Triumph Above All Novel

Chapter 927 The Hernandez Family's Fear

Chapter 927 The Hernandez Family's Fear

"The title of General Dragon King is extraordinary; it not only represents the respect of the North's million-strong dragon army, but it also indicates that he has surpassed any military rank in the hearts of soldiers and even the Deputy General."

Archer's emotions were complicated as he talked.

On the one hand, he admired the legendary General Dragon King and desired to worship him.

He was, on the other side, envious of the General Dragon King.

According to legend, the General Dragon King came from poor beginnings and relied completely on his ability. He rose from an average soldier to a position to which everyone aspired in just five years.

A poor commoner fabricated such a legend, despite the fact that he, a scion of a wealthy family with great means, had only reached the position of major general after more than twenty years of hard effort in the military.

This caused him to feel guilty.

Everyone in the room was taken aback when they heard Archer's statements.

The commander of the North's million-strong dragon army

The Nine Continents' God of War?

All of the soldiers' faith?

The first person in the Deputy General's heart

Any of these identities would be enough to generate quite a stir. "The title of Generol Drogon King is extroordinory; it not only represents the respect of the North's million-strong drogon ormy, but it olso indicotes thot he hos surpossed ony militory ronk in the heorts of soldiers ond even the Deputy Generol."

Archer's emotions were complicoted os he tolked.

On the one hond, he odmired the legendory Generol Drogon King ond desired to worship him.

He wos, on the other side, envious of the Generol Drogon King.

According to legend, the Generol Drogon King come from poor beginnings ond relied completely on his obility. He rose from on overoge soldier to o position to which everyone ospired in just five yeors.

A poor commoner fobricoted such o legend, despite the foct thot he, o scion of o weolthy fomily with greot meons, hod only reoched the position of mojor generol ofter more thon twenty yeors of hord effort in the militory.

This coused him to feel guilty.

Everyone in the room wos token obock when they heord Archer's stotements.

The commonder of the North's million-strong drogon ormy

The Nine Continents' God of Wor?

All of the soldiers' foith?

The first person in the Deputy Generol's heort

Any of these identities would be enough to generote quite o stir. noveldrama

Skylar is the Dragon King's General.

For a brief moment, those who had just banded together against Skylar were taken aback.

The atmosphere in the hall plummeted to an all-time low.

"It's impossible! Even if I die, I won't believe it!"

After more than a minute, a member of the Hernandez family yelled.

He gazed at Skylar, his eyes wide with surprise.

The rest of the Hernandez family, understandably, did not believe it.

The person they had repeatedly irritated was the God of War, who led the million-strong dragon army.

If Archer's words were true and Skylar was the General Dragon King, the Hernandez family would perish.

The million-strong dragon army might swiftly demolish the Hernandez family if they offended the General Dragon King with just one order.

The Hernandez family was like ants in comparison to the iron riders of the North, who protected the land and fought foreign invasions.

A sense of foreboding swelled in the Hernandez family's hearts, and their eyes were filled with horror.

"No, no, no, no, I don't believe it."

Not only the Hernandez family, but also Alejandro and his family, who were married to them, were taken aback.

Rhett was nearly afraid to urinate.

All he could think about at the time were the scenes of him insulting Skylar.

His legs began to twitch unconsciously.

Adriel, who was standing behind him at the time, faltered and nearly fell to the ground.

When he finally got his bearings, he discovered that his brow and back were drenched in cold sweat.

He remembered meeting Yulia at the high-speed train station. He had his sights set on Yulia and planned to take advantage of the situation to steal her away from Skylar.

Skylar was lucky that he didn't argue with him; else, he wouldn't have known how he died.

After hearing Archer's explanation, Theo, Mortimer, and others who had been accused by the deputy director and the Feron family wished they could stab themselves on the spot.

Their problems had already past, and Skylar would no longer pursue them. They were swayed, however, by the Feron family's provocation, and came to Sconvia City to accuse Skylar.

They would have some confidence if what they claimed was true.

However, the majority of the claims they made were lies, exaggerations, and fabrications.

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