoughts were no longer on training, but she knew that's what they needed to do. In order to be ready for the battle, they had to have their powers under control.

"I'd never even heard of it, but I know some of your teachings were more intense than mine. I know our cubs are too small for us to feel them, but when the light was going into my belly, I felt like I could feel his energy." Jaz spoke quietly as she rubbed her belly.

"Did you say he?" Micah asked as a smile spread across his face. She nodded with a grin.

"Yes, the energy I felt was definitely male." She looked toward Anna, who was nodding.

"I felt the same thing. Only our cub is female." Anna looked up at Kmaryn with a smile as he looked from her face to her belly.

"We're having a girl?" He asked excitedly, and she nodded.

"Yes," Anna laughed as he picked her up and swung her around.

"Legend and I were hoping for a girl." He said as Legend purred his agreement.

"Really? I thought you'd want a son." She couldn't help but smile at the look of pure joy on his handsome face.

"I do, eventually. When we first met, I always pictured our first cub as a tiny version of you running around the palace." Anna pulled his face to hers for a kiss just as they heard running coming their way.

"Was that the light of Spirit Energy?" Maura asked as she, Bryson, Caprice, Stanley, Lynn, and Randal all ran into the garden.

"Yes. When we joined hands, the light appeared and split into six sections. One went into each of us, and the last two went to our cubs." Anna replied, putting a hand over her belly.

""I'm glad you have the extra protection, but it terrifies me at the same time," Caprice stated with a shaky voice looking at her daughter and Kamryn, who were both smiling.noveldrama

"Jaz and I also found out the sex of our cubs. I'm having a girl." She looked at Jaz, and everyone followed her gaze.

"I'm having a boy," She replied quietly. The grandparents opened their mouths in surprise before excitedly going around and hugging the two young couples.

"This calls for a celebration. Tonight we feast and celebrate the future prince and princess. I do have one question, though. What exactly does the Spirit Energy light do?" Randal asked while looking at Anna. She had quickly become the leader of their battle. Everyone was impressed with her knowledge and strength for being so young.

"Think of it as a protection field. When whatever evil force is behind Santi tries to attack us, it will help in keeping us safe. Also, in order to win, we will have to join hands to release the light from us. That's the only way to defeat what's coming." Anna looked around at the parents, who were all spellbound by her soft voice yet powerful demeanor.

"What do you need us to do?" Lynn questioned. She had never felt more inferior than she did at that moment. Her sons and their mates were really sensational.

"We need you to fight alongside us. Santi will not come alone. He'll have others with him that won't be using black magic. It's important to have as many people as possible to fight those who can be a distraction so we can get to the real source. Randal, I have a feeling that this person or thing has been affecting Santi for a long time. It may be the cause of his interest in black magic from the beginning." Anna saw the realization on the king's face at what she said. "If that's the case, this has been going on for longer than I thought." He replied while looking off into the distance.

Santi screamed in anger. Marcus and Alice had just returned, telling him they were unable to locate Elsie. Someone had already removed her from the abandoned cabin, but they didn't know who had taken her. He knew it was imperative to have a witch from Spirit Energy in order to do what needed to be done.

"You couldn't pick up anything about what happened to her? Do you think the spell was lifted so she could leave?" Santi asked thoughtfully. He couldn't imagine the witch removing the spell after all Elsie had done to her.

"We don't think so because we could feel evilness in the area when we got there. Something just as bad or worse than us. We went to Spirit Energy to see if Elsie was taken back there, but it looked deserted. There were no witches or warlocks anywhere to be found." Marcus answered in a monotone-type voice. They were given to Santi by his benefactor. He didn't know anything about them other than they would do whatever he told them. He had no idea they were from Spirit Energy or that Elsie was their daughter. In reality, Marcus and Alice were no longer there. They were only shells for the evil that had taken over their bodies.

"Do you have any idea where those from Spirit Energy went? I can't imagine them abandoning their coven for no reason." Santi sat down in his chair that he had made to look like a throne. He used it in preparation for when he had the actual throne.

"We believe they went to the tiger palace. They will probably fight along with the cats." Alice answered. Their black eyes gave Santi the creeps.

"How was your visit with Alpha Gary. Do you think you scared him into being loyal to me?" If the alpha had doubts about his loyalty, Santi would send a stronger message.

"He's loyal. He said he'll fight by your side when you challenge the palace. His pack seems to be ready to follow him as well. They will make a good army to overthrow Randal." Marcus replied.

"Alright, that's all for now. I'll call for you when I need you again." He waved his hand so they would leave. Once they did, he went to the secret passageway behind his fake throne. The passage leads deep under the earth where the person behind Santi's takeover lived. He had made everything possible, but Santi still believed he would be the one victorious in the end.

As he walked through the long dark hallway, there were no lights, only candles hung from the wall every so often. Santi always wondered how the candles seemed to burn, but the wax never melted, and the flame never went out. It got darker, cooler, and damper the further he walked. Even with the black magic coursing through his veins, he hated going into what he considered the bowels of hell. There was no life down there, only darkness and pure wickedness. When he finally got to the end, he was almost out of breath. He was so deep under the earth that it was hard to breathe. He tentatively knocked on the large metal door, waiting to be told to enter. When he heard the deep, gravel-like voice, he shivered. When Santi opened the door, he had a slight tremble as he tried to remind himself that soon he would be more powerful than the thing he was staring at.

When the man like being turned toward him, Santi felt the same coldness wash over him like always. He was wearing a black gown and had long black hair mixed with thin silver streaks. His face looked like something out of a child's nightmare, with dark red eyes, a long crooked nose, and a narrow mouth that caused the heart to stop with every evil smile. His skin was gray with pot marks and scars all over it, making him look haggard. Santi couldn't help but back up slightly as the man slowly made his way over. He was short and hunched over, but that didn't cause the fear in Santi to disappear. When he stopped in front of Santi, he grabbed his wrist with long bony fingers that had claw-like fingernails.

"What?" He asked in the voice that haunted Santi at night.

"Everything is in place, Astaroth."

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