Big Decisions

Hera gently tapped on the keys to Bryce's laptop as she tried to figure out and navigate her way through the website. She had asked him for it and after trying to figure out what she needed it for countless times, he had given up and had no other choice but to give it to her. He had even suggested trying to help her with whatever she wanted to use it for but she only asked him to teach her how to use a search engine and after that, she didn't say anything more. She ended their conversation with saying that she would do it herself. Each time he walked in on her using it, she shut it down and discarded it completely covering all traces of whatever she was up to online. Somehow it bothered him. Was she trying to hide something away from him or was she planning not to let him figure it out at all. Well, since she wouldn't let him know what it is, he won't pry or force her to tell him even though it was eating at his curiosity.noveldrama

"Maybe she was texting Ben." He had thought to himself repeatedly but then again, they haven't heard from him for a while now and Hera had promised to keep her distance away from him. She doesn't lie so there's no way in hell she was texting that monster. Just as Hera logged into the website, she heard preceding footsteps and hid the laptop under her pillow. She knew it was Bryce. He was the only person who comes into her side of the bedroom.

The door gently pushed open and he stuck his face inside. "Can i come in?"

"Of course."

He opened the door fully and let himself inside. Hera noticed that he looked rather pale than usual and the usual smile and excitement that lit up in his eyes whenever he got back from work wasn't there anymore. "The business meeting didn't go well?" She asked when he took off his jacket and made to sit beside her on the bed. "Did something happen at work today?"

He looked at her briefly not knowing how to answer that. Lying was suddenly starting to look like a chore when it came to her but how on earth does he tell her what had happened today? He was already feeling bad as it is. "The meeting went well."

She touched his face affectionately. "Then why are you sad?"

"I had a very long day at work. Plus, I missed you so much as well." He leaned in to kiss her forehead but she knew that it was nothing but a ploy to stop her from asking more questions. He doesn't want to tell her what's going on. "Go on." She urged adamantly. "Tell me what happened Bryce."

He gave her request a little thought before deciding to spill. "I hurt someone today, deeply. Someone very important to me and now i feel bad and guilty about it. Although I've apologized but it doesn't make it any easier for me. It makes me feel like a shit-bad person." He quickly corrected himself. "It makes me feel like a bad person."

Well the half baked truth was better than a full blatant lie. He consoled himself with that. He wasn't able to tell her what exactly happened but at least he was able to tell something. There's no way he'd tell her about Nella.

That was his past and sometimes, the past is better left in the past before it ruins the present. He already had a good thing going on and he wasn't going to ruin it.

She placed her hands on his. "You've already admitted that you were wrong and apology is the first step to asking for forgiveness. Sometimes we falter and loose our way but when we realize that we were in the wrong and apologize sincerely, even God forgives us." "And since you've already apologized, they'll forgive you." She reassured him. "It might take a while but with time, they'll understand and come around."

Her innocence. She was just too innocent for this world. If only she knew that the real world isn't as perfect as she makes it seem. It was far from that. Here, people go as far as taking revenge on the people who hurt them. Apologies and forgiveness doesn't usually work especially when it involves humans. It's a rare trait that they still had to learn.

"I'll make you coffee to make you feel better. Be right back." She walked out of her room before he could get the chance to stop her. With a contented smile on his face, he laid down on her bed. His head came in contact with something strong as soon as it hit the pillow. Curious, he pulled it out to see and there it was lying there. His very own laptop. The urge to open it and figure out what she was hiding from him came to mind but he brushed it off. He contemplated on whether or not he should see for himself.

Maybe he would just take a quick peek and pretend like he didn't see anything.

Just like that, he opened it and scrolled through her search history.

"College applications?" He said out loud unconsciously and just then, the door pushed on and Hera walked open. Her eyes were almost bulging out of her sockets when she saw him holding the laptop. She quickly put down the cup of coffee and dived for the device but he held her down.

"You're trying to apply for colleges?"

"You weren't supposed to find out about it. I told you not to look. You never listen to me." She was upset. All efforts to keep the secret away from him had been ruined.

"You weren't planning on telling me about it? I could've helped you out."

"And that's why i didn't tell you." She said with a pout. "I struggled so hard to keep it away from you because i know that you would want to help and i don't want you to help. Well it doesn't matter anyways cause you've already figured it out." "You don't want me to? Why?" He asked but she didn't respond. "Talk to me Cara. Why hide this from me? You thought i wouldn't like it or "

"That's not the reason why i didn't tell you." She stated in a small voice.

"Then what's the reason?" He persisted. "I can't make sense of anything if you don't tell me Cara. I've been dying of curiosity all week because i couldn't figure why you needed my laptop. You know that I'll always support you in anything right?" Damn! He was a goner for this woman and it showed.

She inhaled deeply. "Well i always wanted to go back to school. That was the main reason i left the convent sol saved towards it and that's why i wanted to apply. With you handling Christina's expense, i couldn't bring myself to tell you anything. I was embarrassed and i thought to surprise you after i was done."

Bryce felt proud. Happiness was an understatement. He couldn't believe his ears and the fact that she was thinking about him whilst making her plans.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I'm sorry for snooping around even when you asked me not to. I should've waited for you to tell me when you were ready. It was very unethical on my part and I promise that i won't do it again, ever." "Thank you."

"But it still doesn't mean that i won't help you." He whispered softly. "I've told you before that you are more than just a friend to me."

Hera nodded at his words. She

wasn't asking for too much but it would be nice to hear him say it one day. She wanted to know just how important she was to him. She had told herself that she won't rush it. She knew that he wasn't ready to commit because of his past and she would never try to force him to.

She would be patient with him no matter what. Sister Martha had already told her that most people process emotions differently and might take a while for them to open up completely. "Are you okay with me helping you Cara?"

"Only if you promise that we do it together." She made him pinky swear. Bryce didn't think it was a thing until she made him do it over and over again. Now, he can't even refuse.

"If that's what you want then it's okay." He nodded in agreement but over his dead body would he let her do that. Hera was quite stubborn and arguing over an issue like this would only make her upset with him.

He had come to understand the little hellion's tactics so in summary, he knew when to pick his battles and when to leave them. This particular battle was not up for a debate. "Thank you Bryce."

He le

ans closer and kisses her forehead. With her right here with him, what more does he want?

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