Apologies And Grief

"How long? How long have you um..." Nella trailed off with a sudden laugh that shocked her. Her eyes were misty and it's only a matter of time before the floodgates of tears broke and plummeted down her face like waves. "This woman, how long have you... since when did you realize that you were in love with her?" "That's not important Nella and you know that." He lets her down easily, not because he didn't want to tell her but because he didn't see the point to it. He had already hurt her badly with this news and speaking more on the subject will only aggravate and make things worse. "You're one of my best friends and that's the only reason I'm telling you this. It just can't work between us anymore."

"So, this is it? For both of us?" She persisted, hoping that he would at least change his mind or tell her that he was joking to say to the least. She wanted so badly for this to be a dream, a very horrible dream that she would wake up from when it's all over but standing here looking at him, was more reality than she expected.

Bryce nodded once. "Yeah. This is it for both of us. I'm really sorry and i understand if you don't want to talk to me after this or if you hate me. I deserve it."

She couldn't believe her ears. Bryce was apologizing? Sincerely? Who is this woman and what has she done to him? What did she change that even she wasn't able to? What button did she push that she wasn't able to find?

"It's fine." She stated at last, the tears rolling down her eyes freely. "Thank you for at least telling me. I know how difficult it must've been for you to openly say this to me so i understand and it's okay."

She wiped the tears off her face aggressively. "I'll take my leave now." And with that, she walked out of the office without looking back.

The rest of the day felt like shit to Bryce. He couldn't work neither could he concentrate on getting anything done. He felt a huge weight lifted off his shoulders now that he had come clean with Nella but the guilt didn't go away as quickly as the relief came.

He had hurt her. He had never felt this way before. He was never the one to wallow in his grief and losses especially when it came to women but this time, he couldn't help the feeling that settled at the pit of his stomach neither could he stomach it all.

He cursed at himself at the slightest chance he got hoping that if anything, Nella would learn to forgive him. She was the closest thing he had to a family. When he was down and going through his darkest phase, aside Max, she was the only person who stuck around when things were tough. One of the constant people in his life. To be fair, he did tell her that he never wanted a relationship but it doesn't make it less hurtful.

The rest of the day went by slowly and when he was done with work, he decided to stop by at Max's place before going back home. He needed someone to talk to and if there was anyone who could make it less worse then it was Max.

"To be fair, you did tell her that you would never date her so i don't know why you're pushing yourself too hard." Max had told him when he related what happened at his office earlier to him.

"She expected too much. Can't say i blame i though when you're the one involved. Plus, i told you not to fuck friends." He scolded him. "Friends complicate things and sexual relationships with friends doesn't usually end well. It's easy to get rid of a whore than a friend. A lot of things always goes wrong."

"Nella wasn't just anyone. Just like you, she was a good person and that's why i feel bad."

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue uninterested and in distaste. "I don't know what you want me to say but she'll get over it, eventually. Don't think too much about it."

Max led him straight to his office and picked up two glasses from the bar and a bottle of alcohol. He poured some into his glass but before he could do same for Bryce, he stopped him.

"I won't be having any of that."

Max gave him a weird look. "What? It's alcohol. You always drink alcohol. Are you scared that I'm going to poison you or something."

"I promised Hera that i won't be

taking alcohol anymore especially after what happened the last time i did. I received a full lecture and even had to apologize to your sorry ass." He informed him.

He stared at him wide-eyed, not believing what he had just said. "What has the nun done to my friend? Who are you and where is my friend Bryce?" Bryce rolled his eyes at that statement. "Don't be too dramatic about it. I'm trying to stay clean. You should try it too. Trust me it's healthy."

"Never!" He blurted out almost

immediately'll support your new change because you're my best friend but i will never quit drinking for a woman. There's no woman on

eho could ever make me stop

drinking. This is my lifestyle and I'm not changing for anyone

They stayed quiet for a while before Max decided to break the silence that had covered like a thick skin.

"You really love this woman don't you?"

Bryce nodded once. "I really do. It's strange even for me because i never expected it to happen this way but it did happen. Hera is different and she makes me want to be a better person." "Well, I'm glad that you're off your streets. It means more women for me." He picked up the glass and drowned the contents in one gulp.

"I'd like to see you fall in love Max. I'll be waiting for it to happen."

Max snorted. "I don't want to wish that you die before it happens because then, your woman would be heartbroken for the rest of her life so I'll just tell you that it will never happen." "They aren't all bad you know?" He said earning a glare from him. "One experience shouldn't make you judge all of them."

"So what? You're going to preach the Bible to me now? Did she also convert you into a reverend father?"

"You're unbelievable." Bryce rose up to his feet and straightened himself properly. "I'll be heading back home now. I don't want Hera to get worried."noveldrama

Max shook his head. "You sound like a married man already and I thought that you would die single. Anyways, tell her i said hello."

"Will do and quit drinking while you're at it." Bryce added, ignoring Max's middle finger before walking out the door. Today has been a very long day and he wanted nothing more than to be with his woman right no

w. Hopefully, things turn out for the better from here on out.

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